- See entry in Lewis
- Palimpsest. Underwriting:
- ff. 1-21 On the Holy Lady, Thecla
- ff. 21-52 On the Blessed Eugenia and her father, Philip
- ff.53-69 Acts of the discipleship of Pelagia
- ff. 69-76 The Blessedy Mary [Marinus]
- ff. 76-84 The story of Euphrosyne of Alexandria
- ff. 84-92 The story of Onesimus
- ff. 92-95 Martyrdom of St. Drusius and those with her at Antioch
- ff. 95-100 Story of St. Barbara in Heliopolis
- ff. 100-105 The martyrdom of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- ff. 105-137 The Story of St. Irene
- ff. 137-149 The Martyrdom of the Blessed Euphemia
- ff. 150-161 The martyrdom of St. Sophia and her three daughters
- ff. 161-163 The martyrdom of Theodotia the harlot
- ff. 163-165 An apology for the faith
- ff. 165-170 The story of Susanna
- ff. 170-180 The Martyrdom of Cyprian the Wizard and Justa the Virgin
- ff. 180-181 Ephrem Syrus, a metrical homily on the Mansions of Paradise
- Lower Text
- ff. 1-140, 143, 148 The Four Gospels in Old Syriac
- ff. 141, 145, 146, 150, 170 Syriac Apocrypha: Acts of Thomas and the Repose of Mary
- ff. 142, 144, 147, 149 Text of the Gospel in Greek Uncials
- ff. 171-182 A Greek text in sloping Uncials
Manuscript Name:
Sinai Syr. 30
Greek, Syriac
Approximate Date:
778 CE
Content Key Words other Genres: