Abraham of Nathpar
- Binding
- f. 1r-53v Jacob of Edessa, Commentary on the Old Testament
- f. 1r-20r Genesis
- f. 20v-32r Exodus
- f. 32r-39v Leviticus
- f. 39v-42v Numbers (f. 41rv lacuna)
- f. 42v-47r Deuteronomy
- f. 47v-50v Job
- f. 51r-52r Joshua
- f. 52v-53v Judges
- f. 53v-66r Exlanation of difficult Old Testament passages (Ephrem, Jacob, and others)
- f. 66r Colophon
- f. 66v-79r Explanations of various subjects attributed to different authors
- f. 79v-81v Teaching of the Twelve Apostles