- Where to start
- The Syriac Bible organized by book
- General studies regarding Syriac Bible
- Bibliography
Where to Start [Back to Top]
Sebastian Brock's handout on Syriac Bible: “Syriac Bible”. 2000.
, -
The Bible in the Syriac Tradition. Kottayam: St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 1988.
This is the best introduction to the Bible in Syriac, though there is now a second edition:
- The Bible in the Syriac Tradition, 2nd ed. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2006. ,
“Les versions orientales de la Bible: Une orientation bibliographique”, in The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
This little-known article by Michel van Esbroeck provides an excellent bibliographic guide to all the oriental versions of the Bible, including Syriac.
The Bible by Book [Back to Top]
Table of Contents
Old Testament Instrumenta
New Testament Instrumenta
Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha Instrumenta
Old Testament
New Testament
Old Testament Instrumenta [Back to Top]
Please note that on the Syriac Manuscripts page one can find individual manuscripts of Old or New Testament Peshitta, Syrohexapla, Harklean, Philoxenian, New Testament Apocrypha, and Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. The list below includes only those resources in the public domain. More accurate and comprehensive editions of the biblical texts have been published, but are in copyright and are thus not included below. See Brock's Bibliographical Handout for a fuller bibliography. The English translations listed below are (according to Brock's Handout) very unreliable and will all ultimately be replaced by the volumes published or in production as part of the Antioch Bible series. For a history of the printed editions of the Peshitta Old Testament, see , “The Printed Texts of the Peshitta Old Testament”, The American Journal of Semitic Languages, vol. 37, pp. 136-144, 1921..
- (=Barnes): Pentateuchus Syriacae. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1914. ,
- (=7a1): Translatio syra pescitto Veteris Testamenti ex Codice Ambrosiano sec. fere VI photolithographice edita curante et adnotante. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883. ,
- (=Paris Polyglot): Biblia hebraïca, samaritana, chaldaïca, graeca, syriaca, latina, arabica, quibus textus originales totius Scripturae sacrae, quorum pars in editione Complutensi, deinde in Antuerpiensi regiis sumptibus extat, 11 vol. Paris: Antoine Vitré, 1645.. [Only the Pentateuch has been made digitally available] ,
- (=Walton Polyglot): Biblia sacra polyglotta, 6 vol. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1657. ,
- (=Mosul): Biblia sacra juxta versionem simplicem quae dicitur Peschitta, vol. 1, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1887. ,
- (=Mosul): Biblia Sacra Juxta Versionem Simplicem Quae Dicitur Peschitta, vol. 2, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1888. ,
- (=Lee): Vetus Testamentum Syriace: Eos tantum libros sistens qui in canone Hebraico habentur, ordine vero, quoad fieri potuit, apud Syros usitato dispositos. In usum Ecclesiae Syrorum Malabarensium jussu Societatis Biblicae. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1823. ,
- (=Urmia): [The Holy Scripture: Old Testament] ܟܬܒܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܗ̄ ܕܕܝܬܝܩܐ ܥܬܝܩܐ ܣܘܪܝܐܝܬ. London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1913. ,
- (=de Lagarde 1861): Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocryphi Syriace. Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1861. ,
- (=Bensly): The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895. ,
- (=Barnes Psalter): The Peshitta Psalter According to the West Syrian Text. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904. ,
- (=Didascalia): Didascalia Apostolorum Syriace. Göttingen: Becker & Eidner, 1911. ,
- (=Gibson): The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac: Edited from a Mesopotamian Manuscript with Various Readings and Collations of other Mss. London: C.J. Clay & sons, 1903. ,
- (=PS 1.2): “Liber Apocalyseos Baruch filii Neriae translatus de graeco in syriacum”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 1.2, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. col. 1056-1207. or , “Epistola Baruch Filii Neriae”, in Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 1.2, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 1208-1306. ,
- (=Middeldorpf): Codex syriaco-hexaplaris. Liber quartus Regum e codice Parisiensi; Iesaias, Duodecim prophetai minores, Proverbia, Iobus, Canticum, Threni, Ecclesiastes e codice Mediolanensi. Berlin: T.C.F. Enslin, 1835. ,
- (=Ceriani 1863): Monumenta sacra et profana, ex codicibus praesertim bibliothecae Ambrosinae: Pentateuchi syro-hexaplaris quae supersunt cum notis. Accedunt nonnulla alia fragmenta syriaca. Edidit Sac. Obl. Antonius Maria Ceriani. Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1863. ,
- (=Ceriani 1868): Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim bibliothecae Ambrosianae (5.1-2), vol. I-II. Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1868. ,
- (=Hilgenfeld 1869): Messias Iudaeorum: libris eorum Paulo ante et Paulo post Christum natum conscriptis illustratus. Leipzig: Sumptu Fuesiano (R. Reisland), 1869. ,
- (=Ceriani 1874): Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus, vol. 1. London: Williams & Norgate, 1874. ,
- (=de Lagarde 1892): Bibliothecae syriacae. Göttingen: L. Horstmann, 1892. ,
- (=Gwynn): Remnants of the later Syriac versions of the Bible / 2, Old Testament : extracts from the Syrohexaplar version of the Septuagint made in the 7th century by Paul of Tella; Genesis, Leviticus, 1 and 2 chronicles; Nehemiah. London: Williams & Norgate, 1909. ,
- (=BnF syr. 27): “BnF syr. 27”. 2016.
- (=Orientali 58): “Bibliotheca Medicea Laurenziana: Orientali 58”. 2016.. Table of Contents here.
- (=Ceriani 1868): Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim bibliothecae Ambrosianae (5.1-2), vol. I-II. Milan: Ambrosian Library, 1868. ,
Jacob of Edessa
- (=BnF syr. 27): “BnF syr. 27”. 2016.
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
- The Christian Palestinian Aramaic Old Testament and Apocrypha version from the early period. Leiden: Brill, 1997. ,
English Translations
- (=Oliver): A Translation of the Syriac Peshito Version of the Psalms of David; with notes critical and explanatory. Boston: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1861. ,
- (=Gibson): The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac: Edited from a Mesopotamian Manuscript with Various Readings and Collations of other Mss. London: C.J. Clay & sons, 1903. ,
New Testament Instrumenta1 [Back to Top]
For a description of some of the printed editions of the Syriac New Testament prior to the Antwerp (See below), Paris (unavailable online) and Walton Polyglot editions (see below), see “Testimonia & judicia Cl. Virorum de Lingua & Versione N.T. Syriaca”, Hamburg: Author, 1664. [Specifically his chapter here]. One finds the relationship between printed editions since the rise of the polyglot versions as well as a description of the relationship between the different Syriac versions in the following:,
De Novi Testamenti versione syriaca antiqua quam Peschitho vocant libri quattuor. Halle: Typis et impensis Orphanotrophei, 1850., pp. 213-235,
“The Printed Editions of the Syriac New Testament”, The Church Quarterly Review, vol. 26, pp. 257-294, 1888., pp. 257-294
“The Bible in Syriac”, in Early Eastern Christianity: St. Margaret's Lectures 1904 on the Syriac-Speaking Church, New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1904, pp. 39-78., pp. 39-78,
“The Printed Texts of the Peshitta Old Testament”, The American Journal of Semitic Languages, vol. 37, pp. 136-144, 1921.,
The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.,
Old Syriac
- (=Cureton): Remains of a very Ancient Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac, Hitherto Unknown in Europe. London: John Murray, 1858. ,
- (=Burkitt): Evangelion da-Mepharreshe the Curetonian Version of the Four Gospels, with the Readings of the Sinai Palimpsest and the Early Syriac Patristic Evidence, vol. 1, 2 vol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904. ,
- (=Lewis): The old Syriac Gospels or Evangelion da-Mepharreshe; being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, including the latest additions and emendations. London: Williams and Norgate, 1910. ,
- (=Widmannstetter 1555): Liber sacrosancti evangelii de Jesu Christo, Domino & Deo nostro. Vienna: Zimmerman, 1555. ,
- (=Widmannstetter 1562): Liber Sacrosancti Evangelii De Iesu Christo Domino & Deo nostro . Vienna: Zimmerman, 1562. ,
- (=Tremellius): Ή Καἰvἡ Διαθἡκη. Testamentum novum. דיתיקא חדתא. Est autem interpretatio syriaca Novi Testamenti, Hebraeis typis descripta, plerisque etiam locis emendata. Eadem Latino sermone reddita. Autore Immanuele Tremellio. Geneva: Excvdebat Henr. Stephanvs, 1571. ,
- (=Plantin): Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testamentum. Sacrorum Bibliorum tomus quintus [Novum Testamentum], vol. 5. Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1572. ,
- (=Walton Polyglot): Biblia sacra polyglotta, 6 vol. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1657. ,
- (=Gutbier 1664): Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum Syriace: cum punctis vocalibus, & versione Latina Matthaei, ita adornata, ut unico hoc Evangelista intellecto, reliqui totius operis libri, sine interprete, facilius intelligi possint. Hamburg: Author, 1664.2 ,
- (=Naironus): Sacrosancta Jesu Christi Evangelia jussu Sacrae Congregationis de propaganda fide ad usum Ecclesiae nationis Maronitarum edita .. Rome: Sacred congregation for the propagation of the faith, 1703.. Also, , Sacrosancta Jesu Christi evangelia jussu Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide ad usum ecclesiae nationis Maronitarum edita . 2: Acta apostolorum Epistolae catholicae, et divi Pauli jussu Sacrae Congregationis de Propagnada Fide .., vol. 2, 2 vol. Rome: Sacred congregation for the propagation of the faith, 1703.. [Two columns: Garshuni and Syriac] ,
- (=Leusden and Schaaf): Domini nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum Syriacum, cum Versione Latina. Leiden: Typis Joh. Mulleri, Joh. fil. : Apud Cornelium Boutesteyn & Samuelem Luchtmans, 1709.. [Includes variant readings here from the oldest printed editions] ,
- (=Gutbier 1731): Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum Syriace: cum punctis vocalibus, & versione Latina Matthaei, ita adornata, ut unico hoc Evangelista intellecto, reliqui totius operis libri, sine interprete, facilius intelligi possint. Frankfurt: [Publisher unidentified], 1731. ,
- (=Lee): Novum Testamentum Syriace denuo recognitum atque ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum emendatum. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1816. ,
- (=ABS): Ktava d-diyatiḳe ḥdata d-maran Isho Mshiḥa [1886]. New York: American Bible Society, 1886.3
- (=Mosul): Biblia Sacra Juxta Versionem Simplicem Quae Dicitur Peschitta, vol. 3, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1891. ,
- (=Pusey): Tetraeuangelium sanctum juxta simplicem Syrorum versionem. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901. ,
- (=BFBS): The New Testament in Syriac. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905.
