Filoksinos Yohanna Dolabany, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in St. Mark’s Monastery (1994).
- fol. 1r-90v Psalter (Syriac Rite, Western; Syriac)
- fol. 91r-100r Prayers (Syriac)
- fol. 100r-101v Ephrem of Nisibis, Homily on humility and love of learning (Syriac)
- fol. 102r-198r Treatises and letters (Syriac)
- fol. 198r-200r Monastic and ascetic selections (Syriac)
- fol. 200v-209v Canons (Garshuni)
- fol. 210r-210v Homily (Garshuni)
- fol. 211r-220v Homily for Sunday (Garshuni)
- fol. 221r-235v Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Letter on the canons (Syriac)
- fol. 235v-236v Questions and answers between a teacher and student (Syriac)
- fol. 237r-243v John of Ephesus, Homily on repentance, death and the judgment (Garshuni)
Manuscript Name:
SMMJ 00290
Garshuni, Syriac
Approximate Date:
1477 CE
Content Key Words other Genres: