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S. P. Brock, Ephremiana in Manuscript Sinai Syr. 10, Le Muséon, vol. 129, pp. 285–322, 2016.
S. P. Brock, Some New Syriac Texts Attributed to Hippolytus, Le Muséon, vol. 94, pp. 177–200, 1981.
S. P. Brock, A Further Fragment of the Sinai Sahdona Manuscript, Le Muséon, vol. 81, pp. 135–154, 1968.
S. P. Brock, Traduzioni siriache degli scritti di Basilio, in Basilio tra Oriente e Occidente, E. Baudry, Cortesi, M., and alii, et, Eds. Magnano, Communita di Bose: Qiqajon, 2001, pp. 165–180.
S. P. Brock, The Published Verse Homilies of Isaac of Antioch, Jacob of Serugh, and Narsai: Index of Incipits, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 32, pp. 279–313, 1987.
S. P. Brock, La contribution du Prof. A. de Halleux aux études syriaques, Revue Théologique de Louvain, vol. 25, pp. 433–437, 1994.
S. P. Brock, A brief outline of Syriac literature. Kottayam: St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 1987.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Spirituality, in The Study of Spirituality, C. Jones, Wainwright, G., and Yarnold, E., Eds. London: Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 199–215.
S. P. Brock, Mary in Syriac Tradition, in P. Marr, in Further Prospects of Mary, Plymouth: Ecumenical Marian Pilgrimage Trust, 2007, pp. 39–51.
S. P. Brock, Secondary Formations from Greek Loanwords in Syriac, in Verbum et Calamus: Semitic and Related Studies in Honour of Professor T. Harviainen, H. Juusola, Laulainen, J., and Palva, H., Eds. Helsinki: The Finnish Oriental Society, 2004, pp. 31–39.
S. P. Brock, Midrash in Syriac, in Midrash Unbound: Transformations and Innovations, M. Fishbane and Weinberg, J., Eds. Oxford: Liverpool University Press, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2013, pp. 83–95.
S. P. Brock, Ephrem's Letter to Publius, Le Muséon, vol. 89, pp. 261–305, 1976.
S. P. Brock, Christians in the Sasanid Empire: A Case of Divided Loyalties, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1984.
S. P. Brock, A Short Melkite Baptismal Ordo, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 3, pp. 119-130, 1972.
S. P. Brock, The Monastery of Mor Gabriel 397-1997, Stimme des Tur Abdin, vol. 9, pp. 7–9, 1997.
S. P. Brock, The Syriac Version of the Ps. Nonnos Mythological Scholia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Tradition, in A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, R. J. Coggins and Houldon, J. L., Eds. London: Trinity International University Press, 1990, pp. 664–665.
S. P. Brock, A Fragment from a Syriac Life of Marutha of Martyopolis, Analecta Bollandiana, vol. 128, pp. 306–311, 2010.
S. P. Brock, An Unknown Syriac Version of Isaiah 1:1-2:21, in Text, Translation, and Tradition: Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, W. T. van Peursen and Romeny, R. B. Ter Haar, Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2006, pp. 11–23.
S. P. Brock, Chronicle of Edessa, Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 5, pp. 549–550, 1991.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Sources and Resources for Byzantinists, in Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London 2006, vol. I, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 193–210.
S. P. Brock, Golinduch, Encyclopaedia Iranica , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 95–96, 2001.
S. P. Brock, The Young Daniel: A Syriac Apocalyptic Text on the End, and the Problem of Its Dating, in Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late Antiquity: Encounters in the Abrahamic Religions, 6th-8th Centuries, H. Amirav, Grypeou, E., Stroumsa, G. Gedaliyahu, and Stroumsa, S., Eds. Leuven: Peeters, 2017, pp. 75–86.
S. P. Brock, Three Syriac Fathers on Reading the Bible, Sobornost/Eastern Churches Review, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 6–21, 2011.
S. P. Brock, Some Syriac Legends Concerning Moses, Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 33, pp. 237–255, 1982.
S. P. Brock, The Baptist's Diet in Syriac Sources, Oriens Christianus, vol. 54, pp. 113–124, 1970.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Poetry on Biblical Themes: 1. The Prophet Elijah and the Widow of Sarepta, The Harp, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp. 75–86, 1990.
