- fol. 2v-162r Psalter (Syriac Rite, Western)
- Fol. 1r-23r Wisdom of Solomon. Selections
- Pages 1-35 Preparation for the Mass (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- Pages 36-67 Anaphora of Pope Sixtus (Syriac)
- Pages 68-83 Concluding the Holy Mass (Syriac)
- Pages 85-117 Readings from the New Testament (Arabic Garshuni)
- Pages 121-123 Phromeon prayers for every day (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- Pages 125-160 Anaphora of Pope Sixtus (Arabic, Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- fol. 1v-24r Baptismal rite
- fol. 24r-26v Engagement rite
- fol. 26v-51r Marriage rite
- fol. 51v-56r Prayers and readings from the New Testament
- fol. 56v-81r Prayers for the dying
- fol. 1r-15r Holy Mass according to the Syriac Catholic Church (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- fol. 15v-18v Readings from the Epistles of Saint Paul (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- Includes: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; Hebrews 2:14-18; Romans 12:9-20
- fol. 1-10v Holy Mass (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- fol. 11v-36r Prayers (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- fol. 36v-61r Collection of Psalms (Arabic Garshuni, Syriac)
- fol. 61-69v Yūsef of Antioch, Patriarch, Homily on the Christian people and the Holy Church
- 1 Timothy
- Incomplete. Includes only 1 Tim. 2-3
- Palimpsest; upper text unidentified, severely faded
- Lectionary of the Pauline Epistles (Chaldean Rite)