- (=White Ev. 1): Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, vol. 1, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1778. ,
- (=White Ev. 2): Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, vol. 2, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1778. ,
- (=White Ep. 1): Actuum apostolorum et epistolarum tam Catholicarum quam Paulinarum: Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex codice MS. Ridleiano in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. reposito nunc primum edita, cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi White. . ., vol. 1, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1799. ,
- (=White Ep. 2): Actuum apostolorum et epistolarum tam Catholicarum quam Paulinarum: Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex codice MS. Ridleiano in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. reposito nunc primum edita, cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi White . . ., vol. 2, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1799. ,
- (=Bernstein): Das Heilige Evangelium des Iohannes : Syrisch en harklensischer Uebversetzung mit vocalen und den puncten Kuschoi und Rucoch nach einer vaticanischen Handschrift. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1853. ,
- (=Gwynn 1909): Remnants of the later Syriac versions of the Bible / 2, Old Testament : extracts from the Syrohexaplar version of the Septuagint made in the 7th century by Paul of Tella; Genesis, Leviticus, 1 and 2 chronicles; Nehemiah. London: Williams & Norgate, 1909. ,
- (=Gwynn 1897): The Apocalypse of St. John in a Syriac version hitherto unknown. Edited, from a MS. in the library of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, with critical notes on the Syriac text and an annotated reconstruction of the underlying Greek text. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, and Co., 1897. ,
- (=Pococke): Epistolae quatuor, Petri secunda, Johannis secunda et tertia, et Judae, fratris Jacobi, una: Ex celeberrimae Bibliothecae Bodleianae Oxoniensis ms. exemplari nunc primum depromptae, et charactere hebraeo, versione latina, notisque quibusdam insignitae. Leiden: Bonaventurae & Abrahami Elzevir, 1630. ,
- Note that for 2 Peter, 2-3 John, and Jude, several of the later printed editions follow the 6th century translation first published in Pococke and then in Walton's Polyglot edition.
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
- The Christian Palestinian Aramaic New Testament version from the early period, vol. 1, 2 vol. Groningen: STYX Publications, 1998. and , The Christian Palestinian Aramaic New Testament version from the early period, vol. 2, 2 vol. Groningen: STYX Publications, 1998. ,
- “Vat. sir. 19”. 2017.
- (=Lewis CPA): The Palestinian Syriac lectionary of the Gospels. Re-edited from two Sinai Mss. and from P. de Lagarde's edition of the "Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum". Jerusalem: Raritas, 1899. ,
English Translations
- (=Murdock): The New Testament, or the Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus the Messiah: A Literal Translation from the Syriac Peshitto Version..And a Bibliographic Appendix, 9th ed. Boston: H. L. Hastings, 1915. ,
- (=Norton): A translation, in English daily used, of the seventeen letters forming part of the Peshito- Syriac books of the new covenant writings, which have been received throughout the East, from the beginning, as written in Syriac by inspiration of God. London: W.K. Bloom, 1890. ,
- (=Burkitt Translation): Evangelion da-Mepharreshe the Curetonian Version of the Four Gospels, with the Readings of the Sinai Palimpsest and the Early Syriac Patristic Evidence, vol. 1, 2 vol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904. ,
Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha [Back to Top]
- For more on the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Syriac, see “Old Testament Pseudepigrapha”. 2016. ,
- For more on the New Testament Apocrypha in Syriac, see “New Testament Apocrypha”. 2017. ,
Old Testament4 [Back to Top]
Genesis [Back to Top]
- [Barnes] [7a1] [Paris Polyglot] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Exodus [Back to Top]
- [Barnes] [7a1] [Paris Polyglot] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Leviticus [Back to Top]
- [Barnes] [7a1] [Paris Polyglot] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
- [Orientali 58, ff. 9-13] [Ceriani 1863–only ch. 19] [Gwynn]
Numbers [Back to Top]
- [Barnes] [7a1] [Paris Polyglot] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Deuteronomy [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Paris Polyglot] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Joshua [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Judges [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Ruth [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
1 Kings (3 Kingdoms) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
2 Kings (4 Kingdoms) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
1 Chronicles [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
2 Chronicles [Back to Top]
Ezra (1 Esdras) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia] [de Lagarde 1861]
Nehemiah (2 Esdras) [Back to Top]
3 Esdras (sometimes called 1 Esdras) [Back to Top]
4 Esdras [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot – Latin only] [Ceriani 1868] [Hilgenfeld 1869 – Latin only]
Tobit [Back to Top]
Judith [Back to Top]
Esther [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Job [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Psalms [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [ABS] [Urmia] [Barnes Pslater] [Oliver]
- [Ceriani 1874 - Explanatory Intro] [Ceriani 1874] [Orientali 58, ff. 90-103]
Odes [Back to Top]
Proverbs [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Song of Songs [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
- [Middeldorpf] [Ceriani 1874]
Wisdom of Solomon [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
Wisdom of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
Isaiah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Jacob of Edessa
