Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi 189; 3/23 (DIYR 00134) Prayers Life of John the Baptist Shem'ūn II, poem Shem'ūn II, poems John of Sbīrīnō, poems Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Poem on wisdom Lamentations Jacob of Sarug, Homily Ignatius Marcus bar Qīqī, Homily on himself Poem on the capture of Tur Abdin Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Poems Our Father Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, On the Love of Learning Jacob 'Urdansaya, Homily on the disturbance of the present time Shem'ūn II, Poems
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00500) f. 1r-17r Acts of Andrew f. 17r-36v Life of John of the Golden Gospel of Rome f. 36v-64r Life of Mar Malke f. 64r-64v Preaching of Matthias in the city of the cannibals
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00443) f. 210r Shem'ūn II, Book of Sermons (Garshuni) f. 212r-221r Shem'ūn II, Exposition on the last penny (Garshuni) f. 222r-225v Homily (Garshuni) f. 225v-230v Story of the Mandylion: The Abgar Legend f. 231r-240v Homily on the compassion of Mary at Golgotha and at the tomb f. 244v-276v Shem'un II, Exposition of Seraphs' acclamation as seen by Isaiah (Is 6:3) f. 276r-304v Shem'un II, Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: Orientali 426 See entry for Assemani 68; [Bibliographic Record]; [Data Record]