Title | Acta sanctorum martyrum Orientalium et Occidentalium in duas partes distributa, adcedunt Acta S. Simeonis Stylitae |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1748 |
Editor | Assemani, JS |
Volume | 1 |
Number of Volumes | 2 |
Publisher | Joseph Collins |
City | Rome |
Publication Language | lat.; syr. |
OCLC Number | 603767258 |
Keywords | Baumstark, Hagiography, Syriac Sasanian Sources |
Notes | Vol. 1: Acts of the Eastern Martyrs Vol. 2: Acts of the Western Martyrs |
URL | https://archive.org/details/ActaSanctorumMartyrumOrientaliumEtO |
Citation Key | 2225 |