Mardin, Turkey, Chaldean Cathedral (CCM)
- Michel Febure, Sermons on the festivals of the liturgical year
- f. 1v-41r Gregroy bar Hebraeus, Book of the Dove
- f. 41v-42v Gregory bar Hebraeus, Book of the Youthfulness of the Mind (Liber de pueritia mentis)
- f. 1r-12v Story dealing with eschatology
- f. 12v-30v Story on God's punishment of the sinners and evildoers
- f. 1r-74r Burial rite for lay men and women
- f. 74v-85r Burial rite for the baptized infants
- f. 85v Burial rite for the infants who have not been baptized
- f. 86r-118r Madrashe for burial of any church member
- f. 118v-123r Consolatory prayers
- f. 123r-125r Blessing recited by a grave
- f. 126v-130v Gospel readings for burial
- f. 1r-159v Psalter (Syriac Rite, Eastern)
- f. 1r-90v Qdām wa d-batar (Syriac Rite, Eastern)
- f. 1r-12v Qdām wa d-batar (Syriac Rite, Eastern)
- f. 1r-249r Collection of prayers, supplications, and praises
- f. 1r-281v Psalter (Syriac rite, Eastern)
- f. 1r-10v Marmyatha for the weekdays: Qdām wa d-batar
- f. 11r-13r Shubhe for the weekdays
- f. 13r-28r Praises
- f. 28r-32r Shoraye for Sundays
- f. 32r-34v 'Onyatha for feasts
- f. 34v-41r 'Onyatha
- f. 41r-46v Praises for Wednesdays
- f. 47r-62v Qale for martyrs
- f. 63r-84v Marmyatha for the weekdays: Qdām wa d-batar