Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00401) f. 2v-141r Gewargis Warda, 'Onyatha for feasts and commemoration of the liturgical year
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00400) See Scher's note on Mardin 34 f. 1r-45r Turgame for feasts and commemorations of the liturgical year f. 45r-74r Turgame for weekdays and various feasts f. 74v-146v Sogyatha for feasts of the liturgical year
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00399) f. 1r-31r Gewargis Warda, 'Onyatha for the festivals of the liturgical year f. 31r-62r Gewargis Warda, Penitential hymns f. 62r-135v Gewargis Warda, 'Onyatha for the festivals of the liturgical year
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00395) See Scher's note on Mardin 95 f. 2v-560v Treasury of the Sacraments
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00394) f. 1r-74v Alchemical treatise dealing with the production of elixirs
Mardin, Turkey Chaldean Cathedral (CCM 00388) f. 1r-5r Alchemical treatise f. 6r-86v Alchemical treatise