Tools of Research


Essential Reference Works

A. S. Atiya, ed., The Coptic Encyclopedia (New York, 1991). [Available here]

M. Breydy, Geschichte der syro-arabischen Literatur der Maroniten vom VII. bis XVI. Jahrhundert (Opladen, 1985).

R. Caspar and others, “Bibliographie du dialogue islamo-chrétien,” sections on Christian Arab literature:

  • A. T. Khoury and R. Caspar, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien (plan général, VIIe –Xe siècles)," Islamochristiana 1 (1975): 152-181 [28-45] (pt. 1, section 12).  
  • S. K. Samir, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien (2e partie: auteurs chrétiens arabes, XIe et XIIe siècles)," Islamochristiana 2 (1976) 201–242 [15-56] (pt. 2, section 22).
  • ———, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien: Elie de Nisibe (975–1046)," Islamochristiana 3 (1977) 257–286 [3-30] (pt. 3, section 22.4).
  • ———, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien (corrigenda et addenda des Auteurs arabes chrétiens des XIe et XIIe siècles)," Islamochristiana 5 (1979) 300–311 [2-13] (pt. 5, addenda et corrigenda).
  • ———, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien: Jirjī, moine de S. Simon en 1217," Islamochristiana 7 (1981) 299–307 (pt. 7, section 32.2).
  • ———, "Bibliographie du dialogue islamo–chrétien: L’œuvre apologétique d’al–Ṣāfī Ibn al–‘Assāl (1205–1265)," Islamochristiana 13 (1987) 173–180.

R. G. Coquin, “Langue et littérature arabes chrétiennes,” in M. Albert and others, eds., Christianismes orientaux: introduction à l’étude des langues et des littératures (Paris, 1993), 35-106.

G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, 5 vols. (Città del Vaticano: 1944-1953) [GCAL].

Graf’s GCAL is an indispensable catalogue of Christian Arabic literature. While it is a phenomenal achievement and the foundation of all future research, a significant limitation of Graf’s GCAL is that its coverage of the Sinai collection is quite deficient: Graf had to rely on two nineteenth-century checklists, with no access to the collection itself. Additionally, Graf had no knowledge of the Sinai New Finds, discovered in 1975, twenty years after his death.

Fr. Samir Khalil Samir’s updated Arabic translation of GCAL, vols. 2-4 is unpublished. The Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes (CEDRAC) had intended to publish it, according to a note that had formerly appeared on its website: “Avec la collaboration du MECC [Middle East Council of Churches] et de l'OIB [Orient-Institut Beirut], centre orientaliste allemand de Beyrouth, le CEDRAC est responsable d’un grand ouvrage en 15 volumes, intitulé: ‘Histoire du patrimoine arabe pré-ottoman des Chrétiens’ (en arabe). Le premier volume (350-400 pages) est en voie d’achèvement et devrait être remis pour publication en janvier 2005; il couvre les auteurs melkites de la période 750-970”; unfortunately, none of the volumes has been published.

Unpublished French translation of the section on the Nestorians: Jan Sanders, La littérature nestorienne, 1985 [typescript].

Updated Arabic translation of the section on the Copts: Aṯanāsiyūs al-Maqārī, Fihris kitābāt ābāʾ Kanīsat al-Iskandariyya: al-kitābāt al-ʿarabiyya, 2 vols. (Cairo, 2012) [table of contents].

Some updates to vol. 1 of Graf’s GCAL are available in Bulletin d’arabe chrétien 7 (1992); updates to vol. 4 have been published by Hubert Kaufhold, “Einige Ergänzungen zu Band 4 der ‘Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur’ von Georg Graf,” Oriens Christianus 80 (1996): 230-242; cf. Michel Breydy, “Georg Graf et sa Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur à l’occasion du quarantième anniversaire de sa mort,” Oriens Christianus 79 (1995): 175-180.

A short guide to Graf’s GCAL has been published: Meryle Gaston, “Guide to Graf’s Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur,” MELA Notes 69-70 (2000): 60-64. 

J. Nasrallah, Histoire du mouvement littéraire dans l’église melchite du Ve au XXe siècle, 3 vols. in 6 parts (Louvain, 1979-1989); vol. II.1 ed. R. Haddad (Damascus, 1996) [HMLÉM].

The most important survey of Christian Arabic literature since Graf. The lack of indices makes this work somewhat difficult to navigate.

Reviews: HMLÉM III.1: D. Bundy, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 80 (1985): 478-482; S. K. Samir, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 51.2 (1985): 460-468; HMLÉM III.2: S. K. Samir, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 48.1 (1982): 490-491; HMLÉM IV.1: S. K. Samir, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 46.1 (1980): 493-496.

D. Thomas and others, eds., Christian Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, 6 vols. to-date (Leiden, 2009-in progress) [CMR]. 

Indispensable. Entries on Christian Arabic literature are co-ordinated and in great part written by Mark Swanson.

Review of CMR 1: G. M. Kessel, Bogoslovskie Trudy 45 (2013): 477-481.

Bibliographies of Publications on Arabic Christianity

Bulletin d’arabe chrétien 1 (1976); 2 (1978); 3 (1979); 4 (1980); 5 (1981); 6 (1990); 7 (1992).

Bulletin d’arabe chrétien / Newsletter Christian Arabic Studies, H. Teule and L. van Rompay, eds., N.S. 3 (1999); 4-5 (2000-2001) [re-published in Parole de l’Orient 27 (2002): 337-359]; 6-7 (2002-2004).

G. M. Kessel and N. N. Seleznyov, “Bibliography of Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies in Russian, 2010-2012,” Hugoye 16.1 (2013): 134-155.

———, “Bibliography of Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies in Russian, 2013,” Hugoye 17.1 (2014): 132-140. 

———, “Bibliography of Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies in Russian, 2014,” Hugoye 18.1 (2015): 125-145.

———, “Bibliography of Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies in Russian, 2015,” Hugoye 19.1 (2016): 247-257. 

S. Minov and others, “A Bibliography on Christianity in Palestine/Eretz-Israel.”

M. P. Roncaglia, “Ausgewählte Bibliographie über den Christlichen Orient aus den libanesischen Druckereien (1980-1985),” Oriens Christianus 71 (1987): 201-207.

———, “Ausgewählte Bibliographie über den Christlichen Orient aus libanesischen Druckereien,” Oriens Christianus 80 (1996): 228-230.

———, “Ausgewählte Bibliographie über den Christlichen Orient aus libanesischen Druckereien (1986-1996),” Oriens Christianus 81 (1997): 207-212.

S. K. Samir, “Georg Graf (1875-1955), sa bibliographie et son rôle dans le renouveau des études arabes chrétiennes,” Oriens Christianus 84 (2000): 77-100.

M. N. Swanson, “Copto-Arabic Studies: Bibliography, 2004-2008” [PDF in private circulation, formerly accessible online; a draft PDF can be found here].

———, “Recent Developments in Copto-Arabic Studies (1996-2000),” in M. Immerzeel, J. van der Vliet, M. Kersten, and C. van Zoest, eds., Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millenium: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, August 27 - September 9, 2000 (Leuven, 2004), 239-267.

———, “Recent Developments in Copto-Arabic Studies (2000-2004),” in A. Boud'hors and D. Vaillancourt, eds., Huitième congrès international d’études coptes (Paris 2004): Bilans et perspectives 2000-2004 (Paris, 2006), 225-240.

H. G. B. Teule and V. Schepens, “Christian Arabic Bibliography, 1990-1995,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 57.1-2 (2005): 129-174.

———, “Christian Arabic Bibliography, 1996-2000,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 58.3-4 (2006): 265-299.

———, “Christian Arabic Bibliography, 2001-2005,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 62.3-4 (2010): 271-302.

