Catalog entry in Assemani
- Book of Priests (East Syrian Rite)
- Order of presbyters (obligations and absolutions found for the presbyter in the office)
- Liturgy of the blessed apostles
- Liturgy of Theodore of Mopsuestia
- Liturgy of Nestorius
- Order of Baptism (composed by Isho'yahb of Adiabene)
- Order of the consecration of waters
- Order of the renewal of the dough
- Absolutions at the end of the mass recited at the door of the chancel (by 'Abdisho' bar Brīkā)
- Sanctifying polluted water
- Order of indulgences or absolutions, composed by Isho'yahb Catholicos
- Prayers for Dominical feasts
- Prayers for the dedication of a church by Abul-Azar
- Absolution at the end of the Mass
- Other absolutions at the door of the chancel, by Mar Gabriel
- History of martyrs
Manuscript Name:
Vat. sir. 303
Approximate Date:
1608 CE
Language Tag:
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