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I. H. Hall, The Letter of Holy Sunday, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 15, pp. 121-137, 1857.
J. P. Migne, Ed., Recognitiones, in S. Clementis I, Pontificus Romani, Opera Omnia, vol. 1, Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1857, pp. cols. 1157-1474.
J. P. Migne, Ed., S. Alexandri episcopi Alexandrini Epistolæ de Ariana hæresi deque Arii depositione, in Patrologiæ cursus completus, vol. 4, Paris: Apud Garnier Fratres, 1857, pp. 548-613.
J. P. Migne, Samuelis Aniensis temporum usque ad suam aetatem ratio, in Patrologiae cursus completus, series Graeca, Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1857, pp. 600-742.
J. P. Migne, S.P.N. Basilii, Caesare Cappadociae Archiepiscopi, opera omnia quae exstant, vol. 4. Paris: Apud Garnier Fratres, 1857.
J. P. Migne, S.P.N. Basilii, Caesare Cappadociae Archiepiscopi, opera omnia quae exstant, vol. 1. Paris: Apud Garnier Fratres, 1857.
W. Cureton, Bardaisan - The Book of the Laws of Countries, in Spicilegium syriacum, containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion, London: Rivingtons, 1855.
E. Walford, Ed., The ecclesiastical history of Sozomen: comprising a history of the church from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440. London: Bohn , 1855.
W. Cureton, The Epistle of Mara, son of Serapion, in Spicilegium syriacum, containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion, London: Rivingtons, 1855, pp. 70-76.
I. H. Hall, The Extremity of the Romans and Praise Before the Holy Mysteries, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 13, pp. 34-48, 1855.
D. T. Stoddard, Grammar of the modern Syriac language: as spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan. New Haven: [Publisher unidentified], 1855.
W. Cureton, An Oration of Meliton the Philosopher, in Spicilegium syriacum, containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion, London: Rivingtons, 1855, pp. 41–51.
E. Renan, S. Melitonis Sardensis Episcopi Fragmenta quae supersunt Omnia Graece et syriace, in Spicilegium solesmense, complectens Sanctorum Patrum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum anecdota hactenus opera, selecta e graecis orientalibusque et latinis codicibus, vol. 2, J. B. Pitra, Ed. Paris: F. Didot fratres, 1855, p. XXXVII-LVI.
A. Dillmann, Das christliche Adambuch des Morgenlandes. Göttingen: Dieterich, 1853.
E. Walford and de Valois, H., The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, surnamed Scholasticus or the Advocate comprising a History of the Church, in Seven Books. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1853.
C. von Tischendorf, Ed., Evangelia Apocrypha, 2 vol. Leipzig: Avenarius and Mendelssohn, 1853.
G. H. Bernstein, Das Heilige Evangelium des Iohannes : Syrisch en harklensischer Uebversetzung mit vocalen und den puncten Kuschoi und Rucoch nach einer vaticanischen Handschrift. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1853.
J. Alsleben, Das Leben des heiligen Ephraem, des Syrers, als Einleitung zu einer deutschen und syrischen Ausgabe der Werke Ehpraem's. Berlin: E. Mai, 1853.
Officium Feriale juxta Ritum Ecclesiae Syrorum: S.Congreg. de Propaganda Fide jussu editum. Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1853.
H. Burgess, The Repentance of Nineveh: A Metrical Homily on the Mission of Jonah by Ephrem Syrus. Berlin: Asher & Co., 1853.
H. Burgess, Select Metrical Hymns and Homilies of Ephrem Syrus. Berlin: Asher & Co., 1853.
A. Geiger, Syrisches, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 17, pp. 725-729, 1853.
W. Cureton, The Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1853.
Ueber einige Stellen in den syrischen Akten Simeons des Styliten, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 7, p. 233, 1853.
C. von Tischendorf, Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. Leipzig: Avenarius and Mendelssohn, 1851.
A. Paggi and Lasinio, F., Inni funebri de S. Efrem Siro tradotti dal testo siriaco. Firenze: [Publisher unidentified], 1851.