———, “A Thematic Christian Arabic Bibliography, 2006-2010,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 66.3-4 (2014): 169-209.

A. Treiger, “Unified Bibliography on Christian Arabic” [unpublished; available on]. 

Listserv on Arabic Christianity

North American Society for Christian Arabic Studies (NASCAS) 

Reference Works on Greek and Syriac Patristics, Hagiography, Mysticism, and Islamic Studies

S. P. Brock and others, eds., Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, NJ, 2011).

J. M. Fiey, Saints syriaques, Lawrence I. Conrad, ed. (Princeton, 2004). [Arabic translation: al-Qiddisūn al-Suryān, Beirut: al-Maʿhad al-Almānī li-l-abḥāṯ al-šarqiyya, 2005.]

Encyclopaedia IranicaE. Yarshater, ed. (London, 1982-). [EIr; in progress; 16 vols. to-date.]

Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Ed., 13 vols. (Leiden, 1960-2009). [EI2]

Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, (Leiden, 2007-). [EI3]

M. Geerard and J. Noret, Clavis Patrum Graecorum, 7 vols. (Turnhout, 1974-2003). [CPG]

F. Halkin, Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca, 3 vols. (Brussels, 1957). [BHG]

———, Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca: Auctarium (Brussels, 1969).

———, Novum auctarium Bibliothecae hagiographicae graecae (Brussels, 1984).

G. Kessel and K. Pinggéra, A Bibliography of Syriac Ascetic and Mystical Literature (Leuven, 2011).

P. Peeters, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis (Brussels, 1910; reprint, 1970). [BHO].

Paleography, Codicology, and Illustrated Albums

A. Bausi and others, eds., Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: An Introduction (Hamburg, 2015).

F. Déroche, Islamic Codicology: An Introduction to the Study of Manuscripts in Arabic Script. Translated by Deke Dusinberre and David Radzinowicz (London, 2006). [English translation of F. Déroche, Manuel de codicologie des manuscrits en écriture arabe (Paris, 2000).]

A. Gacek, Arabic Manuscripts: A Vademecum for Readers (Leiden, 2012).

A. S. Lewis and M. D. Gibson, Forty-One Facsimiles of Dated Christian Arabic Manuscripts with Text and English Translation (Cambridge, 1907).

Y. E. Meïmárēs, Katálogos tōn néōn arabikṓn kheirográphōn tēs hierás monḗs hagías Aikaterínēs tou órous Siná (Athens, 1985).

Review: S. K. Samir, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 52.1 (1986): 441-444.

T. Pataridze, “Les signatures des cahiers unilingues et bilingues dans les manuscrits sinaïtiques (géorgiens, arabes et syriaques),” Manuscripta Orientalia 18.1 (2012): 15-35.

E. Tisserant, Specimina codicum orientalium (Bonn, 1914).

Numbering Systems, Dates, and Colophons in Christian Arabic Manuscripts

S. A. el-S. Abd el-Nour, “Epact Numerals,” in D. W. Johnson and T. Orlandi, eds., Acts of the Fifth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Washington, 12-15 August 1992), 2 vols. in 3 parts (Rome, 1993), v. 2, 13-21.

F. Briquel-Chatonnet, “Le temps du copiste: Notations chronologiques dans les colophons de manuscrits syriaques,” in F. Briquel-Chatonnet and H. Lozachmeur, eds., Proche-Orient ancien: temps vécu, temps pensé (Paris, 1998), 197-210.

S. A. Frantsouzoff, “Les chiffres coptes dans les manuscrits arabes, chrétiens et musulmans,” Parole de l’Orient 39 (2014): 259-273.

N. al-Ǧumayyil, al-Nussāḫ al-mawārina wa-mansūḫātuhum, 5 vols. (Jounieh, 1997-2004).

H. Kaufhold, “Zur Datierung nach christlicher Ära in den syrischen Kirchen,” in G. Kiraz, ed., Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone: Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock (Piscataway, 2008) 283-337.

