- Canon law and admonition (3 vellum leaves, 29 cm., probably from the same ms. of the ca. 11th cent.), in 2 columns, ca. 40 lines per column, written in an old serto
- Acrostic hymn of Elia Abuḥalim (8 paper leaves in 1 quire, written in a good E. Syriac hand, ca. 17th cent.)
- End of a memra on the love of poverty, letter of Abgar to Jesus, beginning of the reply of Jesus (1 vellum leaf, estrangela, ca. 9th century)
- Lectionary containing Mt 18.17-20, Lk 14.1-6, Lk 16.19-24, with a quire signature decorated in color (1 leaf, 38 cm., large bold estrangela, ca. 13th cent.)
- W. Syriac qale for festivals, including a rubric for the evening service of Palm Sunday (2 vellum leaves in 1 bifolium, 40 cm. written in a very large estrangela script in 1 column, ca. 12th cent.)
- Fenqitho, part of the services for a group of priests (1 vellum leaf, estrangela in 2 columns, 37 cm., ca. 13th cent.)
- A homiliary, with a rubric for Mar Yuannis [Chrysostom] for the Monday of the Passion and the "entry into port" (part of 1 vellum leaf in 3 columns, estrangela, 37 cm. wide, ca. 12th cent.)
- Anaphora (2 paper leaves, serto, ca. 18th cent.)
- Hymns (2 paper leaves in 1 bifoium, poor serto, ca. 18th cent.)
- Service book naming a number of saints (part of 1 paper leaf, good late serto)
Manuscript Name:
Harvard Ms Syr 151
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