Title | Die Geschichte Josefs von Mar Narses, nach einer syrischen Handschrift der Königl. Bibliothek in Berlin, herausgegeben, übersetzt und kritisch bearbeitet |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1889 |
Authors | Grabowski, V |
Publisher | H. Itzkowski |
City | Berlin |
Keywords | Narsai |
Notes | This volume contains Grabowski’s inaugural dissertation: an edition, with annotated translation, of one of Narsai’s poems on the Joseph story from Genesis. The Syriac text was edited from a Berlin manuscript, and Grabowski, in the introduction, discusses Narsai’s possible sources and the meter, and gives a description of the manuscript itself. The notes to the translation highlight biblical, lexicographical, textual, and literary details. |
URL | https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers-lib/42943/ |
Citation Key | 3649 |