Die pseudo-melitonische Apologie T. Ulbrich, “Die pseudo-melitonische Apologie”, Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen, vol. 6, pp. 67-148, 1906.Historic Authors: Pseudo-MelitoBardaiṣan
Bardaisan and the Odes of Solomon W. Romaine Newbold, “Bardaisan and the Odes of Solomon”, Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 161-204, 1911.Historic Authors: Bardaiṣan
Bardesanes and the Odes of Solomon M. Sprengling, “Bardesanes and the Odes of Solomon”, The American Journal of Theology, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 459-461, 1911.Historic Authors: Bardaiṣan
Die Petrusakten und ein bardesanitischer Dialog in der Aberkiosvita II T. K. J. Nissen, “Die Petrusakten und ein bardesanitischer Dialog in der Aberkiosvita II”, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, vol. 9, pp. 315-328, 1908.Historic Authors: Abercius of HierapolisBardaiṣan
Die Petrusakten und ein bardesanitischer Dialog in der Aberkiosvita I T. K. J. Nissen, “Die Petrusakten und ein bardesanitischer Dialog in der Aberkiosvita I”, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft , vol. 9, pp. 190-203, 1908.Historic Authors: BardaiṣanAbercius of Hierapolis
Coniunctiones Syrorum F. Nau, “Coniunctiones Syrorum”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 2, R. L. Graffin, Ed. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 611-658.Historic Authors: BardaiṣanGeorge, Bishop of the Arabs
Zur bardesanischen Gnosis. Literarkritische und dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchungen F. Haase, Zur bardesanischen Gnosis. Literarkritische und dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchungen, vol. 4. 1910.Historic Authors: Bardaiṣan
Bardesane l'astrologo E. Buonaiuti, “Bardesane l'astrologo”, Rivista storico-critica delle scienze teologiche, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 691-701, 1909.Historic Authors: Bardaiṣan
Une biographie inédite de Bardesane l'Astrologue F. Nau, Une biographie inédite de Bardesane l'Astrologue. Paris: Librarie Thorin & Fils, 1897.Historic Authors: Bardaiṣan
Select works of Porphyry; containing his four books on Abstinence from Animal Food; his treatise on the Homeric Cave of the Nymphs; and his Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Natures. Translated from the Greek by T. Taylor; with an appendix T. Taylor, Select works of Porphyry; containing his four books on Abstinence from Animal Food; his treatise on the Homeric Cave of the Nymphs; and his Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Natures. Translated from the Greek by T. Taylor; with an appendix. London: T. Rodd, 1823.Historic Authors: BardaiṣanPorphyry