Jeremiah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Lamentations [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Epistle of Jeremiah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot5] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
1 Epistle of Baruch [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861] [PS 1.2]
2 Epistle of Baruch [Back to Top]
[7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861] [Ceriani 1874]6
Apocalypse of Baruch [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [PS 1.2] [Ceriani 1868]
Ezekiel [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Susanna [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
Daniel [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Jacob of Edessa
Prayer of Azariah and the song of the Three Young Men7 [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
Bel and the Dragon [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
Hosea [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Joel [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Amos [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Obadiah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Jonah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Micah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Nahum [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Habakkuk [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Zephaniah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Haggai [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Zechariah [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Malachi [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [Lee] [Urmia]
Prayer of Manasseh [Back to Top]
- [Gibson]
1 Maccabees [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
2 Maccabees [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Walton Polyglot] [Mosul] [de Lagarde 1861]
3 Maccabees [Back to Top]
4 Maccabees [Back to Top]
5 Maccabees (Josephus, Bella, Book VI) [Back to Top]
- [7a1] [Ceriani 1868]
New Testament [Back to Top]
Matthew [Back to Top]
Old Syriac
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Pusey] [BFBS]
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
Mark [Back to Top]
Old Syriac
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Pusey] [BFBS]
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
Luke [Back to Top]
Old Syriac
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Pusey] [BFBS]
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
John [Back to Top]
Old Syriac
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Pusey] [BFBS]
- [White Ev. 2] [Bernstein]
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
Acts [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
Romans [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
1 Corinthians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
2 Corinthians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Galatians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Ephesians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Philippians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Colossians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
1 Thessalonians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
2 Thessalonians [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
1 Timothy [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
2 Timothy [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Titus [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Philemon [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
Hebrews [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
James [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
1 Peter [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
2 Peter [Back to Top]
- [Pococke] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Gwynn 1909] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
1 John [Back to Top]
- [Widmannstetter 1555] [Widmannstetter 1562] [Tremellius] [Plantin] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
2 John [Back to Top]
- [Pococke] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Gwynn 1909] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
3 John [Back to Top]
- [Pococke] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Gwynn 1909] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
Jude [Back to Top]
- [Pococke] [Walton Polyglot] [Gutbier 1664] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Gwynn 1909] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
Revelation [Back to Top]
- [Walton Polyglot] [Naironus] [Leusden and Schaaf] [Lee] [ABS] [Mosul] [Gutbier 1664]
- [Gwynn 1897] [BFBS]
- [Murdock]
Syriac Bible [Back to Top]
Syriac Bibles on the Web
The most useful online tool for the study of the Syriac Peshitta New Testament is the Dukhrana Peshitta Tool, which gives full parsing information and multiple English translations through it's "analyze" links. The English translations include Etheridge, Murdock, Lamsa, and the KJV.
The STEP Bible at Tyndale House, Cambridge, offers a very flexible interface in which a number of ancient versions, including Syriac, can be viewed in parallel. Recent English translations, such as the ESV, are also available.
The Unbound Bible at Biola University in Los Angeles, allows you to view parallel Biblical versions, both ancient and modern.
The Bible Tool, a creation of the American Bible Society, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the Crosswire Bible Society, allows you to view the Peshitta (and other ancient versions) in parallel with translations into modern languages.
Scholarly Edition
The Leiden Peshitta Insitute's scholarly editions (without apparatus) can be searched through the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (CAL) (alongside a number of other Syriac texts).
Mosul Bible
Volume 1: Gen.-Esther
Biblia sacra juxta versionem simplicem quae dicitur Peschitta, vol. 1, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1887.
Volume 2: Job-2 Macc.
Biblia Sacra Juxta Versionem Simplicem Quae Dicitur Peschitta, vol. 2, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1888.
