Prayers (various)
- f. 13va-176vb Prayers for the days of the week
- Prayer for the altar when it is defiled by the unbelievers or pagans
- Service before the mass
- Readings from the Apostle Paul Epistles and the Gospel; Prooemia
- Small anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's brother
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Dismissal Prayer
- Prayers
- Collection of prayers with selections from biblical and liturgical texts
- Prayers, Prooemia, Sedrē
- Anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
- Selection from a Liturgical Text
- Readings from the Gospels, prooemia, Sedrē
- Anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
- Anaphora of John of Nisibis
- Anaphora of Ignatius of Antioch
- Anaphora of Jacob Burd'oyo
- Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Dismissal Prayers of Mor Jacob
- Anaphora (Syriac)
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi (Syriac)
- Anaphora of John (bishop of Haran Habura and Nisibis) (Syriac)
- Anaphora of St. John the Evangelist (Syriac)
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor (Syriac)
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch (Syriac)
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome (Syriac)
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome (Syriac; Prooemia and Sedrē)
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother (Garshuni, Syriac, Turkish)
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist (Garshuni, Syriac, Turkish)
- Prayers for a sick person (Garshuni)
- Anaphora (Syriac)
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of Peter, head of the Apostles (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of the Twelve Aposltes (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of John (bishop of Haran Habura and Nisibis) (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Prayers (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi (Syriac, Garshuni)
- Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles; Sedrē, prooemia (Garshuni, Syriac, Turkish)
- Short anaphora of James, the Lord's brother (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Abraham Naḥshirtana (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalībī (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Jacob of Ḥarran, Ḥabur and Nisibis (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, Sedrē, prooemia
- Anaphora of James, the Lord's Brother
- Short Anaphora of Simon, head of the Apostles
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Anaphora of Thomas, Bishop of Germanikeia
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of John bar Shushan
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Anaphora of Severus of Antioch (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Canticles and Quqlions (Garshuni, Syriac)
- Jacob of Sarug, Homily (Syriac)
- A chant (Syriac)
- Prayers (Syriac)
- Readings from the Pauline Epistles (Syriac)
- Canticle for Nativity (Garshuni, Syriac, Turkish)
- Canticle for the Presentation of Our Lord (Garshuni)
- Canticle for Palm Sunday (Garshuni)
- Liturgical chants (Syriac)
- Canticles for Great Friday (Garshuni, Syriac, Turkish)
- Liturgical proclamations (Syriac)