M. Kawatoko, “On the Use of Coptic Numerals in Egypt in the 16th Century,” Orient 28 (1992): 58-74.

H. Messiha and A. Boud’hors, “Les chiffres coptes,” Le Monde Copte 24 (1994): 25-28.

J. P. Monferrer-Sala, "Dos tablas inéditas con alfabeto copto y cifras coptas cursivas insertas en un códice del s. XIII del Monasterio de Santa Catalina," Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 12 (2015): 279-286. 

D. A. Morozov, “Aleksandrijskaja èra v Ierusalime IX v.: K datirovke Porfirjevskoj Psaltiri” [The Alexandrian Era in Jerusalem in the Ninth Century and the Date of Porfirij Uspenskij’s Psalter], Monfokon 1 (2007): 89-93.

———, “Aleksandrijsaja èra v lavre sv. Savvy Osviash’ennogo” [The Alexandrian Era at Mar Saba], Kapterevskie chtenija 11 (2013): 69-71.

———, “K datirovke drevnejshej arabskoj rukopisi Evangelija” [On the Dating of the Earliest Arabic Gospel Manuscript], in Kapterevskie Chtenija: Sbornik statej, 6 (Moscow, 2008), 19-23.

———, “Tsifrovye sistemy v arabo-khristianskikh i grecheskikh rukopisiakh IX-XVIIIvv” [Numbering systems in Arab Christian and Greek manuscripts of the 9th-18th cc.], in Paleografija i kodikologija: 300 let posle Monfokona. Moscow, 2008), 111-18.

S. K. Samir, “L’ère de l’Incarnation dans les manuscrits arabes melkites du 11e au 14e siècle,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 53 (1987): 193-201.

M. N. Swanson, “Some Considerations for the Dating of Fī taṯlīṯ Allāh al-wāḥid (Sinai Ar. 154) and Al-Ǧāmiʿ wuǧūh al-īmān (London, British Library or. 4950),” Parole de l’Orient 18 (1993): 117-141.

G. Troupeau, “À propos des chiffres utilisés pour le foliotage des manuscrits arabes,” Arabica 21.1 (1974): 84.

———, “Les colophons des manuscrits arabes chrétiens,” in F. Déroche and F. Richard, eds., Scribes et manuscrits du Moyen-Orient (Paris, 1997), 223-231.

Chronology and Prosopography

Athanasius III Dabbās, Patriarch of Antioch, “Istoria patriarhilor de Antiohia de Atanasie Dabbas, text grecesc publicat și tradus,” trans. Vasile Radu and Ciril Karalevsky, Biserica Ortodoxă Română 48 (1930): 851-864, 961-972, 1039-1050, 1136-1150; 49 (1931): 15-32, 140-160.

L. Cheikho, “Les archévêques du Sinaï,” Mélanges de la Faculté Orientale, Université Saint-Joseph 2 (1907): 408-421.

Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. Alfred Baudrillart and others (Paris, 1912-). [in progress, 31 vols. to-date, v. 12 available online]

G. Fedalto, Hierarchia ecclesiastica orientalis: series episcoporum ecclesiarum christianarum orientalium, 3 vols. (Padua, 1988-2006).

———, “Liste vescovili del patriarcato di Gerusalemme. I. Gerusalemme e Palestina prima. II. Palestina secunda e Palestina terza,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 49 (1983): 5-41 and 261-382.

J.-M. Fiey, Pour un Oriens Christianus Novus: Répertoire des dioceses syriaques orientaux et occidentaux (Beirut, 1993).

V. Grumel, “Le patriarcat et les patriarches d’Antioche sous la seconde domination byzantine (969-1084),” Échos d’Orient 33 (1934): 129-147.

———, La chronologie (Paris, 1958). [A fundamental study with chronological tables]

M. LeQuien, Oriens christianus, in quatuor patriarchatus digestus quo exhibentur ecclesiae, patriarchae, caeterique praesules totius Orientis, 3 vols. (Paris, 1740).

