Vat. sir. 599 Binding Copyists Note f. 1r-1v Table of contents f. 1v-11r Letter of Mar Aba, Catholicos Patriarch of the East to those in the Episcopal city of Seleucia f. 11r-19v Another letter of Mar Abba on the boundary of joining of marriage f. 19v-33v The Letter of Mar Isho'yahb of Gedalaya the Patriarch to Rabban Abraham f. 33v-44r Letter of St. Atticus, Bishop of Constantinople to the priest, Eupesicos f. 44r-50v Letter of Bishop Andrew of Samosata to Rabbula, Bishop of Urhoy [Edessa]
Vat. sir. 598 Binding Synodicon Orientale f. 1r Note about manuscript f. 1v-14r Synod of Mar Isaac f. 14r-18r Synod of Mar Yahballaha f. 18r- 25v Synod of Mar Dadisho' f. 25v-31v Synod of Mar Acacius [Aqaq] f. 31v-34v The four letters of Barsawma of Nisibis f. 34v-39r Synod of Mar Babai f. 39r-55v Synod of Mar Aba f. 56r-66v Synod of Mar Joseph f. 66v-82v Synod of Mar Ezekiel f. 82v-132v Synod of Mar Isho'yahb f. 132v-135r Synod of Mar Sabrisho'
Vat. sir. 596 Binding f. 1r-53v Jacob of Edessa, Commentary on the Old Testament f. 1r-20r Genesis f. 20v-32r Exodus f. 32r-39v Leviticus f. 39v-42v Numbers (f. 41rv lacuna) f. 42v-47r Deuteronomy f. 47v-50v Job f. 51r-52r Joshua f. 52v-53v Judges f. 53v-66r Exlanation of difficult Old Testament passages (Ephrem, Jacob, and others) f. 66r Colophon f. 66v-79r Explanations of various subjects attributed to different authors f. 79v-81v Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Vat. sir. 495 Binding f. 1r-7r Documentation surrounding the signers of the Council of Nicaea f. 7r-11r The canons of Nicaea f. 11r-12v A letter written to the Church of Alexandria f. 12v-13r A Letter of Emperor Constantine about Arius f. 14r-19r The signers and canons of the Council of Constantinople f. 19r Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed f. 19r-19v Note about an anaphora of the Constantinopolitan Fathers sent to Emperor Theodosius f. 19v-20r Scribal Notes Binding