Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00361) See Scher's note on Diyarbakir 138 f. 2v-122r Exposition of the seven mysteries of the Church f. 122v-226r Exposition of the Decalogue
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00360) See Scher's note on Diyarbakir 139 f. 2v-122r Exposition of the seven mysteries of the Church f. 122v-222v Exposition of the Decalogue
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00359) See Scher's note on Diyarbakir 115 f. 5v-14v Chronological calculations f. 14v-16r Mathematical Calculations f. 16r-17r Chronological calculations about Biblical history f. 17r-19v Treatise about seven climates
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00354) f. 1r-97r Psalter f. 97r-108v Canticles of Praise f. 109r-113r Homily f. 113r-119r John Chrysostom, Homily on repentance, love, and faith f. 119r-126r John Chrysostom, Homily on Psalm 6 f. 127r-131v Jacob of Sarug, Homily on the Holy Mysteries, Confession, and repentance f. 132r-137v John Chrysostom, Homily on repentance and the rebuke of the soul f. 137v-142v Ephrem Syrus, Homily on the End and the punishment of the world
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00344) f. 2r-3v Homily f. 3r-5v John Chrysostom, Homily on the denial of Peter f. 6r-11r John Chrysostom, Homily on Great Lent f. 11r-17v John Chrysostom, On repentance and love f. 17v-22v Ephrem Syrus, Homily on repentance and the soul f. 22v-31r John Chrysostom, commentary on the sixth Psalm f. 31v-37r Jacob of Sarug, Homily on the Holy Mysteries, Confession, and Repentance f. 37v-43v John Chrysostom, On Repentance and the rebuke of the soul
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00080) f. 1r-244v Gospel of Luke, with Commentary The Gospel is in Syriac/Arabic parallel columns with the reference to the commentary author as "the interpreter" (presumably Theodore of Mopsuestia)
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00065) f. 1r-231v Gospel lectionary, with commentary (Syriac Rite, Eastern)
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00018) f. 1v-3v On the priest and the sponsors of the bride and groom f. 3v-7v Command and blessing of marriage f. 7v-14v Blessings of the contract of the oath f. 15r-50v Unidentified astrological-theological text f. 50v-78r Story of the palace of Shād b. 'Ād f. 78v-131r Story of Masrūr and Zayn al-Muwāṣif f. 131v-135v Hymns to the Virgin Mary f. 136r-139v Hymns f. 140r-177v Unidentified hagiographic text