Digitized Manuscripts: Sortable Search

About This Table

This table allows you to search all collections of Syriac and Garshuni manuscripts that are freely available online by general keywords. It is also sortable by shelf-mark, language, and approximate date. If you would like to group manuscripts by select key terms (language, author, genre), see the faceted table here, and choose the key terms in the menu.

*The Approximate Date column is derived from the best available information for the manuscript. This is not asserted as a scholarly position on the dating of the manuscript. Instead, it is merely used here for the convenience of being able to sort all manuscripts by numerical date. The user should keep in mind that there may be considerable debate over the precise dating of the manuscript and should consult the manuscript repository and relevant scholarly literature for details.

Manuscript Name / Shelf Mark / Project Number Language Approximate Date* Contents Link to Digitized Manuscript
SyrHT 343 Syriac 1,876 CE
  • r/v Probably a pharmacological text
SyrHT 66 Sogdian, Syriac 1,659 CE

Catalog: Syrische Handscriften der Berliner Turfansammlung

  • r/v Syriac Baptismal liturgy with Sogdian translation
SyrHT 67 Syriac 1,660 CE
  • r/v Calendar Fragment
SyrHT 83 Sogdian, Syriac 1,672 CE
  • r/v Syriac Eucharistic Liturgy
SyrHT 84 Sogdian, Syriac, Turkish 1,673 CE
  • r/v Syriac Eucharistic Liturgy (with Sogian translation; v. old Turkish in uyghur script)
SyrHT 87 Persian, Sogdian, Syriac 1,677 CE
  • r/v Syriac liturgical text (translated with Sogdian and Persian words)
SyrHT 88 Sogdian, Syriac 1,678 CE
  • r/v Syriac Baptismal Liturgy with Sogdian translation
Syriac 1. Evangelion Syriac 1,679 CE



  • Gospel Lectionary
Syriac 10. Exegesis of Old Testament Syriac 1,380 CE



  • An explanation of the difficult words of Holy Scripture written by Bishop Isho'dad of Hdatta (of Assyria)
    • Pentateuch
    • Bet-Mawtbe (Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, Proverbs, Wisdom, Qohelet, Song of Songs, Ecclesiasticus, Job)
    • Prophets (Book of the Twelve)
    • Psalms
Syriac 11. Paradise of Eden Syriac 1,474 CE



  • 'Abdisho' bar Brīkā, Paradise of Eden
