Anaphora of St. James
- Liturgical Text (Garshuni)
- Readings (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's brother (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Short Anaphora of Peter, the Head of the Apostles (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, Sedrē, prooemia
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Short Anaphora of Simon, head of the Apostles
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Thomas, Bishop of Germanikeia
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of John bar Shushan
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Table of Contents
- Selections from Paul's Epistles; Prayers
- Small anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Simon, the Head of the Apostles
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Anaphora of Jacob of Sarug
- Anaphora of Jacob Burd'oyo
- Anaphora of Thomas of Germanikeia
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Anaphora of John bar Shushan
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Simon, the head of the Apostles
- Prayer for the new vessels offered by the faithful
- Service before the mass
- Prayer for the benediction of the bread
- Readings
- Anaphora of James, the brother of the Lord
- Shorter Anaphora of Simon Peter
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Proclus of Byzantium
- Anaphora of the Twelve Aposltes
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Epistles of Paul (Selections)
- Prayers
- Readings
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Small Anaphora of Simon-Peter
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Jacob Burd'oyo
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Dismissal Prayer
- Prayers
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's brother
- Anaphora of Simon-Peter, head of the apostles
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Xystus
- Anaphora of the Twelve
- Anaphora of Proclus of Byzantium
- Prefatory of the Mass
- Part of the Order of the Mass to be memorized by priests
- Readings from the Pauline Epistles
- Readings from the Gospels
- Prefatory of the Mass
- Prayers
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Lectionary (Syriac Rite, Western)
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of Simon, the head of the apostles
- Anaphora of Mushe bar Kepha
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's brother
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Patriarch John Aksnoyo
- Anaphora of Patriarch Eustathius
- Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Dismissal Prayers
- Prayers
- New Testament Lectionary (Syriac Rite, Western)
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of John Chrysostom
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of John Chrysostom
- Short Anaphora of James
- Our Lady's Vigil
- Anaphora of Jacob of Sarug
- Easter dates
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Dismissal Prayers; Gospel Readings
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Chants and Supplications
- Service before the Eucharist,
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of St. John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Peter, the head of the apostles
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of John of Ḥarran, Ḥabur and Nisibis
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor