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S. P. Brock, 'Blessed is the Old Age Which Has Grown Old with Good Deeds': A Neglected Poem Attributed to St Ephrem, The Harp, vol. 24, pp. 7–21, 2009.
S. P. Brock, Sughyotho mgabyotho. Losser: St. Ephrem Kloster, 1982.
S. P. Brock, Two Editions of a New Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 48/49 (2005/6) , pp. 7–18, 2008.
S. P. Brock, Changing Fashions in Syriac Translation Technique: The Background to Syriac Translations Under the Abbasids, Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies, vol. 4, pp. 3–14, 2004.
S. P. Brock, Aspects of Translation Technique in Antiquity, Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies, vol. 20, pp. 69–87, 1979.
S. P. Brock, Locusts and Camels, Ararat, vol. 28, pp. 42–44, 1966.
S. P. Brock, Eleazar, Shmuni and Her Seven Sons in Syriac Tradition, in La mémoire des persécutions: autour des livres de Maccabées, M. - F. Baslez and Munnich, O., Eds. Louvain/Paris: Peeters, 2014, pp. 329–336.
S. P. Brock, The Gates/Bars of Sheol Revisited, in Sayings of Jesus: Canonical and Non-canonical. Essays in Honour of T.Baarda , W. L. Petersen, Vos, J. S., and de Jonge, H. J., Eds. Leiden: Brill, 1997, pp. 7–24.
S. P. Brock, The Two Ways and the Palestinian Targum, in A Tribute to Geza Vermes, P. R. Davies and White, R. T., Eds. London: Sheffield Academic Press, 1990, pp. 139–152.
S. P. Brock, Studies in the Early History of the Syrian Orthodox Baptismal Liturgy, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 23, pp. 16-64, 1972.
S. P. Brock, The Syriac Commentary Tradition, in Glosses and commentaries on Aristotelian logical texts : the Syriac, Arabic and medieval Latin traditions, C. S. F. Burnett, Ed. London: Warburg Institute, University of London, 1993, pp. 3-18.
S. P. Brock, A West Syriac Life of Mar Shabbay (Bar Shabba), Bishop of Merv, in Bibel, Byzanz und christlicher Orient: Festschrift für Stephen Gerö zum 65. Geburtstag , D. Bumazhov, Grypeou, E., Sailors, T. B., and Toepel, A., Eds. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2011, pp. 259–279.
S. P. Brock, A Fragment of the Harklean Version of St Matthew’s Gospel in the Monastery of Mar Musa, Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, vol. 3, pp. 337–342, 2006.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Dialogue Poems: Marginalia to a Recent Edition, Le Muséon, vol. 97, pp. 29–58, 1984.
S. P. Brock, An Occidental View of the Bible, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 41, pp. 406–412, 1973.
S. P. Brock, The Genealogy of the Virgin Mary in Sinai Syr. 16, Scrinium, vol. 2, pp. 58–71, 2006.
S. P. Brock, Invocations to/for the Holy Spirit in Syriac Liturgical Texts: Some Comparative Approaches, in Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), R. F. Taft and Winkler, G., Eds. Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2001, pp. 377–406.
S. P. Brock, The Rebuilding of the Temple Under Julian: A New Source, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, pp. 103–107, 1976.
S. P. Brock, The Martyrdom of Crescus (Crescens) of Myra, Analecta Bollandiana, vol. 135, no. 1, pp. 5–22, 2017.
S. P. Brock, An Early Syriac Commentary on the Liturgy, The Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 37, pp. 387–403, 1986.
S. P. Brock, Manuscripts Copied in Edessa, in Orientalia Christiana: Festschrift für Hubert Kaufhold, P. Bruns and Luthe, H. O., Eds. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013, pp. 109–127.
S. P. Brock, St Theodore of Canterbury, the Canterbury School and the Christian East, Heythrop Journal , vol. 36, pp. 431–438, 1995.
S. P. Brock, Translating the Old Testament, in It is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture: Essays in Honour of Barnabas Lindars, D. A. Carson and Williamson, H. G. M., Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 87–98.
S. P. Brock, The harp of the spirit: 18 poems of Saint Ephrem, 2nd ed. London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1983.
S. P. Brock, A Syriac Life of John of Dailam, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 10, pp. 123-189, 1982.
