Title | Ή Καἰvἡ Διαθἡκη. Testamentum novum. דיתיקא חדתא. Est autem interpretatio syriaca Novi Testamenti, Hebraeis typis descripta, plerisque etiam locis emendata. Eadem Latino sermone reddita. Autore Immanuele Tremellio |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1571 |
Authors | Tremellius, I |
Editor | Pesnot, C, Senneton, C, Beza, T |
Publisher | Excvdebat Henr. Stephanvs |
City | Geneva |
Keywords | Baumstark, Bible |
Notes | vol. 1 - 1569. vol. 2 - 1571 Both volumes available at the Bibliothèque de Genève. |
URL | https://archive.org/details/HKaineDiathekeTestamentumNovum1569 |
DOI | 10.3931/e-rara-6235 |
Citation Key | 6933 |