S. P. Brock, The Christology of the Church of the East [in Russian, tr. A.Muraviev], Vestnik Drevnii Istorii, vol. 2, pp. 39–53, 1995.
S. P. Brock and Emerton, J. A., An Introduction to Syriac Studies, in Horizons in Semitic Studies: Articles for the Student, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1980, pp. 1–33.
S. P. Brock, The Two Poles of Syriac Tradition, in Hommage to Mar Cariattil, C. Payngot, Ed. Rome, 1987, pp. 58–62.
S. P. Brock, Dialogue and Other Sughyotho, in Mélanges offerts au Prof. P. Louis Hage , A. Chahwan, Ed. Kaslik: PUSEK, 2008, pp. 361–384.
S. P. Brock, The Earliest Syriac Manuscript of the Martyrdom of Philemon and Companions, in Aegyptus Christiana: Mélanges d’hagiographie égyptienne et orientale dédiés à la mémoire du P.Paul Devos Bollandiste, U. Zanetti and Lucchesi, E., Eds. Geneva: P. Cramer, 2004, pp. 29–42.
S. P. Brock, Two Prayers Songs from the Syrian Orthodox Marriage Service, Harp, vol. 28, pp. 5–11, 2013.
S. P. Brock, A Letter Attributed to Cyril of Jerusalem on the Rebuilding of the Temple under Julian, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 40, pp. 267–286, 1977.
S. P. Brock, Ed., St. Isaac of Nineveh (2012). 2012.
S. P. Brock, The Resolution of the Philoxenian/Harklean Problem, in Essays in Honour of B.M. Metzger, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, pp. 325-343.
S. P. Brock, Translating the New Testament into Syriac (Classical and Modern), in The Interpretation of the Bible, J. Krasovec, Ed. Ljubljana: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998, pp. 371–385.
S. P. Brock, From Ephrem to Romanos, Studia Patristica, vol. 20, pp. 139–151, 1989.
S. P. Brock, Stomathalassa: Dandamis and Secundus in a Syriac Monastic Anthology, in After Bardaisan: Studies on Continuity and Change in Syriac Christianity in Honour of Professor Han J.W.Drijvers, G. J. Reinink and Klugkist, A. C., Eds. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 1999, pp. 35–50.
S. P. Brock, The Syrian Orthodox Reaction to the Council of Chalcedon: Jacob of Serugh’s Homily on the Council of Chalcedon, Texts and Studies: A Review for Hellenism in Diaspora, vol. 8-10, pp. 448-459, 1991.
S. P. Brock, Developments in Editing Biblical Texts, in The Book Encompassed: Studies in Twentieth-Century Bibliography, P. Davison, Ed. Cambridge: Oak Knoll Press, 1992, pp. 236–243.
S. P. Brock, A Fragment of the Acta Pilati in Christian Palestinian Aramaic, The Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 22, pp. 157-158, 1971.
S. P. Brock, The Fenqitho: A Source for Theologizing in the Syriac Church. The Present State of Stud, in Theologizing in the Malankara Catholic Church, J. Puthuparampil, Ed. Pune: Bethany Vedavijnana Peeth Publications, 2007, pp. 233–250.
S. P. Brock, "About Heresies and the Syllabus Errorum of Pope Shenuda III": Some Comments on a Recent Article by Professor Meinardus, Coptic Church Review, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 98–102, 2002.
S. P. Brock, Les racines du sacrement de l'initiation dans les anciens manuscrits syriaques, in CERP, Le sacrement de l'Initiation: Origines et Prospective, Antelias: Ordre Antonine Maronite, 1996, pp. 58–65.
S. P. Brock, English, Come to the Father: Journal of the Community of the Servants of the Will of God, vol. 24, pp. 9–19, 2012.
S. P. Brock, Some Syriac Excerpts from Greek Collections of Pagan Prophecies, Vigiliae Christianae, vol. 38, pp. 77–90, 1984.
S. P. Brock, An Unrecognized Occurrence of the Month Name Ziw (II Sam xxi 9), Vetus Testamentum, vol. 23, pp. 99–103, 1973.
S. P. Brock, The Transmission of Ephrem’s Madrashe in the Syriac Liturgical Tradition, Studia Patristica, vol. 33, pp. 490-505, 1997.
S. P. Brock, The Scribe Reaches Harbour, Byzantinische Forschungen, vol. 21, pp. 195–202, 1995.