A. Marinescu, “The Hierarchs’ Catalogue of Monastery St. Catherine in Mount Sinai,” Études byzantines et postbyzantines 4 (2001): 267-289. 

———, Mânăstirea Sf. Ecaterina de la Muntele Sinai și legăturile ei cu Țările Române: Perspectivă istorico-patristică (Bucharest, 2009). [Includes an important appendix on the bishops of Sinai]

J. Nasrallah, “Chronologie des patriarches melchites d’Antioche de 1250 à 1500,” Proche-Orient chrétien 17 (1967): 192-229; published as a separate brochure: Jerusalem, 1968.

———, “Chronologie des patriarches melchites d’Antioche de 1500 à 1634,” Extract from Proche-Orient chrétien 1956-1957, published as a separate brochure: 1959.

S. K. Samir, “Archévêques du Sinaï au 13e siècle,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 52 (1986): 361-377.

M. N. Swanson, The Coptic Papacy in Islamic Egypt (641-1517) (Popes of Egypt 2) (Cairo, 2010).

C.-M. Walbiner, “Bishops and Metropolitans of the Antiochian Patriarchate in the 17th century: Their Relations to the Muslim Authorities, Their Activities and Their Ethnic Background,” ARAM 10:1-2 (1998): 577-587.

———, “Die Bischofs- und Metropolitensitze des griechisch-orthodoxen Patriarchats von Antiochia von 1665 bis 1724 nach einigen zeitgenössischen Quellen,” Oriens Christianus 88 (2004): 36-92.

Historical Geography

Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, A. Baudrillart and others, ed. (Paris, 1912-). [in progress, 31 vols. to-date. Vol. 12 available online.]

J.-M. Fiey, Assyrie chrétienne: Contribution à l’étude de l’histoire et de la géographie ecclésiastiques et monastiques du nord de l’Iraq, 3 vols. (Beirut, 1965-1968).

———, Mossoul chrétienne: Essai sur l’histoire, l’archéologie et l’état actuel des monuments chrétiens de la ville de Mossoul (Beirut, 1959). [Arabic translation: al-Āṯār al-masīḥiyya fī l-Mawṣil: baḥṯ fī tārīḫ al-mabānī al-masīḥiyya wa-fī qidamihā wa-waḍʿihā al-ḥālī, N. Qāqū, trans., A. Abūnā, ed. (Baghdad, 2000).]

J. Nasrallah, “Damas et la Damascène: leurs églises à l’époque byzantine,” Proche-Orient Chrétien 35 (1985): 37-58, 264-276.

D. Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Corpus, 4 vols. (Cambridge, 1993-2009).

R. Schick, The Christian Communities in Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: A Historical and Archaeological Study (Princeton, 1995).

M. Sharon, Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae (Leiden, 1997- ) [in progress; 5 vols. to-date].

S. Timm, Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit: Eine Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit, unter Ausschluss von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa-Mena-Klosters (Dēr Abū Mina), der Skētis (Wādi n-Naṭrūn) und der Sinai-Region, 7 vols. (Wiesbaden, 1984-2007).

K.-P. Todt and B.-A. Vest, Syria (Syria Prōtē, Syria Deutera, Syria Euphratēsia) (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 15), 3 vols. (Vienna, 2015).

G. Troupeau, “Les couvents chrétiens dans la littérature arabe,” La Nouvelle Revue du Caire 1 (1975): 265-279 [reprint: Gérard Troupeau, Études sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Âge (Aldershot, 1995) Essay XX].

———, “Un ancient guide arabe des lieux saints,” Parole de l’Orient 21 (1996): 47-56.

———, “Les églises et les monastères de Syrie dans l’œuvre d’Abū al-Makārim,” Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 58 (2005): 573-586.


