Qarah Qūsh, Iraq, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00055) fol. 1ra-297vb Readings for the memory of Saint Benham
Qarah Qūsh, Iraq, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00035) f. 1ra-218vb Liturgical book with prayers and Biblical readings for the feasts of the martyrs
Qarah Qūsh, Iraq, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00026) fol. 2va-369vb, Services for various feasts of the year
Harvard MS Syr 173 Catalog Entry Two leaves from a liturgical manuscript, containing the heading for the feast of Dimitrios the martyr on 25 October.
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00020) f. 1ra-271vb Services for various feasts
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00019) f. 2va-216ra Services for Dominical feasts