Volume 3: New Testament Peshitta
Biblia Sacra Juxta Versionem Simplicem Quae Dicitur Peschitta, vol. 3, 3 vol. Mosul: Typis Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1891.
Peshitta Old Testament
- Translatio syra pescitto Veteris Testamenti ex Codice Ambrosiano sec. fere VI photolithographice edita curante et adnotante. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883. ,
Vetus Testamentum Syriace: Eos tantum libros sistens qui in canone Hebraico habentur, ordine vero, quoad fieri potuit, apud Syros usitato dispositos. In usum Ecclesiae Syrorum Malabarensium jussu Societatis Biblicae. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1823.
Peshitta New Testament
Tetraeuangelium sanctum juxta simplicem Syrorum versionem. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901.
, -
The New Testament in Syriac. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905.
Old Syriac Gospels
Evangelion da-Mepharreshe the Curetonian Version of the Four Gospels, with the Readings of the Sinai Palimpsest and the Early Syriac Patristic Evidence, vol. 1, 2 vol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904.
Remains of a very Ancient Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac, Hitherto Unknown in Europe. London: John Murray, 1858.
Harklean New Testament
Gospels, volume 1
Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Syriaca Philoxeniana: Ex codd. mss. Ridleianis in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. repositis nunc primum edita, vol. 1, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1778.
Gospels, volume 2
Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Syriaca Philoxeniana: Ex codd. mss. Ridleianis in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. repositis nunc primum edita, vol. 2, 2 vol. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1778.
, - Das Heilige Evangelium des Iohannes : Syrisch en harklensischer Uebversetzung mit vocalen und den puncten Kuschoi und Rucoch nach einer vaticanischen Handschrift. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1853. ,
Acts and Epistles, volume 1
Acts and Epistles, volume 2
Syro-Hexapla Old Testament
Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus, vol. 1. London: Williams & Norgate, 1874.
, -
Bibliothecae syriacae. Göttingen: L. Horstmann, 1892.
, -
Codex syriaco-hexaplaris. Liber quartus Regum e codice Parisiensi; Iesaias, Duodecim prophetai minores, Proverbia, Iobus, Canticum, Threni, Ecclesiastes e codice Mediolanensi. Berlin: T.C.F. Enslin, 1835.
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
The Palestinian Syriac lectionary of the Gospels. Re-edited from two Sinai Mss. and from P. de Lagarde's edition of the "Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum". Jerusalem: Raritas, 1899.
, -
“Vat. sir. 19”. 2017. contains an important CPA lectionary. Assemani's description of the manuscript can be found here.
Christlich-Palästinisch-Armäische Texte und Fragmente, nebst einer Abhandlung über den Wart der palästinischen Septuaginta. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1906.
The Diatessaron of Tatian, dating from the late second century, though probably originally composed in Syriac, no longer survives in Syriac. There are only quotations from it in a number of different Syriac authors, most notably in Ephrem's Commentary on the Diatessaron, but also in Aphrahat, the Liber Graduum, Isho'dad of Merv, and even Rabbula of Edessa, a figure who opposed the use of the Diatessaron. There may also be Diatessaronic influences on the Old Syriac Gospels and the Peshitta.
Though the original text of the Diatessaron no longer exists, the document had an influence on Gospel harmonies in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages from England in the West to Persia in the East. Scholars have been able to look to Gospel Harmonies in a large number of languages in their attempt to reconstruct the Diatessaron. These harmonies have been of interest to scholars on two levels: 1) their content, which may contain Diatessaronic readings (e.g., the great light which is present at the baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:15-16 seems to be a Diatessaronic reading) and 2) their sequence/their arrangement of the events of the life of Jesus.
The following are Gospel Harmonies which are important for the study of the Diatessaron:
Codex fuldensis: Novum Testamentum latine interprete Hieronymo. Marburg; Leipzig: Sumtibus N. G. Elwerti, 1868. [Latin, AD 546; reflects Diatessaron's sequence; capitularia reflect Diatessaronic readings]
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Tatian: lateinisch und altdeutsch mit ausführlichem Glossar. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, 1872. [Codex Sangallensis, Latin and German (East Frankish dialect) from around 830; the Latin is essentially the text of the Vulgate but the German seems to follow the Vetus Latina]
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Die Quellen des Heliand nebst einem Anhang, Tatians Evangelienharmonie herausgegeben nach dem Codex Cassellanus. Cassel: Theodor Kay, 1869. [Codex Cassellanus, 9th century; see its Diatessaronic reading, e.g., at John 20:16-17]
Middle English
The Pepysian Gospel Harmony. London: Oxford University Press, 1922.
Old High German
- Tatian: lateinisch und altdeutsch mit ausführlichem Glossar. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, 1872. [Codex Sangallensis, Latin and German (East Frankish) from around 830; the Latin is essentially the text of the Vulgate but the German seems to follow the Vetus Latina] ,
- The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895. ,
- Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocryphi Syriace. Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1861. ,
- Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles Edited from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum and Other Libraries [Translations], vol. 2, 2 vol. London: Williams & Norgate, 1871. [Acts of Thomas, Acts of John, Acts of Thecla, Acts of Philip] ,
- Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament. London: Williams & Norgate, 1865. [Protevangelium Jacobi; Gospel of Thomas the Israelite; The Letters of Herod and Pilate; Transitus beatae Virginis; Obsequies of the Holy Virgin] ,
- A collection of extra-Biblical writings in English can be found here.
- The standard Douay-Rheims:
- The Holy Bible translated from the Latin vulgate, diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages. New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1914.
Other Instrumenta
- Die griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrich, 1908. ,
- Textkritik des neuen Testamentes, vol. 1, 3 vol. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1900. [Contains lists of Syriac (and Arabic and other) Biblical mss] ,
- Tischendorf's Editio Octava Critica Maior still has what is perhaps the richest apparatus criticus of the NT ever assembled and is therefore invaluable for Biblical study. See, e.g., his discussion of the important passage Hebrews 2:9.
- Volume 1
- Novum Testamentum graece. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit, apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, vol. 1, 3 vol. Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1869. ,
- Volume 2
- Novum Testamentum graece. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit, apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, vol. 2, 3 vol. Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1872. ,
- Volume 3 (parts 1, 2, and 3)
- Novum Testamentum graece. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit, apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, vol. 3.1, 3 vol. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1884. ,
- Novum Testamentum graece. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit, apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, vol. 3.2, 3 vol. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1890. ,
- Novum Testamentum graece. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit, apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, vol. 3.3, 3 vol. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1894. ,
- Volume 1
- Nestle-Aland 28 can be read online here.
Bibliography [Back to Top]
- 1. See also “Peshitta New Testament”. 2008.. This resource includes several transcribed resources which can be compared side-by-side.
- 2. Republished in 1731: , Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum Syriace: cum punctis vocalibus, & versione Latina Matthaei, ita adornata, ut unico hoc Evangelista intellecto, reliqui totius operis libri, sine interprete, facilius intelligi possint. Frankfurt: [Publisher unidentified], 1731.
- 3. The first version of the American Bible Society edition, published in 1874: Ktava d-diyatiḳe ḥdata d-maran Isho Mshiḥa. New York: American Bible Society, 1874.. The second edition, published in 1878: Ktava d-diyatiḳe ḥdata d-maran Isho Mshiḥa [1878]. New York: American Bible Society, 1878.
- 4. This list roughly follows the order found in the Latin Vulgate because there is no agreement on book order, neither among Syriac printed Bibles nor mansucripts.
- 5. Labeled as 2 Baruch 6
- 6. Labeled as "Baruch"
- 7. Daniel 3:24-90 in Vulgate
- 8. Also see a commentary preserved in Syriac attributed to St. Cyril of Alexandria here.
- 9. In the order of the lectionary
- 10. In the order of the lectionary
- 11. In the order of the lectionary
- 12. In the order of the lectionary