- Daniel of Salaḥ, Commentary on the Psalter
- Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Treatise on the Psalms
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Commentary on the Beatitudes
- Nicene Creed
- John, Bishop of Tella, Commentary on the Trisagion
- Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Commentary on the Trisagion
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Commentary on the Our Father
- Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Commentary on the Nicene Creed
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Nomocanon (selections)
- Glorifications of our Lady
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Chronological calculations
Manuscript Name:
DIYR 00130
Approximate Date:
1400 CE
Language Tag:
Content Key Words other Genres: