Vat. sir. 51 pt. 1 |
1,100 CE |
Syriac |
See entry in Assemani
- Binding
- West Syrian Pontifical of Michael the Patriarch
- Binding

Vat. sir. 51 pt. 2 |
1,100 CE |
Syriac |
See entry in Assemani
- Binding
- West Syrian Pontifical of Michael the Patriarch
- Binding

Vat. sir. 501 |
1,927 CE |
Syriac |
See entry in Voste
- Binding
- f. 3v-4r Symbol of Nicea
- f. 4v-10v Twenty canons of the Council
- f. 10v-12v Names of the participating bishops
- f. 12v-13r Constantine's letter to the nations
- f. 13r-87r The work of Marutha of Maypherqat concerning the council in the form of a letter to the Pontiff Isaac
- f. 87r-96v Symbol of Nicaea and his apology
- f. 97r-97v Colophon
- Binding

Vat. sir. 598 |
1,871 CE |
Syriac |
- Binding
- Synodicon Orientale
- f. 1r Note about manuscript
- f. 1v-14r Synod of Mar Isaac
- f. 14r-18r Synod of Mar Yahballaha
- f. 18r- 25v Synod of Mar Dadisho'
- f. 25v-31v Synod of Mar Acacius [Aqaq]
- f. 31v-34v The four letters of Barsawma of Nisibis
- f. 34v-39r Synod of Mar Babai
- f. 39r-55v Synod of Mar Aba
- f. 56r-66v Synod of Mar Joseph
- f. 66v-82v Synod of Mar Ezekiel
- f. 82v-132v Synod of Mar Isho'yahb
- f. 132v-135r Synod of Mar Sabrisho'
- f. 135r-137v Stipulations and canons of the solitary brethren who are named who are in Raqiti (ܪܩܝܛܝ)
- f. 137v-141r Letter of Mar Sabrisho' the Catholicos to the solitarties who are named who are in Raqiti (ܪܩܝܛܝ)
- f. 141r-146r Synod of Mar Gewargis the Patriarch
- f. 146r-157v Document of faith brought to king Khosrau
- f. 157v-165r Synod of Mar Gewargis the Patriarch
- f. 165r-179v Letter of Mar Gewargis
- f. 179v-185r Synod of Mar Hannanisho'
- f. 185r Table of Contents
- f. 186r Table of Contents (different hand)
- Binding

Vat. sir. 599 |
1,871 CE |
Syriac |
- Binding
- Copyists Note
- f. 1r-1v Table of contents
- f. 1v-11r Letter of Mar Aba, Catholicos Patriarch of the East to those in the Episcopal city of Seleucia
- f. 11r-19v Another letter of Mar Abba on the boundary of joining of marriage
- f. 19v-33v The Letter of Mar Isho'yahb of Gedalaya the Patriarch to Rabban Abraham
- f. 33v-44r Letter of St. Atticus, Bishop of Constantinople to the priest, Eupesicos
- f. 44r-50v Letter of Bishop Andrew of Samosata to Rabbula, Bishop of Urhoy [Edessa]
- f. 50v-51v Demonstrations from the teachers of the Church
- f. 51v-54v St. Athanasius, From the Homily against Apollonarius; Against Theopaschites
- f. 54v-58v A letter translated from Greek to Syriac containing the history of Mar Nestorius
- f. 58v-63r Excerpted words from the Holy Gregory the Theologian against the heretics, the Theopaschites and those who deny the duality of the natures of the Messiah, our Lord, and our God
- f. 63r-66r St. John Chrysostom, On the Passion
- f. 66r-78v Histories of the death of Hormizd, the son of Khosrau and unto the end of the kingdom of the Persians
- f. 78v-79v The statement of faith the Bishops of Persia brought to king Khosrau
- f. 80r-80v Two letters of Barsawma of Nisibis to Acacius
- f. 80v-83v The canons written by Rabban Mar Abraham the Abbot of the brethren of the monastery on the mountain of Izla
- f. 83v-87r The canons of Rabban Dadisho' about the monaster of 'Ahid
- f. 87r-97v The canons of the holy school of the city of Nisibis
- f. 97v-111r The decisions which were made by the blessed of God, Mar Hannanisho' the Catholicos, Patriarch of the East
- f. 111r-136r The arrangements of ecclesiastical decisions of Mar Timothy I, Catholicos
- f. 136r-155v The canons and decisions of Mar Isho' bar Nun
- f.155v-175v The laws and canons of marriage and inheritances of the excellent Mar 'Abdisho', magistrate of Assyria
- f. 175v-190r Various chapters of the ecclesiastical decisions of the excellent Simon, the magistrate of Revardashir
- f. 190r-250v The book about the decisions of Mar Isho'bokht, the Metropolitan of Persia
- f. 250v-262v Laws and decisions set down by Christian kings
- f. 262v-294r Canon of the judgments of Constantine, Theodosius, and Leo: another translation outside of the writings above, and also the canons which are beyond these and chapters of oath
- f. 294r-305r Secular laws of the Romans of Ambrosius the confessor
- f. 305v-306r Table of Contents (Syriac)
- Binding

BnF syr. 62 |
1,100 CE |
Syriac |
See catalog entry here (especially for the date of the ms)
- f. 1-89 Didascalia Apostolorum (Teaching of the 12 apostles; with excerpt from the prayer of Manasseh)
- f. 90-102r Books I-VII of the Apostolic Constitutions attributed to St. Clement
- f. 102v-107 Extracts from the Teaching of Addai
- f. 108-112 Collection of all the canons of the holy apostles and of the synods of the Holy Fathers
- f. 113-121r Book VIII of the canons of Clement
- f. 121v-128 The great and holy ecumenical council of Nicaea, metropolis of Bithynia, composed by the 318 fathers
- f. 129-132r The 24 canons fixed at Ancyra in Galatia through the synod which was assembled there
- f. 132v-133 Twelve other canons from the council assembled at Neo-caesarea
- f. 134-137r The eight canons established at Gangra
- f. 137v-146 The council which as gethered at ἐγχαινίοις, at the dedication of the church of Antioch: 28 canons.
- f. 147-149 Fifty-nine other canons established at Laodicaea in Phrygia
- f. 150-152 The seventh council, that of Constantinople
- f. 153 Two canons established at the holy council gathered at Ephesus during the time of Thedosius
- f. 154-170 Council of the 87 bishops gathered at Carthage during the time of Cyprian
- f. 171-172 Other canons from a letter written from Italy to the bishops of the East which were sent to the bishops reunited at Antioch
- f. 173-175r Selected sentences in the letters of the Epistles of St. Ignatius of Antioch
- f. 175v-183r Extracts from the instruction of St. Peter, bishop of Alexandria and martyr
- f. 183v-184 Questions addressed to Timothy the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria
- f. 185-191 Synodicon of Sardis
- f. 192-194r Letter of St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria to Abbot Ammon, on obligation of celibacy to monks
- f. 194v Letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to the priest Paregorius
- f. 195 Letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to Chorbishops, on the defense of conferring ordination for donations
- f. 196-197 Letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to the priest, Diodore, in which is a declaration of the legality of marriage of a man with his step-sister
- f. 198-207r Letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconia
- f. 207v-212 Letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconia
- f. 213 Another letter of St. Basil, bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, addressed to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconia
- f. 214-218r The 27 canons of the council of Chalcedon
- f. 218v Sentences of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- f. 218v Sentences of St. Basil regarding heretics who persecute the orthodox
- f. 219 Sentences of St. Gregory the Theologian
- f. 219 Extracts of the third letter of St. Damassus
- f. 219-225 Letter of St. Gregory, bishop of Nyssa to Litoios, bishop of Melitene
- f. 226-229r Canons of St. Rabbula, bishop of Edessa
- f. 229v-237r Definition regarding certain chapters addressed to the east in the form of Questions to Holy Fathers
- f. 237v-241 Various canons and rites established by the council of persian bishops who met at Seleucia-Ktesiphon
- f. 242 Letter of John, bishop of Egypt, sent to the isle of Cyprus rejecting the council of Chalcedon
- f. 243-244 Canons established in the time of the persection at the time of Patriarch Severus
- f. 245r Extracts from a letter addressed to the holy fathers on the two priests and archimandrites named Paul
- f. 245v Extracts of a letter of St. Constantine, metropolitan of Laodicaea
- f. 246-247r Extracts of a letter written by a bishop to his friends
- f. 247v-248r Letter written from Constantinople to Martyrius, Bishop of Antioch
- f. 248v-253 Extracts from various letters of Severus, patriarch of Antioch
- f. 254 Five canons of the holy Theodosius, pope of Alexandria
- f. 254v-255r Letter of St. Anthimus, bishop of Constantinople to Jacob of Edessa
- f. 255v Definitions on the punishments with monks regarding various sins by St. Basil, bishop fo Caesarea
- f. 266 Letter of St. Cyril of Alexandria to the monks
- f. 257 Extracts of the letter of St. Celestine, bishop of Rome, to the clergy at people of Constantinople
- f. 258 More extracts from the acts of the council of Ephesus
- f. 261 Four canons about excommunicated clerics, by Sergius, bishop of Amphiator
- f. 262-266 Recommendations and precepts of the canons regarding clerics, by John Bar-Cursus, Bishop of Tella
- f. 267-271 Questions on diverse subjects, addressed to the priest Sergius by Mar John Bar-Cursus, Bishop of Tella
- f. 272 Letter of Patriarch Athanasius on the defense of Christians eating meat sacrificed by Arabs which currently abound
- f. 273-284 Questions addressed by the priest, Addai Philoponos, to Jacob of Edessa and the response of the same
- f. 285 Extract from the 107th homily of Gregory the Theologian, on the Gospel passage, "The Pharisees came to find him to test him"
- f. 286 ff. Precepts which God gave to Moses on abominations

BnF syr. 332 |
1,700 CE |
Syriac |
Catalog entry in Chabot. This was one of the manuscripts used in Chabot's edition: J. - B. Chabot, Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902..

Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00333) |
1,602 CE |
Garshuni |
- f. 1v-173r Canons
- Includes Ps.-apostolic texts and western councils
- Also includes the Eastern synods from Isaac to George
- f. 173v-177v Yohannan V bar Abgārē
- On the fast of the Ninevites for al-'Abbās al-Fadl b. Sulaimān
- Letter to al-Ḥasan b. Yusef on some canonical regulations about the clergy
- Abū al-Faraj 'Abd Allāh ibn al-Tayyib, Questions on Marriage and divorce
- Treatise on marriage and divorce
- Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Bishop of Amida, Penitential canons

Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00332) |
1,700 CE |
Syriac |
See Scher's note on Mardin 53
- f. 1r-12v Joseph II, Catechism
- f. 13r-191v Enlightening Lamp, which is the Synodicon

Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00335) |
1,800 CE |
Garshuni |
- f. 1v-60v Elightening Lamp (Synodicon)
