Diyarbakir, Turkey, Meryem Ana Kilisesi (DIYR)
- Commentary on the Psalter (extant text covers the commentary on Psalms 18, 35, 36-39; The colophon indicates that it is part 1; see also DIYR 00088).
- Prayer for the consecration of an altar
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, Nomocanon
- Prayer recited on Great Friday
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of Pope Julius
- Collected Anaphora of John bar Ma'dani
- Prooemium
- Anaphora of Patriarch John Aksnoyo
- Anaphora of Peter, the Head of the Apostles
- Anaphora of Ignatius of Antioch
- Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
- Prooemium
- Readings, Prooemia, Sedrē
- Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of John bar Shushan
- Blessing of the bridegroom and the bride
- Blessing of the Crown
- Blessing of those who marry for the second time
- Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, The Book of Rays
- Timothy Isaac, Illumination of beginners
- Psalms
- Service before the Mass; Readings; Prooemia; Sedrē
- Small Anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of John of Ḥarran
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Jacob from the Monastery of Mor Ḥannanyo
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Anaphora of Mushe bar Kepha
- Dismissal Prayer of Mor Jacob
- Dismissal Prayer of Mor Ephrem
- Readings; Sedrē
- Anaphora of St. James, the Lord's Brother
- Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Anaphora of John the Evangelist
- Readings; Sedrē
- Anaphora of Severus of Antioch
- Service before Mass; Readings; Prooemia; Sedrē
- Anaphora of Dionysius bar Ṣalibi
- Anaphora of John bishop of Haran Habura and Nisibis
- Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
- Anaphora of Eustathius
- Anaphora of Julius of Rome
- Anaphora of Mushe bar Kepha
- Readings; Prooemium, Sedrē
- Anaphora of Lazarus bar Sabta