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A. Frey, Petite grammaire syriaque. Freiburg: Éditions universitaires, 1984.
I. Brown, Petra. London: Chatto & Windus, 1973.
J. Starcky, Petra et la Nabatene, Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplement, vol. 7, pp. 886-1017, 1966.
A. Kammerer, Petra et la Nabatene [Atlas], vol. 2, 2 vol. Paris: Librarie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930.
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M. Lindner, Petra und das Königreich der Nabatäer: Lebensraum, Geschichte und Kultur eines arabischen Volkes der Antike, 3rd ed. Munich: Delp, 1980.
J. F. Healey, Phoenician and the Spread of Aramaic, in Atti del II Congresso internazionale di studi fenici e punici: Roma, 9-14 novembre 1987, Rome: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1991, pp. 663–666.
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F. Vattioni, Preliminari alle iscrizioni aramaiche, Augustinianum, vol. 9, pp. 305-361, 1969.
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R. Pummer, The Present State of Samaritan Studies: II, Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 27-47, 1977.
P. W. Coxon, The Problem of Consonantal Mutations in Biblical Aramaic, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 129, no. 1, pp. 8-22, 1979.
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R. Degen, R.A. Bowman, Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis, Chicago 1970, Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 31, pp. 124-127, 1974.
J. T. Townsend, Rabbinic Sources, in The study of Judaism: Bibliogr. essays, vol. 1, R. Bavier and Berman, L. V., Eds. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith, 1972, pp. 37–80.
K. Tsereteli, A Reader of the Modern Assyrian Language with a Dictionary. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press, 1980.
R. Macuch, Recent Studies in Neo-Aramaic Dialects, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 214-223, 1990.
A. Tal, Recent Studies in Palestinian Aramaic: The Demonstrative Pronouns, Leshonenu, vol. 44, pp. 43–65, 1980.
R. Macuch, Recent Studies in Palestinian Aramaic: The Demonstrative Pronouns, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 50, pp. 437–448, 1987.
M. Gawlikowski, Recueil d'inscriptions palmyréniennes: provenant de fouilles syriennes et polonaises récentes à Palmyre. Paris: Imprimerie National, 1974.
S. A. Kaufman, Reflections on the Assyrian-Aramaic Bilingual from Tell-Fakhariyeh, Maarav, vol. 3, pp. 137-175, 1982.
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K. Beyer, Der reichsaramaische Einschlag in der ältesten syrischen Literatur, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 116, no. 2, pp. 242–254, 1966.
S. E. Fox, The Relationship of the Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialects, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 154-162, 1994.
J. Hoftijzer, Religio Aramaica: godsdienstige verschijnselen in Aramese teksten. Leiden: Ex Oriente Lux, 1968.
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B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes III, Syria, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 181–206, 1975.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes IX, Berytus , vol. 18, pp. 85–104, 1969.
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B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes V, Semitica, vol. 27, pp. 123–143, 1977.
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B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes VIII, Syria, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 101–105, 1983.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes X, Syria, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 281–285, 1985.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes XII, Syria, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 353–374, 1986.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes XIII, Syria, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 91–106, 1987.
B. Aggoula, Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréenes XIII. Ibr IX, XIV, XX, XXI, Syria, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 223–229, 1987.
