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H. J. Polotsky, Modern Syriac Conjugation, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 263–277, 1991.
W. Arnold, Das Neuwestaramäische. 3, Volkskundliche Texte aus Maʻlūla, vol. 3, 5 vol. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991.
W. Arnold, Das Neuwestaramäische. 4: Orale Literatur aus Maclla, vol. 4, 5 vol. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991.
R. Zadok, On the Onomasticon of Old Aramaic Sources, Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 48, pp. 25-40, 1991.
A. Negev, Personal Names in the Nabataean Realm. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology. Hebrew University, 1991.
J. F. Healey, Phoenician and the Spread of Aramaic, in Atti del II Congresso internazionale di studi fenici e punici: Roma, 9-14 novembre 1987, Rome: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1991, pp. 663–666.
Y. Sabar, Reviewed Work: The Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zakho by Iddo Avinery, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 111, no. 3, pp. 653-656, 1991.
V. J. J. de Caen, A Revised Bibliography for the Samalian Dialect of Old Aramaic. Toronto: University of Toronto, Deptartment of Near Eastern Studies, 1991.
S. P. Brock, Some New Syriac Documents from the Third Century AD, ARAM, vol. 3, pp. 259–267, 1991.
Y. Sabar, Targum de-Targum: an old neo-Aramaic version of the Targum on Song of Songs; introduction, eclectic text, English translation, comparative notes, and glossary. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991.
F. A. Pennacchietti, Tosco, M., and Cerulli, E., Testi Neo-Aramaici dell’Unione Sovietica raccolti da Enrico Cerulli . Naples: Oriental Institute of the University, 1991.
B. Poizat, Une bibliographie commentée pour le Neo-Araméen. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1991.
Z. Stefanovic, Aramaic of daniel in the light of old Aramaic. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992.
É. Puech, [article], in Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 5, 6 vol., D. N. Freedman, Ed. 1992, pp. 130-135.
W. Horbury and Noy, D., Jewish inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt : with an index of the Jewish inscriptions of Egypt and Cyrenaica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
J. Huehnegard, Language, in Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 4, 6 vol., D. N. Freedman, Ed. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
S. A. Kaufman, Languages (Aramaic), in Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 4, 6 vol., New York: Doubleday, 1992, pp. 173-178.
O. Jastrow, Lehrbuch der Turoyo-Sprache. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992.
D. F. Graf, Nabateans, vol. 4, 6 vol., D. N. Freedman, Ed. New York: Doubleday, 1992, pp. 970-973.
E. Will, Les Palmyréniens : la Venise des sables (Ier siècle avant - IIIème après J.-C.). Paris: Armand Colin, 1992.
J. Naveh, On Sherd and Papyrus. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1992.
É. Puech, La Stèle de Bar-hadad à Melqart et les Rois d'Arpad , Revue Biblique, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 311-334, 1992.
D. N. Freedman, Forbes, A. D., and Andersen, F. I., Eds., Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic orthography. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1992.
T. Muraoka, Ed., Studies in Qumran Aramaic. Louvain: Peeters Press, 1992.
S. P. Brock, Syriac Inscriptions: A Preliminary Check List of European Publications, in Studies in Syriac christianity: history, literature and theology, Aldershot: Variorum, 1992, pp. 255-271.
P. S. Alexander, Targum, Targumim, in Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 6, 6 vol., New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992, pp. 320–331.
V. Hug, Altaramäische Grammatik der Texte des 7. und 6. Jh. v. Chr . Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag, 1993.
W. Arnold and Behnstedt, P., Arabisch-aramäischen Sprachbeziehungen im Qalamun-Syrien: Eine dialektgeographische Untersuchung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993.
A. Biran and Naveh, J., An Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan, Israel Exploration Journal, vol. 43, no. 2/3, pp. 81-98, 1993.
G. Garbini, Aramaica, New Series. Rome: Università degli studi La Sapienza, 1993.
A. S. van der Woude, The Book of Daniel in the Light of New Findings. Louvain: Peeters, 1993.
Y. Sabar, The book of Numbers in Neo-Aramaic in the dialect of the Jewish community of Zakho: including selected texts in other Neo-Aramaic dialects and a glossary. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 1993.
The Dialect of the Deir Alla Inscription, Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 50, pp. 309-328, 1993.
J. R. Florit, Gramática del arameo clásico (oficial). Barcelona: Publications of the University of Barcelona, 1993.
J. Tropper, Die Inschriften von Zincirli: neue Edition und vergleichende Grammatik des phönizischen, sam'alischen und aramäischen Textkorpus. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1993.
V. V. Shumanov, Kunnash melle psiqa rushnaya-athuraya. St. Petersburg: Pras-Atra, 1993.
M. Albert, Langue et litterature syriaques, in Christianismes orientaux: Introduction à l'étude des langues et des littératures, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1993, pp. 297–375.
J. Naveh and Shaked, S., Magic Spells and Formulae: Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity . Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1993.
J. F. Healey, The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’in Salih. Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 1993.
R. Macuch and Dankwarth, G., Neumandäische Texte im dialekt von Ahwāz. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1993.
S. Shaked, Review: A Dictionary of Aramaic Ideograms in Pahlavi, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 75-81, 1993.
G. Goldenberg, Review Article: Otto Jastrow, Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Hertevin (Proving Siirt), Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 295–308, 1993.
R. Contini, Pennacchietti, F. A., and Tosco, M., Semitica: serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata. Turin: Silvio Zamorani ed., 1993.
B. Porten and Yardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic documents from ancient Egypt. 3. Literature, accounts, lists , vol. 3, 4 vol. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1993.
J. Teixidor, Un document syriaque de fermage de 242 après J-C, Semitica, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 195–208, 1993.
S. A. Hopkins, Yehude Kurdistan b-eres Yisrael uleshonam: Pe’amim, Studies in Oriental Jewry, vol. 56, pp. 50–74, 1993.
