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Book Chapter
J. S. Assemani, Ed., Chronicon Edessenum, in Bibliothecae Orientalis Clementino-Vaticanae, Tomus primum de Scriptoribus Syris Orthodoxis, vol. 1, Rome: Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1719, pp. 387-429.
F. Jullien, La Chronique du Huzistān. Une page d’histoire sassanide, in Trésors d'Orient: Mélanges offerts à Rika Gyselen, P. Gignoux, Jullien, F., and Jullien, C., Eds. Paris: Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes, 2009, pp. 159-186.
L. I. Conrad, The Conquest of Arwad: A Source-Critical Study in the Historiography of the Early Medieval Near East, in The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East: I. Problems in the Literary Source Material , L. I. Conrad and Cameron, A., Eds. Princeton: Darwin Press, 1992, pp. 317-401.
J. - B. de Rossi and Duchesne, L., De Martyrologii Origene et Fontibus, in Martyrologium Hieronymianum, vol. 1, 2 vol., Brussels: Socios Bollandianos, 1894, p. xlvi-lxxxii.
H. J. W. Drijvers, The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles: A Syriac Apocalypse from the Early Islamic Period, in The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East: I. Problems in the Literary Source Material; (papers of the first Workshop on Late Antiquity and Early Islam), A. Cameron and Conrad, L. I., Eds. Princeton: Darwin Press , 1992, pp. 189–213.
J. W. Watt, Greek historiography and the Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, in After Bardaisan: studies on continuity and change in Syriac Christianity in honour of Professor Han J.W. Drijvers, G. J. Reinink and Klugkist, A. C., Eds. Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters en dép.oosterse Studies, 1999, pp. 317-327.
A. Scher, Histoire Nestorienne Inédite (Chronique de Séert): Premère partie (I), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1908, pp. 213-312.
A. Scher, Histoire Nestorienne Inédite (Chronique de Séert): Premère partie (II), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1910, pp. 217-344.
A. Scher, Histoire Nestorienne Inédite (Chronique de Séert): Seconde partie (I), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1911, pp. 95-203.
A. Scher, Histoire Nestorienne Inédite (Chronique de Séert): Seconde partie (II), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1919, pp. 435-639.
J. L. Schulze, Historia Religiosa, in Theodoreti Cyrensis Episcopi Opera Omnia. Post Recensionem Jacobi Sirmondi, vol. 3, 3 vol., Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1864, pp. 1279-1497.
B. Evetts, Ed., History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria I: Saint Mark to Theonas (300), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 101-214.
B. Evetts, Ed., History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria II: Peter I to Benjamin I (661), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 383-518.
B. Evetts, Ed., History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria III: Agathon to Michael I (766), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907, pp. 1-215.
B. Evetts, Ed., History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria IV: Mennas I to Joseph (849), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1915, pp. 359-549.
E. W. Brooks, Iohannis Ephesini: Historiae Ecclesiasticae Fragmenta quae e prima et secunda parte supersunt, in Chronicon Pseudo Dionysianum Vulgo Dictum II, vol. 2, 3 vol., J. - B. Chabot, Ed. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1927, pp. 402-417.
E. W. Brooks, Ed., John of Ephesus: Lives of the Eastern Saints (I), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1923, pp. 1-307.
E. W. Brooks, Ed., John of Ephesus. Lives of the Eastern Saints (II), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1924, pp. 513-698.
E. W. Brooks, Ed., John of Ephesus: Lives of the Eastern Saints (III), in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1926, pp. 151-285.
W. Witakowski, L'horizon geographique de l'historiographie syriaque: Apercu preliminaire, in Des Sumeriens aux Romains d'Orient: La perception geographique du monde, A. Sérandour, Ed. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1997, pp. 199–209.
J. J. van Ginkel, Making History: Michael the Syrian and his Sixth-Century Sources, in Title Symposium syriacum VII, vol. 7, 7 vol., R. Lavenant, Ed. Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, 1998, pp. 351–358.
W. Witakowski, Malalas in Syriac, in Studies in John Malalas, E. Jeffreys, Ed. Sydney: University of Sydney, 1990, pp. 299–310.
S. P. Brock, North Mesopotamia in the late seventh century: Book XV of John Bar Penkaye's Riš Melle, in Studies in Syriac Christianity: history, literature, and theology, Brookfield: Variorum, 1992.
F. Nau, Ed., La première partie de l’histoire de Barḥadbešabba ‘Arbaïa, in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1932, pp. 177-343.
C. Jullien, Quelques événements tirés d’ecclesiastikê et de cosmotikê, in Trésors d'Orient: Mélanges offerts à Rika Gyselen, P. Gignoux, Jullien, C., and Jullien, F., Eds. Paris: Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes, 2009, pp. 187-205.
F. Nau, Ed., La seconde partie de l’histoire de Barḥadbešabba ‘Arbaïa et controverse de Théodore de Mopsueste avec les Macédoniens, in Patrologia Orientalis, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1913, pp. 177-343.
W. Witakowski, The Sources of Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Mahre for the Christian Epoch of the First Part of his Chronicle, in After Bardaisan: studies on continuity and change in Syriac Christianity in honour of Professor Han J.W. Drijvers, A. C. Klugkist and Reinink, G. J., Eds. Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters en dép.oosterse Studies, 1999, pp. 329–366.
W. Witakowski, The Sources of Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Mahre for the Second Part of his Chronicle, in Leimōn: studies presented to Lennart Rydén on his sixty-fifth birthday, Uppsalla: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1996, pp. 181–210.
J. B. - Z. Segal, Syriac Chronicles as Source Material for the History of Islamic Peoples, in Historians of the Middle East, B. Lews and Holt, P. M., Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964, pp. 246–258.
W. Witakowski, Syriac Historical Writing, in The Hidden Pearl: The Syrian Orthodox Church and its Ancient Aramaic Heritage, vol. 3, 3 vol., S. P. Brock, Taylor, D. G. K., Balicka-Witakowski, E., and Witakowski, W., Eds. Rome: Trans World Film, 2001, pp. 167–194.
M. Debié, Temps linéaire, temps circulaire: Chronologie et histoire dans les chroniques syriaques, in Proche-Orient ancien: temps vécu, temps pensé. Actes de la table-ronde du 15 novembre 1997 organisée par l'URA 1062 "Etudes sémitiques", F. Briquel-Chatonnet and Lozachmeur, H., Eds. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1998, pp. 177-196.
A. Palmer, Une chronique contemporaine de laconquête arabe, in La Syrie de Byzance à l'Islam: VIIe-VIIIe siècles. Actes du colloque international, Lyon, Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe 11-15 septembre 1990, P. Canivet and Rey-Coquais, J. - P., Eds. Damascus: Institut français de Damas, 1992, pp. 31-46.
A. Palmer, Who Wrote the Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, in Lingua restituta orientalis: Festgabe für Julius Assfalg, R. Schulz and Görg, M., Eds. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1990, pp. 272–284.
B. Vandenhoff, Zu einigen Stellen des arabischen Textes der histoire nestorienne (chronique de Séert), in Festschrift Eduard Sachau zum siebzigsten Geburtstage gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern, G. Weil, Ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1915, pp. 208-214.
