
Notes to readers

  • We intend to populate this list of hagiographical writings with more of the numerous saints' Lives that are available in digitized form on the internet. This list represents only a foundation based on the major collections, especially of martyr acts.
  • Abbreviations: BHO = Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis; ET = English translation; FT = French translation; GT = German translation; LT = Latin translation


Table of Contents



(NB: This latter three are not, strictly speaking, Syriac resources, but are, nevertheless, extremely important for the study of hagiography).


Collected Editions of Hagiographical Texts

(in alphabetical order by last name of editor or translator)








  1. Life of Habib
  2. Life of Z’ura
  3. Life of John the Nazirite
  4. Lives of Abraham and Maro
  5. Lives of Simeon and Sergius
  6. Life of Paul the Anchorite
  7. Life of Abraham the Recluse
  8. Life of Addai the chorepiscopus
  9. Life of Mare of Beth Urtaye
  10. Life of Simeon the Bishop
  11. Life of Harfat
  12. Lives of Mary and Euphemia
  13. Lives of Thomas and Stephen the notaries and syncelli of Mare of Amid
  14. Life of Abbi
  15. Lives of Two Monks
  16. Life of Simeon the Mountaineer
  17. Of a stranger who would not give his name
  18. Of a monk who left a convent without being released
  19. Life of Zacharias
  20. Of a monk from the same convent as Zacharias and about Sound Training
  21. Life of Thomas the Armenian
  22. Lives of Addai and Abraham
  23. Life of Simeon the Solitary
  24. Life of John of Thella
  25. Life of John of Hephaestopolis
  26. Life of Thomas of Damascus
  27. Life of Susan the Virgin
  28. Life of Mary the anchorite
  29. Life of Malkha the mendicant and stranger
  30. Life of Elijah of Dara
  31. Lives of Elijah and Theodore
  32. Of a monk who stole
  33. Life of Hala
  34. Life of Simeon the Scribe
  35. Of the Amidene convents
  36. Life of Mare the Solitary
  37. (missing)
  38. Life of Aaron
  39. Life of Leontius
  40. Life of Abraham the presbyter
  41. Lives of Bassian and Romanus
  42. Lives of Mar, Sergius, and Daniel
  43. Lives of four deacons
  44. Life of Tribunus
  45. Life of Isaac
  46. Life of Paul of Antioch
  47. Of the refugees in Constantinople
  48. Lives of five patriarchs
  49. Life of James
  50. Lives of James and Theodore
  51. Life of Kashish
  52. Lives of two Antiochenes
  53. Life of Priscus
  54. Life of Caesaria
  55. Lives of John and Sosiana
  56. Lives of Peter and Photius
  57. Life of Theodore the castrensis
  58. History of the Convent of John Urtaya
  59. Appendix: Spurious life of James
  60. Appendix: translation of the relics of James







  • J. - B. Chabot, Ed., Documenta ad origenes monophysitarum illustrandas. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1907. [Back to Top]

