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S. P. Brock, A Historical Note of October 1915 Written in Dayro D-Zafaran (Deyrulzafaran), in Let Them Not Return: Sayfo- The Genocide Against the Assyrian, Syriac, and Chaldean Christians in the Ottoman Empire, Gaunt, David,, Atto,, Barthoma, Nand, and Onder, S., Eds. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 2017, pp. 148–156.
S. P. Brock, H.E. Mor Julius Yeshu‘ Çiçek: An Appreciation, Qolo Suryoyo, vol. 147, pp. 41–45, 2005.
S. P. Brock, Anointing in the Syriac Tradition, in The Oil of Gladness: Anointing in the Christian Tradition, M. Dudley and Rowell, G., Eds. London: Liturgical Press, 1993, pp. 92–100.
S. P. Brock, The Small/Young Daniel Re-Edited, in The Embroidered Bible: Studies in Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Honour of Michael E. Stone, L. DiTommaso, Henze, M., and Adler, W., Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2018, pp. 250–284.
S. P. Brock, Two Syriac Dialogue Poems on Abel and Cain, Le Muséon, vol. 113, pp. 333-375, 2000.
S. P. Brock, A Tentative Check List of Dated Syriac Manuscripts up to 1300, Hugoye, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 21–48, 2012.
S. P. Brock, Jacob of Edessa's Discourse on the Myron, Oriens Christianus, vol. 63, pp. 20–36, 1979.
S. P. Brock, Two Syriac Verse Homilies on the Binding of Isaac, Le Muséon, vol. 99, pp. 61–129, 1986.
S. P. Brock, An Armenian Pilgrim's Description of Constantinople, Revue des études arméniennes, vol. 4, pp. 81–102, 1967.
S. P. Brock, Early Dated Manuscripts of the Church of the East, 7th to 13th Century, Journal of the Assyrian Academic Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 8–34, 2007.
S. P. Brock, A Venerable Manuscript Collection, in The Monastery of Saint Catherine, O. Baddeley and Brunner, E., Eds. London: Saint Catherine Foundation, 1996, pp. 85–97.
S. P. Brock, The Earliest Syriac Literature: Ephrem and the Syriac Tradition, in The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, F. Young, Ayres, L., and Louth, A., Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 161–172, 362–372, 513–515.
S. P. Brock, Arthur Vööbus' Contribution to Syriac Studies, Aram, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 294–299, 1989.
S. P. Brock, An Abbreviated Syriac Version of Ps.-Aristotle: de virtutibus et vitiis and Divisiones, in De l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge. Études de logique aristotélicienne e de philosophie grecque, syriaque, arabe et latine offertes à Henri Hugonnard-Roche, E. Coda and C. Bonadeo, M., Eds. Paris: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2014, pp. 91–112.
S. P. Brock, Genesis 22: Where Was Sarah?, Expository Times , vol. 96, pp. 14–17, 1984.
S. P. Brock and Kiraz, G. A., Select Poems of Ephrem: Vocalized Syriac and English. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 2006.
S. P. Brock, Athanasiana Syriaca: Notes on Two Manuscripts, Le Muséon, vol. 86, pp. 437–442, 1973.
S. P. Brock, Studies in Syriac christianity: history, literature and theology. Aldershot: Variorum, 2001.
S. P. Brock, Jacob of Serugh: A Select Bibliographical Guide, in Jacob of Serugh and His Times: Studies in the Sixth-Century Syriac Christianity, G. A. Kiraz, Ed. Piscataway: Gorgias Pr Llc, 2010, pp. 219–244.
S. P. Brock, From Qatar to Tokyo, By Way of Mar Saba: The Translations of Isaac of Beth Qatraye (Isaac the Syrian), Aram, vol. 11-12, pp. 475–484, 1999.
S. P. Brock, Some Paths to Perfection in the Syriac Fathers, Studia Patristica, vol. 51, pp. 77–94, 2011.
S. P. Brock, Traduzioni siriache degli scritti di Basilio, in Basilio tra Oriente e Occidente, E. Baudry, Cortesi, M., and alii, et, Eds. Magnano, Communita di Bose: Qiqajon, 2001, pp. 165–180.
S. P. Brock, The Lives of the Prophets in Syriac: Some Soundings, in Biblical Traditions in Transmission: Essays in Honour of M. A. Knibb, C. Hempel and Lieu, J. M., Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2006, pp. 21–37.
S. P. Brock, La contribution du Prof. A. de Halleux aux études syriaques, Revue Théologique de Louvain, vol. 25, pp. 433–437, 1994.
S. P. Brock, Text Divisions in the Syriac Translations of Isaiah, in Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Texts: Essays in Memory of M.P.Weitzman, A. Rapoport-Albert and Greenberg, G., Eds. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001, pp. 200–221.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Spirituality, in The Study of Spirituality, C. Jones, Wainwright, G., and Yarnold, E., Eds. London: Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 199–215.
S. P. Brock, (Introduction), in Al-Fusiyulughus, C. Makdessi, Ed. Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 2002, pp. 19–20.
S. P. Brock, Abbot Mushe of Nisibis: Collector of Syriac Manuscripts, in Gli Studi Orientalistici in Ambrosiana nella cornice del IV centenaro (1609-2009), C. Baffioni, Finazzi, R. B., A. Acqua, P. Dell', and Vergani, E., Eds. Milan: Bulzoni, 2012, pp. 15–32.
S. P. Brock, Some New Syriac Texts Attributed to Hippolytus, Le Muséon, vol. 94, pp. 177–200, 1981.
S. P. Brock, Christ ‘the Hostage’: A Theme in the East Syrian Liturgical Tradition and Its Origins, in Logos: Festschrift fur Luise Abramowski , H. Brennecke, Grasmück, E. L., and Markschies, C., Eds. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1993, pp. 472–485.
S. P. Brock, A Further Fragment of the Sinai Sahdona Manuscript, Le Muséon, vol. 81, pp. 135–154, 1968.
S. P. Brock, Aphrahat, in The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, S. P. Brock, Butts, A. M., Kiraz, G. A., and Rompay, L. van, Eds. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2011, pp. 24-25.
S. P. Brock, Poetry and Hymnography (3) Syriac, in The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, S. A. Harvey and Hunter, D. G., Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 657–671.
S. P. Brock, The Monastery of Mor Gabriel 397-1997, Stimme des Tur Abdin, vol. 9, pp. 7–9, 1997.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Studies: A Classified Bibliography 1996-2000, Parole de l‘Orient, vol. 29, pp. 263–410, 2004.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Tradition, in A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, R. J. Coggins and Houldon, J. L., Eds. London: Trinity International University Press, 1990, pp. 664–665.
S. P. Brock, Trouble in Alexandria in the 520s: An Anonymous Report, in Orientierung über das Ganze, A. Gerhardts and Chronz, T., Eds. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2015, pp. 37–42.
S. P. Brock, Isaac of Nineveh (Isaac the Syrian): "the second part", chapters IV-XLI [Text], vol. 1, 2 vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1995.
S. P. Brock, Ephrem's Letter to Publius, Le Muséon, vol. 89, pp. 261–305, 1976.
S. P. Brock, Some New Syriac Documents from the Third Century AD, ARAM, vol. 3, pp. 259–267, 1991.
S. P. Brock, Christians in the Sasanid Empire: A Case of Divided Loyalties, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1984.
S. P. Brock, Ed., St. Isaac of Nineveh (2012). 2012.
S. P. Brock, Goldfus, H., and Kofsky, A., The Syriac Inscriptions at the Entrance to the Holy 21 Sepulchre, Jerusalem, in Aram, vol. 18/19, 2006, pp. 415–438.
S. P. Brock, The Christology of the Church of the East [in Russian, tr. A.Muraviev], Vestnik Drevnii Istorii, vol. 2, pp. 39–53, 1995.
S. P. Brock, The Dispute Between the Cherub and the Thief, Hugoye, vol. 5, no. 2, 2002.
S. P. Brock, The Two Poles of Syriac Tradition, in Hommage to Mar Cariattil, C. Payngot, Ed. Rome, 1987, pp. 58–62.
S. P. Brock and Bhayro, S., The Syriac Galen Palimpsest and the Role of Syriac in the Transmission of Greek Medicine in the Orient, in Ancient Medical and Healing Systems: Their Legacy to Western Medicine, R. David, Ed. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2012, pp. 25–43.
S. P. Brock, Some Syriac Legends Concerning Moses, Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 33, pp. 237–255, 1982.
S. P. Brock, A Treasurehouse of Mysteries: Explorations of the Sacred Text through Poetry in the Syriac Tradition, vol. 45. Crestwood: St. Vladimir's Seminary Seminary Press, 2012.
S. P. Brock, The Baptist's Diet in Syriac Sources, Oriens Christianus, vol. 54, pp. 113–124, 1970.
