Inscriptions araméennes du Golfe: Failaka, Qala'at al-Bahreïn et Mulayha (ÉAU)

TitleInscriptions araméennes du Golfe: Failaka, Qala'at al-Bahreïn et Mulayha (ÉAU)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsPuech, É
KeywordsAramaic Studies Introduction

This paper proposes some new insights into the first Aramaic inscriptions recently discovered along the eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula : from north to south, the engraved stone of Tell Khazneh (Failakah), the incised jar of Qala'at al-Bahrain, and the two bronze plates from Mleiha (UAE). If the first two inscriptions show some Babylonian influences from nearby Mesopotamia, the onomastic of the bronze plates reflects exchanges with the Nabatean culture showing the beginning of some Arabic influences in the language, although the writing itself points certainly towards northern traditions.

Citation Key5499