
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00443)

  • f. 210r Shem'ūn II, Book of Sermons (Garshuni)
  • f. 212r-221r Shem'ūn II, Exposition on the last penny (Garshuni)
  • f. 222r-225v Homily (Garshuni)
  • f. 225v-230v Story of the Mandylion: The Abgar Legend
  • f. 231r-240v Homily on the compassion of Mary at Golgotha and at the tomb
  • f. 244v-276v Shem'un II, Exposition of Seraphs' acclamation as seen by Isaiah (Is 6:3)
  • f. 276r-304v Shem'un II, Exposition of the Lord's Prayer


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