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J. A. Emerton, [Review: MAX WILCOX , The Semitisms of Acts], Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 282-297, 1986.
B. Porten and Yardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt: 1. Letters, vol. 1, 4 vol. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1986.
S. Shaked and Naveh, J., Three Aramaic Seals of the Achaemenid Period, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 1, pp. 21-29, 1986.
S. Shaked and Naveh, J., Amulets and Magic Bowls: Aramaic incantations of late antiquity. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1985.
M. Sokoloff and Yahalom, J., Aramaic Piyyutim from the Byzantine Period, The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 309-321, 1985.
V. Sasson, The Aramaic Text of the Tell Fakhriyah Assyrian-Aramaic Bilingual Inscription, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 86-102, 1985.
R. Steiner and Nims, C. F., Ashurbanipal and Shamash-Shum-Ukin: A Tale of Two Brothers from the Aramaic Text in Demotic Script: Part 1 , Revue Biblique, vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 60-81, 1985.
W. E. Aufrecht, A bibliography of the Deir ʻAlla plaster texts, vol. 2. Toronto: Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto, 1985.
J. Teixidor, Book Review: Aramaic Texts from North Saqqâra with Some Fragments in Phoenician, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 731-734, 1985.
R. Zadok, Book Review: Aramaic Texts from North Saqqara with Some Fragments in Phoenician. Excavations at North Saqqara Documentary Series under the General Direction of H. S. Smith, 4 = Texts from Excavations, Die Welt des Orients, vol. 16, pp. 173-176, 1985.
R. W. Garr, Dialect Geography of Syria Palestine 1000–586 BCE. Philadelphia: Eisenbrauns, 1985.
D. Sperber, A Dictionary of Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature. Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 1985.
H. G. M. Williamson, Ezra, Nehemiah. Waco: Word Books, 1985.
K. Jacob and Elkhouri, A., The Guide: The First Literary Colloquial Syriac Dictionary. Stockholm: Syriac Association in Sweden, 1985.
F. R. Allchin and Norman, K. R., Guide to the Asokan Inscriptions, South Asian Studies, vol. 1, pp. 43-50, 1985.
B. Aggoula, Inscriptions et graffites araméens d’Assour, vol. 2. Naples: [publisher not identified], 1985.
F. Safar, Kitābāt al-Hadr', Sumer, vol. 44, pp. 98-110, 1985.
O. Jastrow, Mlahso: An Unknown Neo-Aramaic Language of Turkey, Journal of Semitic Studies , vol. 30, pp. 265–270, 1985.
W. F. von Soden, Das nordsyrische KTK/Kiski und der Tertan Šamšī-ilu: Erwägungen zu einem neuen Buch, Studi Epigra ci e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico, vol. 2, pp. 133-141, 1985.
D. M. Gropp and Lewis, T. J., Notes on Some Problems in the Aramaic Text of the Hadd-Yith'i Bilingual, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. 256, pp. 45-61, 1985.
J. C. Greenfield and Schaffer, A., Notes on the Curse Formulae of the Tell Fekherye Inscription, Revue biblique, vol. 92, pp. 47-59, 1985.
J. Starcky and Gawlikowski, M., Palmyre. Paris: Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, 1985.
M. H. Silverman, Religious Values in the Jewish Proper Names at Elephantine. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker, 1985.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes X, Syria, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 281–285, 1985.
S. P. Vleeming and Wesselius, J. - W., Studies in Papyrus Amherst 63: essays on the Aramaic texts in Aramaic-demotic Papyrus Amherst 63. Amsterdam: Juda Palache Instituut, 1985.
T. Muraoka, A Study in Palestinian Jewish Aramaic, Sefarad, vol. 46, pp. 3-21, 1985.
A. Ungnad, Syrische Grammatik mit Übungsbuch. Munich: C.H. Beck, 1985.
O. Jastrow, The Turoyo Language Today, Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society, vol. 1, pp. 7–16, 1985.
G. Schwarz, 'Und Jesus sprach’: Untersuchungen zur aramäischen Urgestalt der Worte Jesu, 1st ed. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1985.
K. Beyer, Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer : samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984.
J. A. Hackett, The Balaam text from Deir 'Alla. Chico: Scholars Press, 1984.
R. A. Brauner, Comparative Lexicon of Old Aramaic , Dropsie University, Philadelphia, 1984.
J. A. Hackett, The Dialect of the Plaster Text from Tell Deir 'Alla, Orientalia, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 57-65, 1984.
T. Harviainen, Diglossia in Jewish Eastern Aramaic, Studia Orientalia, vol. 55, pp. 95–114, 1984.
M. S. Abdulla, Excavation/Inscriptions at the Twelfth Temple (Temple of the god Nabu), Sumer, vol. 43, pp. 100–118, 1984.
D. M. Golomb, A Grammar of Targum Neofiti . Chico: Scholars Press, 1984.
J. Naveh, Hebrew and Aramaic in the Persian Period, in The Cambridge history of Judaism. Introduction: The Persian period, W. David Davies and Finkelstein, L., Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, pp. 115–129.
R. Zadok, On the Historical Background of the Sefire Treaty, Annali dell'istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, vol. 44, pp. 529–538, 1984.
A. Lemaire and Durand, J. - M., Les inscriptions araméennes de Sfire et l’Assyrie de Shamshi-ilu. Geneva ; Paris: Droz, 1984.
P. Grelot, L’arriere plan araméen du Pater, Revue Biblique, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 531–556, 1984.
G. D. Sixdenier, La langue du Targum samaritain: Observations sur son evolution, Journal Asiatique, vol. 272, no. 3-4, pp. 223–235, 1984.
Y. Sabar, Midrashim ba-Aramit Yehude Ḳurdisṭan le-farshiyot Ṿa-yeḥi, Be-shalaḥ ṿ-Yitro. Jerusalem: ha-Aḳademyah ha-le-Cumit ha-Yiśreʼelit le-madaʻim, 1984.
H. J. Polotsky, Neusyrische Konjugation, Orientalia Suecana, vol. 33/35, pp. 323–332, 1984.
A. Frey, Petite grammaire syriaque. Freiburg: Éditions universitaires, 1984.
J. - W. Wesselius, Review of the Bisitun Inscription of Darius the Great: Aramaic Version, Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 41, pp. 440-445, 1984.
M. E. Wilcox, Semitisms in the New Testament, in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, 2nd ed., vol. 2, no. 2, Berlin ; New York: De Gruyter, 1984, pp. 978–1029.
A. Lemaire, La stèle araméenne de Barhaddad, Orientalia, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 337-349, 1984.
Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico. 1984.
B. N. Mukherjee, Studies in the Aramaic edicts of Aśoka. Calcutta: Indian Museum, 1984.
H. Anschütz, Die syrischen Christen vom Tur ʻAbdin: eine altchristliche Bevölkerungsgruppe zwischen Beharrung, Stagnation und Auflösung. Würtzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1984.
