Syriac 39. Akolouthia Catalogs: Clark Chabot Contents: Offices for the feast of the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and for the Feast of Epiphany
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00075) ff. 2ra-116vb Offices for the Easter season
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00065) ff. 1va-237rb Liturgical book with prayers and Bibical readings for the dominical feasts
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00064) ff. 1va-226vb Liturgical book with prayers and Biblical readings for the feasts of the year
Qarah Qūsh, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00063) ff. 1va-332ra Liturgical book with prayers and Biblical readings for the feasts of the Mother of God