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S. P. Brock, Two Millennia of Syriac Literature, [in Syriac and Turkish Translations] , in Heto, Orebro, 2000.
S. P. Brock, The Spirituality of the Heart in Syriac Tradition, The Harp, vol. 1, no. 2/3, pp. 93–115, 1988.
S. P. Brock, The Monastery of Mor Gabriel: A Historical Overview and its Wider Significance Today, in The Slow Disappearance of the Syriacs from Turkey and of the Grounds of the Mor Gabriel Monastery, P. H. Omtzigt, Tozman, M. K., and Tyndall, A., Eds. Münster: LIT, 2012, pp. 181–199.
S. P. Brock, Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition, in Typus Symbol Allegorie bei den östlichen Vätern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, M. Schmidt, Ed. Regensburg: Pustet, 1982, pp. 11–40.
S. P. Brock, Some Prominent Themes in the Writings of the Syrian Mystics of the 7th and 8th Century AD, in Gotteserlebnis und Gotteslehre: Christliche und islamische Mystik im Orient, M. Tamcke, Ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010, pp. 49–59.
S. P. Brock, Rabban Sauma a Constantinople (1287), in Memorial Mgr G.Khouri-Sarkis, Louvain: Imprimerie orientaliste, 1969, pp. 245–253.
S. P. Brock, The Catholic Church and Dialogue with the Syriac Churches, One in Christ, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 34–38, 2005.
S. P. Brock, The Changing Faces of St. Ephrem as Read in the West, in Abba: the tradition of Orthodoxy in the West: festschrift for Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia, K. Ware, Behr, J., Louth, A., and Conomos, D. E., Eds. Crestwood: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003, pp. 65–80.
S. P. Brock, The Peshitta Old Testament Between Judaism and Christianity, Cristianesimo nella Storia, vol. 19, pp. 483–502, 1988.
S. P. Brock, Two Letters of the Patriarch Timothy from the Late Eighth Century on Translation from Greek, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 9, pp. 233–246, 1999.
S. P. Brock, A Palimpsest folio of Matt.20:23-31 (Peshitta) in Sinai Ar. 514 (`Codex Arabicus'), Orientalia, vol. 61, pp. 102–105, 1992.
S. P. Brock, Four Excerpts from Isaac of Nineveh in Codex Syriacus Secundus, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 41, pp. 101–114, 2015.
S. P. Brock, Greek into Syriac and Syriac into Greek, Journal of the Syriac Academy, vol. 3, pp. 406–422, 1977.
S. P. Brock, The Ancient of Days: The Father or the Son?, The Harp, vol. 22, pp. 121–130, 2007.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Bible. 2000.
S. P. Brock, Abraham and the Ravens: A Syriac Counterpart to Jubilees 11-12 and its Implications, Journal for the Study of Judaism, vol. 9, pp. 135–152, 1978.
S. P. Brock, Les versions syriaques de l’Ancien Testament: quelques approches récentes, in L’Ancien Testament en syriaque, B. F. Chatonnet and Le Moigne, P., Eds. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 2008.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Inscriptions: A Preliminary Check List of European Publications, in Studies in Syriac christianity: history, literature and theology, Aldershot: Variorum, 1992, pp. 255-271.
S. P. Brock, A Neglected Witness to the East Syriac New Testament Commentary Tradition, Sinai Arabic ms 151, in Studies on the Christian Arabic Heritage, R. Ebied and Teule, H., Eds. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2004, pp. 205–215.
S. P. Brock, Bride of Light: Hymns on Mary from the Syriac Churches, Revised. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2010.
S. P. Brock, A Syriac Collection of Prophecies of the Pagan Philosophers, Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica, vol. 14, pp. 203-246, 1983.
S. P. Brock, "The Daughter of Ma`nyo": a Holy Woman of Arbela, in Annales du Département des Lettres Arabes, vol. 6B, Philadelphia: Universite Saint-Joseph, 1996, pp. 121–128.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Culture in the Seventh Century, Aram, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 268–280, 1989.
S. P. Brock, The Position of Job in Syriac Biblical Manuscripts: The Survival of an Ancient Tradition, in Graeco-Latina et Orientalia: Studia in honorem Angeli Urbani, S. K. Samir and Monferrer-Sala, J. P., Eds. Cordóba: CNERU, 2013, pp. 49–62.
S. P. Brock, Towards a History of Syriac Translation Technique, III Symposium Syriacum , vol. 221, pp. 1–14, 1983.
S. P. Brock, The Commentator Probus: Problems of Date and Identity, in Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle in Late Antiquity The Alexandrian Commentary Tradition Between Rome and Baghdad, J. Lössl and Watt, J. W., Eds. Farnham: Routledge, 2011, pp. 195–206.
S. P. Brock and Lee, J. A. L., A Memorandum on the Proposed LXX Lexicon Project, in Septuagintal Lexicography, R. A. Kraft, Ed. Philadelphia: International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 1972, pp. 20–24.
S. P. Brock, Manuscrits liturgiques en syriaque, in Les liturgies syriaques, F. Cassingena-Trevédy and Jurasz, I., Eds. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 2006, pp. 267–283.
S. P. Brock, The Rise of Christian Thought: The Theological Schools of Antioch, Edessa and Nisibis [in Arabic tr], in al-Masihiyya `ind ta'rihiha fi'l-Mashriq, Beirut: World Council of Churches , 2001, pp. 143–164.
S. P. Brock and Conticello, C. G., Isaac le Syrien, in La théologie byzantine et sa tradition, vol. 1, 2 vol., Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.
S. P. Brock, From Antagonism to Assimilation: Syriac Attitudes to Greek Learning, in Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiquity, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1984.
S. P. Brock, Greek Words in Ephrem and Narsai: A Comparative Sampling, Aram, vol. 11-12, pp. 439–449, 1999.
S. P. Brock, Two Syriac Poems on the Invention of the Cross, in Lebendige Überlieferung: Festschrift für H-J.Vogt, N. El-Khoury, Crouzel, H., and Reinhardt, R., Eds. Beirut/Ostfildern: Friedrich-Rückert-Verlag/Schwaben-Verlag, 1993, pp. 55–82.
S. P. Brock, Two Hitherto Unattested Passages of the Old Syriac Gospels in Palimpsests from Sinai, Deltion Biblikōn Meletōn, vol. 31A, pp. 7–18, 2016.
S. P. Brock, Pro Oriente's Consultation on the Theology of the Church of the East, Held in Vienna, 24th-29th June 1994, Sobornost/Eastern Churches Review, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 59–67, 1994.
S. P. Brock, Recent Publications on Syriac Topics: 2016, Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 257–315, 2017.
S. P. Brock, Two Sets of Monothelete Questions to the Maximianists, Orientalia Lovanensia Periodia, vol. 17, pp. 119–140, 1986.
S. P. Brock, John the Solitary: On Prayer, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 30, pp. 84–101, 1979.
S. P. Brock, The Syrian Orthodox Church in the Modern Middle East, in Eastern Christianity in the Modern Middle East, A. O. ' Mahony and Loosley, E., Eds. London, 2010, pp. 13–24.
S. P. Brock, A Note on the Manuscripts of the Syriac Geoponicon, Oriens Christianus, vol. 51, pp. 186–187, 1967.
S. P. Brock, Il dibattito cristologico del V e VI secolo nel contesto del dialogo teologico moderno, in Le Chiese sire tra IV e VI secolo: dibattito dottrinale e ricerca spirituale, E. Vergani and Chialà, S., Eds. Milano: Università di Bologna, 2005, pp. 73–92.
S. P. Brock, Ed., From Ephrem to Romanos: interactions between Syriac and Greek in late antiquity. Ashgate: Aldershot, 1999.
S. P. Brock, An Early Maronite Text On Prayer, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 13, pp. 79-94, 1986.
S. P. Brock, Andre de Halleux's Contributions to Syriac Studies, Aram, vol. 6, pp. 449–456, 1997.
S. P. Brock, Diachronic Aspects of Syriac Word Formation: An Aid for Dating Anonymous Texts, in V Symposium Syriacum, R. Lavenant, Ed. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1990, pp. 231–330.
S. P. Brock, In Search of St Ephrem, KhrVostok, vol. 6, pp. 13–77, 2013.
S. P. Brock, Hebrews 2:9b in Syriac Tradition, Novum Testamentum, vol. 27, pp. 236–244, 1985.
S. P. Brock, Barnabas - uios parakleseos, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 25, pp. 93–98, 1974.
S. P. Brock, A Further Funerary Mosaic from Osrhoene, Aram, vol. 18/19, pp. 715–721, 2006.
S. P. Brock, The Ruah Elohim of Gen. 1,2 and Its Reception History in the Syriac Tradition, in Lectures et relectures de la Bible: festschrift P.-M. Bogaert, A. Wénin, Auwers, J. - M., and Bogaert, P. - M., Eds. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999, pp. 327-349.
