- Dādišo‛ Qaṭrāyā, Commentary on the two homilies of Abba Isaiah
- Dādišo‛ Qaṭrāyā, Commentary on the "Paradise of the Fathers"
- Unidentified text about the Ascetic Life
- On the Christian Life (belons with n369 and n412)
- Romans
- 1-2 Corinthians
- C23: n203; C73: n 204; C93: n205; C79: n206
- Galatians
- Titus
- The Book of Daniel
- Homily on the Fast
- Simon fragment
- Martyrdom of Cyriacus and Julitta
- Text about the Apostles
- r: Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
- v: Gloria in excelsis Deo
- r/v - Luke 2:10-20; Matthew 2:1-3
- Discovery of the True Cross
- The Legend of Barshabbā
- Prayer text; Beginning of the Discovery of the True Cross
- Martyrdom of Sergius and Bacchus
- Unidentified