See entry for Assemani 71 and Assemani 73; [Bibliographic Record]; [Data Record]
- Assemani 71 (XVI century)
- f. 11v-28v- Assemani 71: Homilies of Jacob of Sarug (Garshuni)
- On the angel guarding paradise
- On the explusion of Adam from Paradise
- On Adam, whether he was created in a state of mortality or immortality
- On the Thief on the Right
- f. 29r-49r Ephrem Syrus, Ascetical sermon on penitence and contrition
- f. 11v-28v- Assemani 71: Homilies of Jacob of Sarug (Garshuni)
- Assemani 73 (VIII century)
- The letters of Severus of Antioch translated into Syriac from Greek by Anastasius of Nisibis (A.D. 669)
- f. 1r To the monks of the great monastery
- f. 2r To Bishop Eleusinius
- f. 3v To Archelaus of Tyre
- f. 4r About Monks and monasteries, to Valeriana the deaconness and abbess
- f. 5r To Iannia the deaconness and abbess
- f. 6v Letter to Simeon, the abbot of the great monastery
- f. 7r Letter to Nonnus, the Bishop of Seleucia
- f. 9r Letter to Victor, the Bishop of Philadelphia
- f. 9v Letter to Stephen, Bishop of Apamea
- f. 10r Letter to the wife of Calliopius, the Patriarch with a diptych
- The letters of Severus of Antioch translated into Syriac from Greek by Anastasius of Nisibis (A.D. 669)
Manuscript Name:
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: Orientali 30b
Garshuni, Syriac
Approximate Date:
700 CE