Manuscripts Available Online
Birmingham, Mingana Collection.
Cairo, Coptic Catholic Patriarchate.
Jerusalem, St. Mark’s Monastery: manuscripts in Syriac and Garshūnī.
Joun, Dayr al-Mukhalliṣ: some manuscripts are available here.
Mosul, St. Thomas Syrian Catholic Church: manuscripts in Syriac and Garshūnī.
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: many Christian (and Muslim) Arabic manuscripts are downloadable here.
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France: some manuscripts are downloadable here.
Sinai Arabic manuscripts online.
Ca. 200 manuscripts available! The photographs, based on the Library of Congress microfilms from 1950, are in black and white; the quality is not always satisfactory.
The rest of the manuscripts can be ordered from the Library of Congress (those microfilmed in 1950) or from the National and University Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (those microfilmed in 1968).
Microfilm Libraries
Coptic Microfilm Library (CML) at the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Los Angeles.
From the website: “So far the collection generated by the project includes over 200,000 microfilm frames of Coptic, Coptic-Arabic, and Arabic manuscripts. This collection is considered one of the largest ones in the world, dealing with manuscripts related to the Coptic Church and there is room as well as need to grow even further. The collection includes material written on papyrus, parchment, and paper. They were collected from such places as the Vatican Apostolic Library, National Library of Paris, the British Library, Cairo Coptic Museum, New York Pierpont Morgan Libarary, Oxford Bodleian Library, Manchester John Rylands Library, Birmingham Selly Oak College Library, Napels National Library, Cambridge University Library, Vienna National Library, and Michigan University Library. They cover such subjects as the Bible, Church History, Hagiography, Patristics writings, Liturgical services, Canon Law, Apocryphal texts, Gnostic writings, and Lexical works.”
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) in Collegeville, Minnesota.
From the website: “HMML houses the world’s largest collection of images of manuscripts from Europe, Ethiopia, the Middle East, and India. HMML’s teams have been photographing manuscripts since 1965, and the collection now consists of more than 125,000 manuscripts preserved on microfilm and in digital format.” Many of these are Christian Arabic manuscripts; they can be consulted gratis (both on site and electronically) or ordered for a modest fee.
As of March 2016, HMML has digitized the following Arabic, Syriac, and Garshuni collections.
Syriac Tradition Manuscripts (may include Garshuni and some Arabic manuscripts)
India (with the Association for the Preservation of the St. Thomas Christian Heritage)
Bangalore: Dharmaram College (68 mss)
Ernakulam: Syro-Malabar Major Archbishopric (30 mss)
Kottayam: Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) (50 mss); Mar Thoma Seminary (30 mss)
Mannanam: Monastery of St Joseph (113 mss)
Pampakuda: Konat Collection (451 mss)
Piramadam: Gethsame Dayro (36 mss)
Thrissur: Chaldean Syrian Church (Assyrian Church of the East) (130 mss)
Trivandrum: Syro-Malankara Major Archbishopric (40 mss)
Iraq (with the Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orientaux)
Alqosh: Chaldean Diocese (145 mss)
Ankawa: Bishop Jacques Isac (48 mss); Pontifical Babel College Library (89 mss): Museum of Syrian Heritage (26 mss); Chaldean Sisters Daughters of Maris (46 mss)
Baghdad: Chaldean Patriarchate (500 mss); Syrian Catholic Archdiocese (132 mss); Dominican Fathers (2 mss); Saint Peter Seminary for Chaldean Patriarchate in Iraq (6 mss)
Baqofa: Saint George Chaldean Church (7 mss)
Bartelli: St George Syrian Catholic Church (84 mss)
Batnaya: Chaldean Church (56 mss)
Dawdia: Eglise Mar Youhanna Al_ Mamdane (2 mss)
Duhok: Chaldean Diocese (32 mss)
Erbil: Chaldean Archdiocese (176 mss)
Kirkuk: Chaldean Archdiocese (137 mss)
Komani: Eglise Mar Qyriacos (3 mss)
Mangesh: Mar Gorges Chaldean Church (16 mss)
