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Y. Sabar, The book of Deuteronomy in Neo-Aramaic in the dialect of the Jewish community of Zakho: including selected texts in other Neo-Aramaic dialects and a glossary. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University , 1994.
A. S. van der Woude, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings. Louvain: Peeters, 1993.
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P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: The Homiliae morales, Hexaemeron, De litteris, with additional coverage of the letters, vol. 2.1, 5 vol. Turnhout: Brepols, 1996.
P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: The Ascetica, contra eunomium 1-3 ad Amphilochium de spiritu sancto, dubia et spuria, with supplements to volumes I-II, vol. 3, 5 vol. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997.
P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: Testimonia, liturgical and canonical compositions, florilegia, catenae, iconography. 2, Manuscripts, Libraries, vol. 4.2, 5 vol. 1999.
P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: Studies of Basil of Caesarea and his world : an annotated bio-bibliography, vol. 5, 5 vol. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004.
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P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: Testimonia, liturgical and canonical compositions, florilegia, catenae, iconography. 1, Testimonia, vol. 4.1, 5 vol. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999.
P. J. Fedwick, Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis : a study of the manuscript tradition of the works of Basil of Caesarea: Testimonia, liturgical and canonical compositions, florilegia, catenae, iconography: Editions, liturgical and canonical compositions, florilegia, vol. 4.3, 5 vol. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
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