
Export 4440 results:
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J. J. Collins, Cross, F. M., and Collins, A. Y., Daniel: a commentary on the book of Daniel. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.
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J. Vellian, Crown, Veil, Cross: Marriage Rites. Kottayam: Jyothi Book House, 1990.
R. Bertolino, La cronologia di Hatra: Interazione di archeologia e di epigrafia. Naples: Istituto universitario orientale, 1995.
C. Arthur Hawley, A critical examination of the Peshitta version of the Book of Ezra. New York: Columbia University Press, 1922.
E. Honigmann, Le couvent de Barsauma et le patriarcat jacobite. Louvain: Secretariat du Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 1954.
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