    • Table of Contents

      • I. Synodal Letter of Theodosius of Alexandria, the Patriarch, to Severus, Patriarch of Antioch (Syriac)
      • II. Synodal Letter of Severus to Theodosius (Syriac)
      • III. Letter of Theodosius of Alexandria against Tritheites (Syriac)
      • IV. Homily (attached to the prior letter) delivered in Constinople by the same Theodosius, on the right faith, that is, what is not permitted to profess on the number of essences, or natures, in the Trinity; and that one from the Trinity, the Divine Word was incarnate–not the Father, nor the Holy Spirit (Syriac)
      • V. Letter of Theodosius containing five ecclesiastical canons on the same argument (Syriac)
      • VI. A copy of signatures made by the priests dwelling in Constantinople who profess to adhere to the doctrine of Theodosius (Syriac)
      • VII. The Letter of Theodosius to Jacob Burd'oyo [Baradae], Qonon of Tarsus, Eugenius of Seleucia in Isauria, and other eastern bishops (Syriac)
      • VIII. Letter of Theodosius to the eastern bishops on the instution of Paul the Patriarch of Antioch in place of Sergius (Syriac)
      • IX. The letter written by the eastern bishops (Jacob, Eugenius, Eunomius) to Patriarch Theodosius (Syriac
      • X. Letter of Theodore, an eastern bishop, to Paul, the Patriarch of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XI. Letter of Patriarch Theodosius to the orthodox bishops of the east (Syriac)
      • XII. The synodal letter of Paul, the Patriarch of Antioch, to Theodosius the Patriarch of Alexandria (Syriac)
      • XIII. The synodal letter of Theodosius to Paul (Syriac)
      • XIV. Letter of many eastern archimandrites to Theodosius of Alexandria (Syriac)
      • XV. Letter of the eastern archimandrites to Paul of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XVI. The first Ἀνατολικόν of Theodosius of Alexandria to Paul of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XVII. The second Ἀνατολικόν of Theodosius of Alexandria to Paul of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XVIII. The third Ἀνατολικόν of Theodosius of Alexandria to Paul of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XIX. The letter of Theodosius to John, Leonidus, and Joseph, bishops of Egypt (Syriac)
      • XX. Letter of Theodosius to Theodore (Syriac)
      • XXI. Letter of Theodosius to the people of Alexandria (Syriac)
      • XXII. Letter of Aretas the Patrician to Jacob Burd'oyo [Baradae] (Syriac)
      • XXIII. Letter of Jacob Burd'oyo [Baradae] to Eunomius the bishop (Syriac)
      • XXIV. Letter of the orthodox bishops of Constantinople to the orthodox bishops, archimandrites, presbyters, deacons, subdeacons, readers and all the faithful people of the east (Syriac)
      • XXV. Copy of the συνδοκτικοῦ (or pact) made between Alexandria and the imperial city, between the orthodox bishops and the supporters of Qonon (Syriac)
      • XXVI. Second copy of the allocutions, or προσφωνήσεως of those living in Constantinople between the orthodox bishops and the supports of Qonon and Eugenius (Syriac)
      • XXVII. Copy of the anathemas against John Grammaticus (Philoponus) (Syriac)
      • XXVIII. First copy of the συνδοκτικοῦ from the eastern archimandrites made after the death of Patriarch Theodosius (Syriac)
      • XXIX. Letter of Bishops Jacob and Theodore to the orthodox monks (Syriac)
      • XXX. Second copy of the συνδοκτικοῦ made by the eastern archimandrites (Syriac)
      • XXXI. Letter of many of the eastern archimandrites to Bishop Jacob (Syriac)
      • XXXII. Response of Patriarch Paul to Bishops Jacob and Theodore (Syriac)
      • XXXIII. Response of Jacob and Theodore to Patriarch Paul (Syriac)
      • XXXIV. Letter of the eastern archimandrites to the orthodox bishops and clerics living in Constantinople (Syriac)
      • XXXV. Letter of Jacob to Qonon and Eugenius (Syriac)
      • XXXVI. Letter of Jacob to John of Ephesus and the other bishops of the east (Syriac)
      • XXXVII. Letter of the eastern orthodox bishops to the orthodox bishops living in Constantinople (Syriac)
      • XXXVIII. Letter by the orthodox bishops to the orthodox of various eparchies (Syriac)
      • XXXIX. Letter of the orthodox bishops to the clarics and people of Arabia (Syriac)
      • XL. Letter of the people of Arabia to the orthodox bishops and clerics (Syriac)
      • XLI. The solution to the objections (which John Claudus, fomerly archimandrite of the Mar Bassus monastery, proposed to John Saba) about the election of Paul the Patriarch of Antioch, drafted by Sergius the recluse (Syriac)
      • XLII. Synodal letter of Theodore the Patriarch of Alexandria to Paul, the Patriarch of Antioch (Syriac)
      • XLIII. Synodal letter of Paul of Antioch to Theodore of Alexandria (Syriac)
















(Linked here by permission of the author, who holds the copyright.)














Individual Saints' Lives

(in alphabetical order by name of saint)