Vat. sir. 112 See entry in Assemani Binding f. 2v-39v Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on Paradise (1-11, 12 v. 1-4, 6, 15) f. 39v-92v Hymns on Nativity Binding
Vat. sir. 111 See entry in Assemani Binding f. 1r-22v Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on the Church f. 23v-50v Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on Virginity f. 51v-94r Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on Faith f. 94v-128v Ephrem Syrus, Hymns against Heresies f. 128v-142r Ephrem Syrus, Hymns on Paradise Colophon Binding
Vat. sir. 110 See entry in Assemani and the manuscript description from CPART. Binding f. 1v-76r Ephrem Syrus, Commentary on Genesis f. 76r-95v Ephrem Syrus, Commentary on Exodus Binding
Vat. sir. 108 See entry in Assemani Binding f. 1v Fragment of St. Isaac f. 2r Fragment of a Gospel Commentary f. 2v-214v Peter Kallinikos, Against Damian (Chapters 26-50) f. 215r-216v Fragment (in a later hand) of Philoxenus, On the Incarnation f. 217r-218v Peter Kallinikos, Against Damian (Chapters 26-50, continued) f. 219r Colophon and notes Binding
Vat. sir. 106 See entry in Assemani Binding f. 2v-3r Letter of Gregory of Nyssa to Theophilus of Alexandria (against Apollinarius) f. 4r-18v Gregory of Nyssa, Exposition of the Lord's Prayer f. 18v-42r Gregory of Nyssa, Exposition of the Beatitudes f. 42r-75r Gregory of Nyssa, On the Making of Men f. 75r-152r Gregory of Nyssa, Exposition on Solomon's Song of Songs Binding
Vat. sir. 105 See entry in Assemani Binding f. 1v-108v Gregory of Nazianzus, Iambics f. 109v Acquisition Note by Moses of Nisibis Binding