Works Cited
Modern Grammars
- Compendious Syriac Grammar. London: Williams & Norgate, 1904. ,
This is the standard Syriac grammar in any European language. One frequent complaint of users of Nöldeke’s Syriac grammar is that there is no index, but the PDF can be searched. The German original (2nd ed.) is also available:
- Kurzgefasste syrische Grammatik, 2nd ed. Leipzig: Chr. Herm. Tauchnitz, 1898. ,
Further, Nöldeke’s Mandäische Grammatik is useful for those interested in other Aramaic dialects, as is his grammar of the Neo-Aramaic of Urmia:
- Mandäische Grammatik. Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875. ,
- Grammatik der neusyrischen Sprache: Am Urmia-See und in Kurdistan. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel, 1868. ,
- Traite de grammaire syriaque. Paris: F. Vieweg, 1881. ,
This is the other great modern grammar of Syriac, after Nöldeke’s. It contains material which cannot be found in Nöldeke; it is especially useful for the extensive paradigms at the beginning.
- Syrische Grammatik mit Paradigmen, Litteratur, Chrestomathie und Glossar, 2nd ed. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1905. ,
This is also an important grammar, though only the second edition is in the public domain. (It was revised several more times.) Brockelmann has a nice Chrestomathy and useful paradigms, though one may prefer those of Duval. Goshen-Gottstein published a Syriac-English glossary, based on the texts of Brockelmann's Chrestomathy, which can be very useful if you are reading a text (e.g., the Life of Rabbula) found in the Chrestomathy.
- Grammaticae syriacae libri 3: Cum tribus tabulis varia scripturae aramaicae genera exhibentibus, 3 vol. Halle: Orphanotropheus, 1827. [All three volumes.] ,
- Grammaticae syriacae libri 3: Cum tribus tabulis varia scripturae aramaicae genera exhibentibus, Revised ed., vol. 1, 3 vol. Halle: Orphanotropheus, 1867. [Only vol. 1, revised.] ,
- Syriac Grammar with Bibliography, Chrestomathy, and Glossary, 2nd ed. Berlin: H. Reuther, 1889. ,
This edition was translated into English from Nestle's German original German grammar:
- Syrische Grammatik mit Litteratur, Chrestomathie und Glossar, Rev. Berlin; New York: H. Reuther, 1888. ,
Nestle’s bibliography is one of the quickest and easiest guides to early printed material in Syriac.
- Kitab al-manahegh seu Syntaxis et Rhetoricae Syrorum Institutiones. Rome: C. de Luigi, 1906. ,
- Syrische Grammatik, mit Übungsbuch. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1913. ,
- Clef de la langue araméenne: Ou, grammaire complète et pratique des deux dialectes syriaques, occidental et oriental. Mosul: Pères Dominicains, 1905. ,
Historical Grammars in Syriac
Turaṣ Mamlela Suryaya, oder, Syrische Grammatik des Mar Elias von Tirhan. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1880.
- A Treatise on Syriac Grammar by Mâr(i) Eliâ of Sôbhâ. Berlin: Peiser, 1887. ,
- Historia artis grammaticae apud Syros, cui accedunt Severi bar Sakku Dialogus de grammatica, Dionysii Thracis Grammatica syriace translata, Iacobi Edesseni Fragmenta grammatica cum tabula photolithographica, Eliae Tirhanensis . . . Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1889. ,
Buch der Strahlen: Die grössere Grammatik des Barhebräus; Übersetzung nach einem kritisch berichtigten Texte mit textkritischem Apparat und einem Anhang, zur Terminologie, vol. 1, 2 vol. Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1907.
, - Buch der Strahlen: Die grössere Grammatik des Barhebräus; Übersetzung nach einem kritisch berichtigten Texte mit textkritischem Apparat und einem Anhang, zur Terminologie, vol. 2, 2 vol. Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1907. ,
- Le livre des splendeurs: La grande grammaire de Grégoire Barhebraeus. Lund: Gleerup, 1922. ,