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Journal Article
Y. Sabar, Lel-Huza: Story and History in a Cycle of Lamentations for the Ninth of Ab in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 21, no. 1-2, pp. 138–162, 1976.
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J. - M. Sauget, L'homéliaire arabe de la Bibliothèque Ambrosienne (X. 198 Sup.) et ses membra disiecta, Analecta Bollandiana, vol. 88, pp. 391-475, 1970.
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J. Starcky, The Nabateans: A Historical Sketch, Biblical Archaeologist, vol. 18, pp. 84-106, 1955.
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Y. Sabar, On the Nature of the Oral Translations of the Book of Exodus in Neo-Aramaic, Maarav, vol. 5-6, pp. 311-317, 1990.
J. B. - Z. Segal, Neo-Aramaic Proverbs of the Jews of Zakho, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 251-270, 1955.
M. E. Stone, A New Manuscript of the Syro-Arabic Version of the Fourth Book of Ezra, Journal for the Study of Judaism, vol. 8, pp. 183-184, 1977.
S. J. Shoemaker, New Syriac Dormition Fragments from Palimpsests in the Schøyen Collection and the British Library: Presentation, Edition and Translation, Le Muséon, vol. 124, no. 3-4, pp. 259-278, 2011.
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W. F. von Soden, Das nordsyrische KTK/Kiski und der Tertan Šamšī-ilu: Erwägungen zu einem neuen Buch, Studi Epigra ci e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico, vol. 2, pp. 133-141, 1985.
P. Swiggers, The Notation System of the Old Aramaic Inscriptions, Archív Orientálni, vol. 51, pp. 378-381, 1983.
J. B. - Z. Segal, A Note on a Mosaic from Edessa, Syria, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 107-110, 1983.
J. B. - Z. Segal, A note on a mosaic from Edessa, Syria, vol. 60, pp. 107–110, 1983.
J. C. Greenfield and Schaffer, A., Notes on the Akkadian-Aramaic Bilingual Statue from Tell Fekheryeh, British Institute for the Study of Iraq, vol. 45, pp. 109-116, 1983.
M. Sokoloff, Notes on the Aramaic Fragments of Enoch from Qumran Cave 4, Maarav, vol. 1, pp. 201-203, 1978.
J. C. Greenfield and Schaffer, A., Notes on the Curse Formulae of the Tell Fekherye Inscription, Revue biblique, vol. 92, pp. 47-59, 1985.
A. Scher, Notice des mss. syriaques et arabes conservés dans la bibliothèque de l’évêché chaldéen de Mardin, Revue des bibliothèques , vol. 8, pp. 64-95, 1908.
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J. - M. Sauget, Nouveaux fragments de rouleaux liturgiques byzantino-melkites en syriaque, Le Muséon, vol. 88, pp. 5-30, 1975.
M. Sznycer, Nouveaux Ostraca de Nisa, Semitica, vol. 12, pp. 105–126, 1962.
W. Strothmann, Die orientalischen Handschriften der sammlung Mettler (Katalog Hiersemann 500), Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Supplement: XIX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 285-293, 1977.
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J. B. - Z. Segal, Pagan Monuments in the Vilayet of Urfa, Anatolian Studies, vol. 3, pp. 97-119, 1953.
C. F. Nims and Steiner, R., A Paganized Version of Psalm 20:2-6 From the Aramaic Text in Demotic Script, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 103, pp. 261-274, 1983.
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S. K. Samir, Les prologues de l’évangéliaire rimé de ‘Abdishu‘ de Nisibe, Proche-Orient Chrétien, vol. 31, pp. 43-70, 1981.
E. D. Schürer, Die Psalmen Salomo's, Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, vol. 3, pp. 150-156, 1898.
Y. Sabar, The Quadriradical Verb in Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 27, pp. 149–176, 1987.
M. Sznycer, Quelques observations sur les Ostraca de Nisa, Semitica, vol. 13, pp. 31-37, 1963.
S. K. Samir, Le recueil Ephrémien arabe des 30 homélies (Sinaï arabe 311), Parole de l'Orient, vol. 4, pp. 265–316, 1973.
S. K. Samir, Le recueil Ephrémien arabe des 52 homélies, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, vol. 39, pp. 307-332, 1973.
S. Shaked, Review: A Dictionary of Aramaic Ideograms in Pahlavi, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 75-81, 1993.
M. Sokoloff, Review of Mandaic Incantation Texts, Orientalia, vol. 40, pp. 448–458, 1970.
S. Segert, Reviewed Work: Aramaic Texts from Deir 'Alla by J. Hoftijzer, G. van der Kooij, H. J. Franken, V. R. Mehra, J. Voskuil, J. A. Mosk, P. A. H. de Boer, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. 72, pp. 182-189, 1980.
S. Segert, Reviewed Work: Grammatik des samaritanischen Aramäisch (= Studia Samaritana, IV) by Rudolf Macuch, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. 75, pp. 209–213, 1983.
Y. Sabar, Reviewed Work: The Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zakho by Iddo Avinery, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 111, no. 3, pp. 653-656, 1991.
L. T. Stuckenbruck, Revision of Aramaic—Greek and Greek—Aramaic Glossaries in the Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumrân Cave 4 by J. T. Milik , Journal of Jewish Studies , vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 13-48, 1990.
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P. Servant and Desprez, V., Saint Éphrem: Six hymnes sur la virginité, Lettre de Ligugé, vol. 258, pp. 21-34, 1991.
R. Schröter, Scholien des Bar-Hebraeus: zu Psalm III. IV. VI. VII. IX.-XV. XXIII. LIII., nebst dessen Vorrede zum Neuen Testamente, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 29, pp. 247-303, 1847.
L. R. M. Sako, Les sources de la chronique de Séert, Parole de l'Orient, vol. 14, pp. 155–166, 1987.
S. Segert, Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu einigen aramäischen Texten von Qumran, Archiv Orientalni, vol. 33, pp. 190–206, 1965.
