Funeral Rite
- Funeral rites for priests and deacons
- Ephrem Syrus, On a third day after the burial
- Jacob of Sarug, On the sevent day after the burial
- Jacob of Sarug, On the fortieth day after the burial
- Readings from the gospels and Pauline epistles
- Burial service for a layman
- Burial service for women
- Burial service for children
- Burial service for priests, deacons, and monks
- Homily for a deceased (Turkish)
- Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles (Turkish)
- Burial service for laymen
- Funeral Rite for women
- Funeral rite for children
- Dismissal Prayer
- Blessing of the rings. First Service
- Blessing of the rings. Second Service
- Jacob of Sarug, homily on weakness and the deceased
- Vigil of the Virgin Mary
- Book of Candles
- Burial Service for Men
- Service for the second day after the burial
- Abridged baptism service by the deceased Maphrian
- Blessing of bridegroom and bride according to Sunni law
- Blessing of bridegroom and bride
- Blessing of the crowns
- Blessing of the widowers
- Selection from a service
- Ephrem Syrus, Service on a third day after burial
- Jacob of Sarug, Service on the seventh day after the burial
- Jacob of Sarug, Service on the fortieth day after the burial
- When a priest or deacon dies
- Service
- Selection from Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians
- Five burial services for laymen
- Funeral rite for the priests, deacons and monks
- Funeral rite for the laymen
- Funeral rite for the women
- Funeral rite for children
- Consolation for anyone
- Funeral Rites
- Homilies of Ephrem of Nisibis, Jacob of Sarug, and Isaac of Antioch, selected for the deceased
- Supplications for the archpriests, priests, and monks written by the holy doctors
- f. 1r-21v Burial rite for the baptized children
- f. 22r-24v Madrasha
- f. 24v-36v Madrasha for all the ecclesiastical degrees
- f. 37r-40r Readings from Paul's Epistles appropriate for burial rites
- f. 40r-48r Readings from the Gospels appropriate for burial rites
- f. 48r-64v Consolatory prayers
- f. 64v-75r Canonic regulations regarding the dead
- f. 75r-76r Dismissal prayers
- f. 76r-78r Rites of the sanctification of water
- f. 1r-74r Burial rite for lay men and women
- f. 74v-85r Burial rite for the baptized infants
- f. 85v Burial rite for the infants who have not been baptized
- f. 86r-118r Madrashe for burial of any church member
- f. 118v-123r Consolatory prayers
- f. 123r-125r Blessing recited by a grave
- f. 126v-130v Gospel readings for burial
- f. 1v-55r Burial rite for deceased priests, deacons and monks
- f. 55v-58r Service for the second day after the funeral
- f. 58v-59v Service for day forty after the funeral