Mosul: Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese (299 mss); Dominican Friars (775 mss); Mar Behnam Monastery (529 mss); Chaldean Archdiocese (93 mss); Congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart 93
Qaraqosh: Syrian Catholic Diocese (135 mss); Eglise Mar Yaqub (4 mss); Eglise Mar Yuhana al_Mamdane (18 mss); Mar Sarkis and Bakhos Syrian Orthodox Church (81 mss); Saint Ephrem Institute (5 mss)
Tell Kaif: Qalb Al-Aqdas Chaldean Church of Tell-kaif (227 mss)
Tellesqof: Saint George Chaldean Church (59 mss)
Zakho: Chaldean Archdiocese (76 mss); Virgin Mary Syrian Catholic Church (2 mss)
Various: Private libraries in Alqosh, Baghdad, Kanda-Kossa, Karmless, Mosul, Qaraqosh, Tellesqof (141 mss)
Old City: Saint Mark's Monastery (476 mss)
Beirut: Université Saint-Joseph (58 mss)
Hrash: Sisters of St. John the Baptist (200 mss)
Jounieh: Lebanese Maronite Missionary Order (541 mss)
Kaslik: Lebanese Maronite Order (1185 mss)
Louaize: Notre Dame University (500 mss)
Aleppo: Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese (Urfa Collection) (250 mss); Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese (St. Ephrem Collection) (152 mss); Syriac Catholic Archdiocese (see below for Arabic) (190 mss)
Homs: Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese (includes Sadad, etc.) (465 mss)
Ain Wardo: Mor Hadbshabo Church (54 mss)
Diyarbakir: Meryem Ana Syriac Orthodox Church (355 mss)
Enhil: Churches (84 mss)
Mardin: Chaldean Cathedral (Diyarbakir+Mardin collections) (588 mss); Church of the Forty Martyrs (1150 mss); Monastery of Deir Ulzaferan (266 mss)
Midyat: Monastery of Mor Gabriel and villages of Tur ‘Abdin (ca. 400 mss); Midyat churches (ca. 300 mss)
Christian Arabic Manuscripts
Al-Harf: Monastery of St. George (17 mss)
Balamand: Our Lady of Balamand Monastery (210 mss); Institute for Antiochian Orthodox Heritage (41 mss)
Beirut: Near East School of Theology (293 mss); Université Saint-Joseph (includes Islamic manuscripts) (1895 mss)
Bzommar: Clergy Institute of Bzommar (Arabic collection) (250 mss)
Hamatoura: Monastery of Our Lady (47 mss)
Harissa: Paulist Order (300 mss)
Jounieh: Aleppan Basilian Order (1358 mss)
Khonchara: Chouerite Basilian Order (930 mss)
Kosba: Monastery of St. Dimitri (14 mss)
Shwayya: Monastery of St. Elias (63 mss)
Various: Antiochene Orthodox collections in the Diocese of Mount Lebanon (18 mss); Zouk Basilian Chouerite Nuns (250 mss)
Aleppo: Greek-Catholic Archdiocese, Archbishopric Collection (428 mss); Greek-Catholic Archdiocese, Sbath/ Salem Collection (550 mss); Syriac Catholic Archdiocese (628 mss)
Damascus: Greek-Catholic Patriarchate (170 mss)
Homs: St. George Al-Hmayra Monastery (46 mss); St. Elian Antiochian Orthodox Church (42 mss); Antiochian Orthodox Bishopric (53 mss)
Knights of Columbus in St Louis, Missouri have copies of the Vatican manuscripts in their “Vatican Film Library.”
Manuscript Catalogues (Sinai only)
A helpful list of manuscript catalogues is found at the beginning of each volume of Nasrallah’s HMLÉM. Several catalogues are downloadable here.
For digitized versions of select manuscript catalogs from Sinai and other libraries, click here. Specific catalogs for Sinai are listed below.
(a) Sinai Main Collection
A. S. Atiya, The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A Hand-list of the Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai (Baltimore, 1955).
———, Catalogue Raisonné of the Mount Sinai Arabic Manuscripts / al-Fahāris al-taḥlīliyya li-maḫṭūṭāt Ṭūr Sīnā al-ʿarabiyya: Fahāris kāmila maʿa dirāsa taḥlīliyya li-l-maḫṭūṭāt al-ʿarabiyya bi-dayr al-qiddīsa Kātirīna bi-Ṭūr Sīnā. Published in the Arabic translation by J.N. Youssef, vol. 1 (MSS 1-300). Alexandria: Galal Hazzi & Co., 1970 [the only volume published].
The Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Arabes Chrétiennes (CEDRAC) in Beirut had intended to publish the remainder of the catalogue; unfortunately, this plan has not yet been realized.
K. W. Clark, Checklist of Manuscripts in St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai, Microfilmed for the Library of Congress, 1950 (Washington, D.C., 1952).
M. D. Gibson, Catalogue of the Arabic MSS. in the Convent of S. Catharine on Mount Sinai. (Studia Sinaitica 3) (London, 1894).
M. Kāmil, Fihrist maktabat dayr Sānt Kātirīn bi-Ṭūr Sīnāʾ, 2 vols. (Cairo, 1951).
———, Catalogue of All Manuscripts in the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai (Wiesbaden, 1970).
Rǝšīmaṯ seqer šel kiṯvē hay-yaḏ bǝ-sifriyyaṯ minzar Sṭ. Qaṯerīnāh, Sīnay [A Checklist of the Manuscripts at the Library of St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai] (Jerusalem, 1968).
A checklist of Arabic and other manuscripts microfilmed by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1968 (not by the Library of Congress).
P. A. Syrku, Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum et impressorum monasterii S. Catharinae in Monte Sinai ad fidem codicis Porphyriani № IV Б 18/135 (Saint Petersburg, 1891) [an extract from P. A. Syrku, “Opisanie bumag episkopa Porfirija Uspenskago pozhertvovannykh im v Imperatorskuju Akademiju nauk po zavesh’aniju,” Zapiski Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk 64 (1891): 325-352].
A checklist of Sinai Arabic manuscripts, by N. Krylov and F. Ṣarrūf (members of the Russian bishop Porfirij Uspenskij’s team, which visited Sinai in 1850).
NOTE: Microfilms of Sinai manuscripts can be found at the Library of Congress and other libraries (Oxford, Louvain, etc.). Microfilms of Sinai manuscripts not microfilmed by the Library of Congress can be found at the National and University Library in Jerusalem.
(b) Sinai New Finds
Y. E. Meïmárēs, Katálogos tōn néōn arabikṓn kheirográphōn tēs hierás monḗs hagías Aikaterínēs tou órous Siná (Athens, 1985).
Review: S. K. Samir, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 52.1 (1986): 441-444.
(c) Sinai Documents
D. S. Richards, Mamluk Administrative Documents from St. Catherine’s Monastery (Leuven, 2011).
(d) Hiersemann Katalog 500
[A. Baumstark]. Katalog 500, Orientalische Manuskripte: Arabische, syrische, griechische, armenische, persische Handschriften des 7.-18. Jahrhunderts, meist theologischen, vorzüglich kirchen- u. liturgiegeschichtlichen Inhalts von hoher Bedeutung, z. gr. Tl. inedita und unica, mit 20 Tafeln (Leipzig, 1922).
Illuminated and Other IX-XVIII Century Manuscripts … Property of a Distinguished Continental Collector, Now Deceased, Sold by Order of His Son …. (New York, 1948).
From “Excerpts from the Parke-Bernet Auction Catalog of November 1948 containing descriptions of oriental manuscripts being sold from the collection of a ‘distinguished continental collector.’ This collector was Otto Mettler-Specker and many of the manuscripts were purchased from the Karl Hiersemann Antiquariat of Leipzig and could be found described in the famous Hiersemann 500 auction catalog. The Syriac manuscripts owned by Mettler-Specker in particular were of importance because they were Chalcedonian, probably originating from St Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai. The fate of many of the manuscripts sold at this auction is presently unknown and it is assumed that North American libraries and collectors probably own them, not fully realizing their provenance, history, or importance.”
B. Outtier, “Le sort des manuscrits du ‘Katalog Hiersemann 500’,” Analecta Bollandiana 93 (1975): 377-380.
W. Strothmann, “Die orientalischen Handschriften der Sammlung Mettler (Katalog Hiersemann 500),” in W. Voigt (ed.) XIX. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 28. September bis 4. Oktober 1975 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Vorträge, Sektion IV. (ZDMG Supplement III.i) (Wiesbaden, 1977), 285-293. [].
For all other links on to manuscript catalogues from Sinai, click here.
(e) Studies on Sinai Arabic Manuscripts (and membra disiecta)
J. Blau, “Über einige christlich-arabische Manuskripte aus dem 9. und 10. Jahrhundert,” Le Muséon 75.1-2 (1962): 101-108.
———, “Über einige alte christlich-arabische Handschriften aus Sinai,” Le Muséon 76.3-4 (1963): 369-374.
P. Géhin, “Manuscrits sinaïtiques dispersés I: les fragments syriaques et arabes de Paris,” Oriens Christianus 90 (2006): 23-43.
a-S. Naššār, Fahāris al-maḫṭūṭāt al-ʿarabiyya bi-maktabat Dayr Sānt Kātirīn: Dirāsa taḥlīliyya (Alexandria, 2000).
J. Oestrup, “Über zwei arabische codices sinaitici der Strassburger Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek,” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 51 (1897): 453-471.
T. Pataridze, “Les signatures des cahiers unilingues et bilingues dans les manuscrits sinaïtiques (géorgiens, arabes et syriaques),” Manuscripta Orientalia 18.1 (2012): 15-35.
S. K. Samir, “Tableau de correspondance des manuscrits arabes du Sinai et du catalogue de Murād Kāmil,” Oriens Christianus 60 (1976): 76-82.
———, Tables de concordance des manuscrits arabes chrétiens du Caire et du Sinaï (Louvain, 1986).
N. P. Ševčenko, “Manuscript Production on Mount Sinai from the Tenth to the Thirteenth Century,” in S. E. J. Gerstel and R. S. Nelson, eds., Approaching the Holy Mountain: Art and Liturgy at St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai (Turnhout, 2010), 233-258.
M. N. Swanson, “Solomon, Bishop of Mount Sinai (Late Tenth Century AD),” in R. Ebied and H. Teule, eds., Studies on the Christian Arabic Heritage: In Honour of Father Prof. Dr. Samir Khalil Samir S.I. at the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Leuven, 2004), 91-111.
A. Treiger, “Ṣāliḥ ibn Saʿīd al-Masīḥī,” CMR, vol. 5, pp. 643-650.
(f) Studies on Specific Manuscripts
Sinai ar. 1:
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Liber Iob detractus apud Sin. Ar. 1: Notas en torno a la Vorlage siriaca de un manuscrito árabe cristiano (s. IX),” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 1 (2004): 119-142.
Sinai ar. 2:
I. Bassal, “An Early Copy of a Christian Arabic Pentateuch: Ms Sinai Arabic 2 and Its Affinity to the Peshīṭta,” in J. P. Monferrer-Sala and S. K. Samir, eds., Graeco-latina et orientalia: Studia in honorem Angeli Urbani Heptagenarii (Beirut, 2013), 13-33.
———, “Syriac-Aramaic Words in an Early Christian Arabic Copy of the Pentateuch (Ms Sin. Ar. 2),” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 10 (2013): 17-36.
M. Lindgren and V. Ronny, “An Early Copy of the Pentateuch and the Book of Daniel in Arabic (MS Sinai–Arabic 2): Preliminary Observations on Codicology, Text Types, and Translation Technique,” Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 1 (2013): 43-68.
R. Vollandt, Arabic Versions of the Pentateuch: A Comparative Study of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Sources (Leiden, 2015), 142-151.
Sinai ar. 69:
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Fragmento sinaítico en ‘arabe medio’ con listado de perícopas pertenecientes a los ‘tiempos’ de ‘Septuagésima’, ‘Sexagésima’ y ‘Ayuno’, según el ciclo Bizantino,” Anaquel de Estudios Árabes 12 (2001): 481-499.
Sinai ar. 72:
S. Arbache, “Une version arabe des Évangiles: Langue, texte et lexique,” PhD diss., Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III, 1994.
———, L’Évangile arabe selon saint Luc: texte du VIIIe siècle, copié en 897, édition et traduction = al-Inǧīl al-ʿArabī bišārat al-qiddīs Lūqā (Brussels, 2012).
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Dos antiguas versiones neotestamentarias árabes surpalestinenses: Sin. ar. 72, Vat. ar. 13 y sus posibles Vorlagen respectivas greco-alejandrina y siriaca de la Pesitta,” Ciudad de Dios: Revista agustiniana 213.2 (2000): 363-387.
Sinai ar. 73 (and Paris ar. 6725, fols. 5-11 and 20-27):
P. Géhin, “Manuscrits sinaïtiques dispersés I: les fragments syriaques et arabes de Paris,” Oriens Christianus 90 (2006): 23-43 (pp. 27-30 in specific).
Sinai ar. 116:
G. Garitte, “Un évangéliaire grec-arabe du Xe siècle (cod. Sin. ar. 116),” in K. Treu and others, eds., Studia Codicologica (Berlin, 1977), 207-225.
Sinai ar. 151:
S. P. Brock, “A Neglected Witness to the East Syriac New Testament Commentary Tradition: Sinai, Arabic MS 151,” in R. Ebied and H. Teule, eds., Studies on the Christian Arabic Heritage: In Honour of Father Prof. Dr. Samir Khalil Samir S.I. at the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Leuven, 2004), 205-215.
H. Staal, ed. and trans., Mt. Sinai Arabic Codex 151: I. Pauline Epistles, 2 vols. (Louvain, 1983).
———, Mt. Sinai Arabic Codex 151: II. Acts of the Apostles, Catholic Epistles, 2 vols. (Louvain, 1984).
Sinai ar. 154 (and Paris ar. 6725, fols. 28-35):
P. Géhin, “Manuscrits sinaïtiques dispersés I: les fragments syriaques et arabes de Paris,” Oriens Christianus 90 (2006): 23-43 (pp. 30-31 in specific).
Sinai ar. 155 (and Paris syr. 378, fols. 59-60, Munich, BSB ar. 1071, and London, BL or. 8612):
R. M. Frank, ed., The Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach (Sinai ar. 155, IXth/Xth cent.), Edited with an Arabic-Greek Word Index (Louvain, 1974).
P. Géhin, “Manuscrits sinaïtiques dispersés I: les fragments syriaques et arabes de Paris,” Oriens Christianus 90 (2006): 23-43 (pp. 38-40 in specific).
Sinai ar. 274:
J. Grand'henry. "La discours de saint Grégoire de Nazianze dans le manuscrit arabe du Sinaï 274," Le Muséon 94 (1981): 153-176.
Sinai ar. 311:
S. K. Samir, "Le recueil éphrémien arabe des 30 homélies (Sinaï Arabe 311)," Parole de l'Orient 4 (1973): 265-315.
———, "Eine Homilien-Sammlung des Ephräm, der Codex Sinaiticus arabicus Nr 311," Oriens Christianus 58 (1974): 51-75.
Sinai ar. 385:
J. Rassi, “Le manuscrit arabe Sinaï 385: S’agit-il des Pandectes de Nicon de la Montagne Noire (XIe siècle)?” Parole de l’Orient 34 (2009): 157-236.
Sinai ar. 395:
G. Garitte, “Une version arabe de l’Agathange grec dans le Sin. ar. 395,” Le Muséon 63 (1950): 231-247.
———, “La Vie géorgienne de Saint Cyriaque et son modèle arabe,” in G. Garitte, Scripta Disiecta 1941-1977, vol. 2. (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980), 662-675.
A. N. Ter-Ghevondyan, Agatʿangeghosi arabakan nor khmbagrutʿyuně: araberen bnagir ev usumnasirutʿyun (Erevan, 1968).
Sinai ar. 410A, 410B, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 420, and 421:
J.-M. Sauget, Premières recherches sur l’origine et les chractéristiques des synaxaires melkites (XIe–XVIIe siècles), (Brussels, 1969).
Sinai ar. 445:
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Šahādat al-qiddīs Mār Anṭūniyūs: Replanteamiento de la 'antigüedad' de las versiones sinaíticas a la luz del análisis textual,” MEAH: Sección Árabe-Islam 57 (2008): 237-267 [on Anthony / Rawḥ al-Qurashī].
———, “The Anaphora Pilati According to the 'Sinaitic Arabic 445': A New Edition, with Translation and a First Analysis,” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 61.3-4 (2009): 167-198.
J. P. Monferrer-Sala and A. Zomeño, “Abgari regis fabulæ versio iuxta narrationem magnæ ecclesiæ Edessæ aedificationis (secundum Sinaiticum arabicum CDXLV, qui in Cœnobio Sanctæ Catalinæ asservatur),” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 5 (2008): 147-181.
Á. Urbán and J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “Paradosis Pilati in the Sinaitic Arabic 445: New Edition with a Preliminary Study,” Parole de l’Orient 37 (2012): 107-134.
Sinai ar. 457:
J.-M. Sauget, “La collection homilético-hagiographique du manuscrit Sinaï arabe 457,” Proche-Orient Chrétien 22 (1972): 129-167.
Sinai ar. 460:
N. J. Marr, “Kresh’enie armian, gruzin, abkhazov i alanov sviatym Grigoriem (arabskaja versija),” Zapiski vostochnago otdelenija Imperatorskago russkago arkheologicheskago obsh’estva 16.2-3 (1905): 65-211.
Sinai ar. 467:
J.-M. Sauget, “Un nouveau témoin de collection d’Apophthegmata Patrum: le Paterikon du Sinaï arabe 547,” Le Muséon 86 (1973): 5-35.
Sinai ar. 493, 494, and 495 (and membra disiecta in the Mingana collection):
M. N. Swanson, “Three Sinai Manuscripts of Books of the Master and the Disciple and Their membra disiecta in Birmingham,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 65.2 (1999): 347-361.
Sinai ar. 514 (and Schøyen Collection MS 579):
S. Shoemaker, “New Syriac Dormition Fragments,” Le Muséon 124.3-4 (2011): 259-278.
Sinai ar. 516 (and Mingana Chr. Arab. Add. 139 and 143):
U. Ben-Horin, “An Unknown Arabic Translation of the Syriac Romance of Julian the Apostate,” Studia Hierosolymitana 9 (1961): 1-10.
A. Muraviev and M. van Esbroeck, Lulianos. Die arabische Übersetzung des Julianromans. Sinaitische Hs. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium) (Louvain, 2015).
Sinai ar. 533:
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, "Dos tablas inéditas con alfabeto copto y cifras coptas cursivas insertas en un códice del s. XIII del Monasterio de Santa Catalina," Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 12 (2015): 279-286.
Sinai ar. 535:
J. P. Monferrer-Sala, “A Greek Text in Arabic: 'James’ martyrdom' according to Eusebius of Caesarea’s Historia ecclesiastica (Sin. ar. 535),” Oriens Christianus 93 (2009): 85-108.
Sinai ar. 539:
M. van Esbroeck, “Une collection de 35 apocryphes apostoliques,” Parole de l’Orient 24 (1999): 179-199.
Sinai ar. 542:
A. Binggéli, “L’hagiographie du Sinaï arabe d’après un recueil du IXe siècle (Sinaï arabe 542),” Parole de l’Orient 32 (2007): 163-180.
Sinai ar. 547:
J.-M. Sauget, “Un nouveau témoin de collection d’Apophthegmata Patrum: le Paterikon du Sinaï arabe 547,” Le Muséon 86 (1973): 5-35.
Sinai ar. 549:
A. Treiger, “Syro-Arabic Translations in Abbasid Palestine: The Case of John of Apamea’s Letter on Stillness (Sinai ar. 549),” Parole de l’Orient 39 (2014): 79-131.
Sinai ar. 561:
N. Edelby, ed., Sulaymān al-Ġazzī: šāʿir wa-kātib masīḥī min al-qarnayn al-ʿāšir wa-l-ḥādī ʿašar (Jounieh, 1984-1986), vol. 2, pp. 17-21.
J. Nasrallah, HMLÉM, vol. III.2, pp. 127-128.
———, “Sulaïmān al-Ġazzī évêque melchite de Gaza (XIe siècle),” Oriens Christianus 62 (1978): 144-157, pp. 152-155.
Sinai ar. 589:
A. Drint, The Mount Sinai Arabic Version of IV Ezra, 2 vols. (CSCO 563-564 / Scriptores Arabici 48-49) (Louvain, 1997).
Sinai ar. 692:
J.-M. Mouton and A. Popescu-Belis, “La fondation du monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï selon deux documents de sa bibliothèque: codex Arabe 692 et rouleau Arabe 955,” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 2 (2005): 141-206.
Sinai ar. NF Perg. 6, 5, and 63:
H. Kashouh [Kachouh], The Arabic Versions of the Gospels: The Manuscripts and Their Families (Berlin, 2012), §8.1.1, pp. 288-291.
Sinai ar. NF Perg. 8 and 28:
H. Kachouh, “Sinai Ar. N.F. Parchment 8 and 28: Its Contribution to Textual Criticism of the Gospel of Luke,” Novum Testamentum 50 (2008): 28-57.
———, The Arabic Versions of the Gospels: The Manuscripts and Their Families (Berlin, 2012), §4.4.3, pp. 97-100.
Sinai ar. NF Perg. 14 and 16:
D. A. Morozov, “K datirovke drevnejshej arabskoj rukopisi Evangelija” [On the Dating of the Earliest Arabic Gospel Manuscript], in Kapterevskie Chtenija: Sbornik statej, 6 (Moscow, 2008), 19-23.
Sinai ar. NF Paper 19:
S. P. Brock and S. Hopkins, “A Verse Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt: Syriac Original with Early Arabic Translation,” Le Muséon 105 (1992): 87-146.
To return to the main page for Christian Arabic Studies, click here.