S. P. Brock, Regulations for an Association of Artisans from the Late Sasanian or Early Arab Period, in Transformations of Late Antiquity: Essays for Peter Brown, P. Rousseau and Papoutsakis, M., Eds. Ashgate: Routledge, 2009, pp. 51–62.
S. P. Brock, Etch Miadzin: Describing the Ineffable in the Teaching of St. Gregory the Illuminator and in the Syriac Tradition, St Nersess Theological Review , vol. 9, pp. 47–54, 2004.
S. P. Brock, Notes on Some Monasteries on Mount Izla, Abr Nahrain , vol. 19, pp. 1–19, 1980.
S. P. Brock and Diringer, D., Words and Meanings in Early Hebrew Inscriptions, in Words and Meanings, P. R. Ackroyd and Lindars, B., Eds. Cambridge, 1968, pp. 39–45.
S. P. Brock, A Half Century of Syriac Studies, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, vol. 40, pp. 38–48, 2016.
S. P. Brock, A Syriac Dispute Poem: The River Pishon and the River Jordan, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 23, pp. 3–12, 1998.
S. P. Brock, A Dialogue Between Joseph and Mary from the Christian Orient, Logos, A Welsh Journal of Theology, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 4–11, 1992.
S. P. Brock, A Palestinian Targum Feature in Syriac, Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 46, pp. 271–282, 1995.
S. P. Brock, Dramatic Dialogue Poems, in Symposium Syriacum, vol. 4, H. J. W. Drijvers, Ed. Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, 1984, pp. 135-147.
S. P. Brock, The Christology of the Church of the East, in Traditions and Heritage of the Christian East, A. V. Muraviev and Afinogenov, D., Eds. Moscow: Izd-vo "Indrik", 1996.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Sources for Seventh-Century History, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, vol. 2, pp. 17-36, 1976.
S. P. Brock, A Syriac Intermediary to the Arabic Theology of Aristotle? In Search of a Chimera, in The Libraries of the Neoplatonists, C. D’Ancona, Ed. Leiden: Brill, 2007, pp. 293–306.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Dialogue: An Example from the Past, Harp, vol. 15, pp. 305–318, 2002.
S. P. Brock, Greek into Syriac and Syriac into Greek, Journal of the Syriac Academy, vol. 3, pp. 406–422, 1977.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Bible. 2000.
S. P. Brock, Sant’ Efrem e il suo “mare di simboli”, in Simbolo cristiano e linguaggio umano, M. G. Muzj, Ed. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2013, pp. 91–106.
S. P. Brock, Prayer for the Sanctification of Icons, pp.86-94 in C. Chaillot, Some Comments on the Pray of Consecration of Icons in the Syriac Tradition, The Harp, vol. 8, pp. 67–94, 1995.
S. P. Brock, The St Ephrem Ecumenical Research Centre in Kerala (India), Sobornost/Eastern Churches Review, vol. 11, no. 1/2, pp. 82–85, 1989.
S. P. Brock, Without Mushe of Nisibis, Where Would we Be? Some Reflections on the Transmission of Syriac Literature, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, vol. 56, pp. 15-24, 2004.
S. P. Brock, Eusebius and Syriac Christianity, in Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism, H. W. Attridge and Hata, G., Eds. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992, pp. 212–234.
S. P. Brock, Some Reflections on Sources for Theologizing in the Malankara Catholic Church, in From Streams to Source: Essays on the Foundation of Malankara Theology: Festschrift in Honour of Dr John Berchmans OIC, M. Kadavil, Puthuparampil, J., and Kallunkal, G. T., Eds. Pune: BVP Publications, 2010, pp. 37–45.
S. P. Brock, The Syriac Orient: A Third ‘Lung’ for the Church?, Orientalia Christiana Periodica , vol. 71, pp. 5–20, 2005.
S. P. Brock, Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition, in Typus Symbol Allegorie bei den östlichen Vätern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, M. Schmidt, Ed. Regensburg: Pustet, 1982, pp. 11–40.
S. P. Brock, Rabban Sauma a Constantinople (1287), in Memorial Mgr G.Khouri-Sarkis, Louvain: Imprimerie orientaliste, 1969, pp. 245–253.
S. P. Brock, The Guidance of St Ephrem: A Vision to Live By, in The Practice of the Presence of God: Theology as a Way of Life, M. Laird and S. Hidden, T., Eds. London: Martino Fine Books, 2017, pp. 109–119.