J. Blau, A Grammar of Christian Arabic, Based Mainly on South-Palestinian Texts from the First Millennium, 3 vols. (CSCO 267, 276, 279 / Subsidia 27-29) (Louvain, 1966-1967).

The main title “A Grammar of Christian Arabic” is somewhat misleading. It is incorrect to see Blau’s Grammar as descriptive (or even worse – prescriptive) of all Christian Arabic. Numerous Christian Arabic texts, particularly from the tenth century on, are written in a literary register indistinguishable from the Muslim Arabic of the same period; some Christian Arabic texts deliberately employ sophisticated grammatical constructions, complex vocabulary, and elevated literary style, e.g. rhymed prose (saǧʿ).

———, “A Melkite Arabic Literary lingua franca from the Second Half of the First Millennium,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 57.1 (1994): 14-16.

———, “Are ‘Judaeo-Arabic’ and ‘Christian Arabic’ Misnomers Indeed?” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 24 (2000): 49-57.

———, A Handbook of Early Middle Arabic (Jerusalem, 2002).

Includes an edition of the Arabic Psalm fragment in Greek transcription and excerpts from several early Melkite texts: The Summa Theologiae Arabica, Peter of Bayt Raʾs’s Kitab al-Burhān, and an Arabic translation of Daniel (pp. 68-96); an edition of a Christian Arabic text in Coptic characters (pp. 155-167).

G. Graf, Der Sprachgebrauch der ältesten christlich-arabischen Literatur: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Vulgär-Arabisch (Leipzig, 1905).

J. Lentin, “Recherches sur l’histoire de la langue arabe au Proche-Orient à l’époque moderne,” Thèse pour le Doctorat d’État ès-lettres, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III, 1997.

J. Lentin and J. G.’Henry, eds., Moyen arabe et variétés mixtes de l’arabe à travers l’histoire: Actes du Premier Colloque International (Louvain-la-Neuve, 10-14 mai 2004) (Leuven, 2008).

S. K. Samir, “La tradition arabe chrétienne: État de la question, problèmes et besoins,” in S. K. Samir, ed., Actes du premier congrès international d’études arabes chrétiennes (Goslar, septembre 1980) (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 218), (Rome, 1982), 19-120.

L. Zack and A. Schippers, eds., Middle Arabic and Mixed Arabic: Diachrony and Synchrony (Leiden, 2012).


G. Graf, Verzeichnis arabischer kirchlicher Termini (CSCO 147 / Subsidia 8) (Louvain, 1954). [An indispensable lexicon of Christian Arabic terminology]

R. Haddad, La Trinité divine chez les théologiens arabes, 750-1050 (Paris, 1985).

H. Kilpatrick, “‘Exotic’ Christianity as a Translation Problem,” in G. F. Parrilla and M. C. F. García, eds., Orientalismo, exotismo y traducción (Cuenca, 2000), 217-227. [On the difficulties European translators of modern Arabic literature have in rendering correctly terms and realities of Arabic Christianity]

M. Mikulicova, “Arabic Theological Terminology in Two Creed Explanations by Sāwīrus Bishop of Ashmūnayn,” Parole de l’Orient 39 (2014): 155-179.

J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Notas lexicográficas sobre textos árabes extraislámicos,” Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí 9 (2005): 73-92. [esp. pp. 79-85: “Notas para un ‘léxico árabe cristiano’”]

G. Troupeau, “Le vocabulaire arabe chrétien dans le Kitāb al-Mukhaṣṣaṣ d’Ibn Sīdah,” Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik 25 (1993): 289-301 [reprint: G. Troupeau, Études sur le christianisme arabe au Moyen Âge (Aldershot, 1995), Essay XXII].

A Chrestomathy of Christian Arabic Texts

P. Kawerau, Christlich-arabische Chrestomathie aus historischen Schriftstellern des Mittelalters, 2 vols. in 3 (CSCO 370, 374, 385 / Subsidia 46, 50, 53) (Louvain, 1976-1977).


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