Filoksinos Yohanna Dolabany, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in St. Mark’s Monastery (1994).
- fol. 1r-28r Apocalypse of Paul
- fol. 29v-58v Gregory of Nyssa, Vision of Saint Gregory
- fol. 59r-75r Book of radiance. Selections
- fol. 75v-79v Confession of faith
- fol. 80v-142r Sāwīrus ibn al-Muqaffa', Book of the councils
- fol. 142v-193r Story of Joseph, son of Jacob
- fol. 193v-252v John bar Ma'dani, Homilies for the feasts
Manuscript Name:
SMMJ 00250
Approximate Date:
1352 CE
Language Tag:
Content Key Words other Genres: