- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
- Small anaphora of Simon, the Head of the Apostles
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Anaphora of Bishop Mar John
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of John bar Ma'dani
- Anaphora of Jacob Baradaeus [Burd'oyo]
- Anaphora of Ignatius bar Wahib
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Anaphora of John bar Shushan
- Huttame: Prayers of final blessing
- Anaphora of Xystus
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Salibi
Manuscript Name:
DIYR 00033
Garshuni, Syriac
Approximate Date:
1550 CE
Content Key Words other Genres: