Qarah Qūsh, Iraq, Syrian Catholic Archdiocesan Library (DSCQT 00058) fol. 2va-286vb Liturgical book with prayers and readings for the burial of a priest or a deacon
Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi 42; 6/5 (DIYR 00292) Funeral rite for priests Jacob of Sarug, Homily on the burial of Aaron the Priest Ephrem of Nisibis, Homily Funeral Rite for Believers Runeral Rite for women Funeral Rite for children Jacob of Sarug, Homily upon dying children and infants Ephrem Syrus, Homily on the benediction of the table Jacob of Sarug, Homily on the deceased
Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi 268 (DIYR 00268) \Table of Contents Reading from the Gospel of Matthew (Turkish) Reading from one of Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians (Turkish) Ephrem Syrus, On the third day after the burial (Garshuni) Jacob of Sarug, On the seventh day after the burial (Garshuni) Jacob of Sarug, On the fortieth day after the burial (Garshuni) Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles (Garshuni) Prooemion (Syriac) Burial rite for laymen (Syriac, Garshuni) Burial rite for women (Garshuni)
Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi 4/27; 295 (DIYR 00262) Services for Our Lady Mary, saints and the departed
Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi (DIYR 00252) Funeral rites for priests, deacons, and monks Funeral rites for laymen Funeral rites for women Funeral rites for children and infants Jacob of Sarug, Homily on the burial of priests
Diyarbakir, Turkey Meryem Ana Kilisesi 6/4; 303 (DIYR 00250) Funeral rite for priests and deacons Funeral rite for laymen Funeral rite for women Funeral rite for children Consolation for anybody