Title | Excerpta Veteris Testamenti syriaci |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1682 |
Authors | Cellarius, C |
Publisher | Impr. Cizae |
City | Jenae |
Keywords | Bible |
URL | https://archive.org/details/ExcerptaVeterisTestamentiSyriaci |
Citation Key | 6168 |
Title | Excerpta Veteris Testamenti syriaci |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1682 |
Authors | Cellarius, C |
Publisher | Impr. Cizae |
City | Jenae |
Keywords | Bible |
URL | https://archive.org/details/ExcerptaVeterisTestamentiSyriaci |
Citation Key | 6168 |